Eu3+ doped CaMoO4 micron phosphors of different concentrations were prepared by chemical precipitation method. The photoluminescence properties were studied in detail. The X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that the samples are scheelite structure, and doping Eu3+ enlarge the lattice parameter of host material. The scanning electron microscope images show that the particle morphology is near-spherical and the size is 4-5 μm. The excitation and emission spectra of CaMoO4:Eu show that CaMoO4:Eu can be effectively excited by blue light and near UV-light, and the red light emission of high colour purity can be realized. The electron-phonon coupling properties were also studied. The results indicate that the magnitude of Huang-Rhys factor is 10-2, so the CaMoO4:Eu is a weak electron-phonon coupling material. The results also indicate that the Huang-Rhys factor increases with the increase of concentration. It is probably because that increasing the doping concentration enhances the lattice relaxation. The transition intensity parameter Ω2 of Eu3+ enlarges while the concentration is increasing. Because Ω2 and the luminescent center environment are closely related, the numerical value of Ω2 enlarges with the increase of degree of environmental disorder. But Ω4 doesn't have obvious change. It can be explained that the environmental sensitivity level of Eu3+5D0→7F2 transition is higher than that of 5D0→7F4 transition. The quantum efficiency of Eu3+ 5D0 energy level decreases with the increase of doping concentration. This can be attributed that the enhancement of Eu3+ doping concentration enlarges the energy transfer rate between luminescent centers, so the energy of excited electrons can be transferred to quenching center more easily and then the nonradiative relaxation rate of excited electrons increases. The best doping concentration of Eu3+ is 25% by drawing the concentration quenching curve. Furthermore, the energy transfer type of Eu3+ in CaMoO4 host is confirmed to be exchange interaction and the critical distance is calculated to be 8.4 Å. The chromaticity coordinate of CaMoO4:Eu phosphors is (0.654, 0.334), so the samples have high colour purity. The study indicates that CaMoO4:Eu micron phosphor prepared by chemical precipitation method is a red phosphor material with excellent property.
- Eu3+ /
- Huang-Rhys factor /
- quantum efficiency /
- color coordinate
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[24] Tian Y, Qi X H, Wu X W, Hua R N, Chen B J 2009 J. Phys. Chem. C 113 10767
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[1] Tian Y, Chen B J, Hua R N, Sun J S, Chen L H, Li X P, Zhang J S, Zheng Y F, Yu T T, Huang L B, Yu H Q 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 109 053511
[2] Yan S X, Zhang J H, Zhang X, Lu S Z, Ren X G, Nie Z G, Wang X J 2007 J. Phys. Chem. C 111 13256
[3] Tang H X, L S C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 037805 (in Chinese) [唐红霞, 吕树臣 2011 60 037805]
[4] Hu Y S, Zhuang W D, Ye H Q, Wang D H, Zhang S S, Huang X W 2005 J. Alloys Compds. 390 226
[5] Wang J G, Jing X P, Yan C H, Lin J H, Liao F H 2005 J. Electrochem. Soc. 152 534
[6] Zhao X X, Wang X J, Chen B J, Meng Q Y, Yan B, Di W H 2007 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 27 629 (in Chinese) [赵晓霞, 王晓君, 陈宝玖, 孟庆裕, 颜斌, 狄卫华 2007 光谱学与光谱分析 27 629]
[7] Gao F, Liang L F, Guo C F 2009 Chin. J. Lumin. 30 179 (in Chinese) [高飞, 梁利芳, 郭崇峰 2009 发光学报 30 610]
[8] Zhao X X, Wang X J, Chen B J, Meng Q Y. Di W H, Ren G Z, Yang Y M 2007 J. Alloys Compd. 433 352
[9] Meng Q Y, Zhang Q, Li M, Liu L F, Qu X R, Wan W L, Sun J T 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 107804 (in Chinese) [孟庆裕, 张庆, 李明, 刘林峰, 曲秀荣, 万唯龙, 孙江亭 2012 61 107804]
[10] Sun L N, Meng Q Y, Feng X H, Zuo L, Yu C H, Ma L 2011 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 31 3218 (in Chinese) [孙立男, 孟庆裕, 冯晓辉, 左琳, 于臣海, 马丽 2011 光谱学与光谱分析 31 3218]
[11] Liu J, Lian H Z, Shi C S 2007 Opt. Mater. 29 1591
[12] Jin Y, Zhang J H, Hao Z D, Zhang X, Wang X J 2011 J. Alloys Compds. 509 348
[13] Kang F W, Hu Y H, Wu H Y, Ju G F, Mu Z F, Li N N 2011 Journal of Rare Earths 29 837
[14] Anees A A, Parchur A K, Manawwer A, Abdallah A 2014 Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 131 30
[15] Wang X F, Peng G H, Li N, Liang Z H, Wang X, Wu J L 2014 J. Alloys Compds. 599 102
[16] He C, Guan Y F, Yao L Z, Cai W L, Li X G, Yao Z 2003 Mater. Res. Bull. 38 973
[17] Di W H, Wang X J, Chen B J, Lu S Z, Zhao X X 2005 J. Phys. Chem. B 109 13154
[18] Jiang B X, Huang T D, Wu Y S, Liu W B, Pan Y B, Feng T, Yang Q H 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3407
[19] Yi J, Qiu J B, Wang Y A, Zhou D C 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 104224
[20] Singh N S, Singh S D, Meetei S D 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 058104
[21] Zhao X X, Wang X J, Chen B J, Meng Q Y, Yan B, Di W H 2007 Opt. Mater. 29 1680
[22] Chen B J, Wang H Y, Huang S H 2001 Chin. J. Lumin. 22 253 (in Chinese) [陈宝玖, 王海宇, 黄世华 2001 发光学报 22 253]
[23] Meng Q Y, Liu Z X, Sun W J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 097801 (in Chinese) [孟庆裕, 刘志鑫, 孙文军 2013 62 097801]
[24] Tian Y, Qi X H, Wu X W, Hua R N, Chen B J 2009 J. Phys. Chem. C 113 10767
[25] Soga K, Inoue H, Makishima A, Inoue S 1993 J. Lumin. 55 17
[26] Judd B R 1962 Phys. Rev. 127 750
[27] Ofelt G S 1962 J. Chem. Phys. 37 511
[28] Ray S, Pramanik P, Singha A, Roy A 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 97 094312
[29] Nishimura G, Kushida T 1988 Phys. Rev. B 37 9075
[30] Reisfeld R, Greenberg E, Brown R N, Drexhage M G, Jorgensen C K 1983 Chem. Phys. Lett. 95 91
[31] Huang S H, Lou L R 1990 Chin. J. Lumin. 11 1 (in Chinese) [黄世华, 楼立人 1990 发光学报 11 1]
[32] Blasse G 1986 J. Solid State Chem. 62 207
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