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Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor humidity sensor design for passive ultra-high frequency radio-frequency identification application

Deng Fang-Ming He Yi-Gang Zuo Lei Li Bing Wu Ke-Han


Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor humidity sensor design for passive ultra-high frequency radio-frequency identification application

Deng Fang-Ming, He Yi-Gang, Zuo Lei, Li Bing, Wu Ke-Han
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  • This paper presents a low-cost low-power humidity sensor for applications of ultra-high frequency radio frequency identification sensing tag. The humidity sensor element, based on standard SMIC 0.35 μm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, utilizes polyimide as sensing material and fabricates the interdigitated electrodes in top metal layer without any further post-processing. The humidity sensor interface, based on phase-locked loop theory, employs fully-digital architecture and achieves direct capacitance-to-digital conversion, which allows the supply voltage to be close to threshold voltage. The measurements at 25 ℃ show that the proposed humidity sensor achieves a sensitivity of 36.5 fF%RH, maximum hysteresis error of 7%, response time of 20 ms, and 2.1 μW power dissipation at 0.6 V supply voltage.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (Grant No. 50925727), the Chinese Defence Advance Research Program of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. C1120110004), the Foundation for Key Program of Ministry of Education, China (Grant No. 313018) and the Key Science and Technology Project of Anhui Province of China (Grant No. 1301022036).

    Li B, He Y G, Hou Z G, She K, Zuo L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084202(in Chinese)[李兵, 何怡刚, 侯周国, 佘开, 佐磊 2011 60 084202]


    Zuo L, He Y G, Li B, Zhu Y Q, Fang G F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 044102(in Chinese)[佐磊, 何怡刚, 李兵, 朱彦卿, 方葛丰 2013 62 044102]


    Zuo L, He Y G, Li B, Zhu Y Q, Fang G F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 244103(in Chinese)[佐磊, 何怡刚, 李兵, 朱彦卿, 方葛丰 2012 61 244103]


    Zuo L, He Y G, Li B, Zhu Y Q, Fang G F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144101(in Chinese)[佐磊, 何怡刚, 李兵, 朱彦卿, 方葛丰 2013 62 144101]


    Hou Z G, He Y G, Li B, She K, Zhu Y Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5606(in Chinese)[侯周国, 何怡刚, 李兵, 佘开, 朱彦卿 2010 59 5606]


    Beriain A, Rebollo I, Fernandez I, Sevillano J F, Berenguer R 2012 Proceedings of 2012 International Microwave Symposium Digest Montreal June 17-22, 2012 (Canada) p1


    Catarinucci L, Colella R, Tarricone L 2013 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Compon. Lett. 23 49


    Wang B, Law M K 2014 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Regular Papers 61 337


    Sahafi A, Sobhi J, Koozehkanani Z D 2013 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 75 343


    Chani M T S, Karimov K S, Khalid F A, Abbas S Z, Bhatty M B 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 010701


    Chen Z, Lu C 2005 Sens. Lett. 3 274


    Gu L, Huang Q A, Qin M 2004 Sens. Actuat. B: Chemical 99 491


    Zhao C L, Qin M, Huang Q A 2011 IEEE Sens. J. 11 2986


    Wang B, Law M K, Bermak A 2012 Proceedings of the 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design Penang, Malaysia, July 10-11, 2012 p95


    Dai C L, Lu D H 2010 Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Nice, France, January 20-23, 2010 p110


    Nizhnik O, Higuchi K, Maenaka K 2012 Sensors 12 226


    Paavola M, Kamarainen M, Laulainen E, Saukoski M, Koskinen L, Kosunen M, Halonen K A 2009 IEEE J. Solid-State Circ. 44 3193


    Shin D Y, Lee H, Kim S 2011 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Ⅱ: Express Briefs 58 90


    Xia S, Makinwa K, Nihtianov S 2012 Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference San Francisco, USA, Feb. 19-23, 2012 p198


    Tan Z C, Daamen R, Humbert A, Ponomarev Y V, Chae Y C, Pertijs M A 2013 IEEE J. Solid-State Circ. 48 2469


    Nguyen T T, Hafliger P 2013 Proceedings of IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference Rotterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2013 p326


    Sheu M L, Hsu W H, Tsao L J 2012 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Measur. 61 447


    Tan Z C, Shalmany S H, Meijer G C, Pertijs M A 2012 IEEE J. Solid-State Circ. 47 1703


    Nizza N, Dei M, Butti F, Bruschi P 2013 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Regular Papers 60 1419


    Laconte J, Wilmart V, Raskin J P, Flandre D 2003 Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Cannes, France, April 25-27, 2003, p223


    Looyenga H 1965 Physica 31 401


    Schubert P J, Nevin J H 1985 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 32 1220


    Wang B, Law M K, Bermak A 2012 Proceedings of the 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design Penang, Malaysia, Aug. 3-5, 2012 p95


    Danneels H, Piette F, De Smedt V, Dehaene W, Gielen G 2011 Sens. Actuat. A: Physical 172 220


    Zhu S H, Si L M, Guo C, Shi J Y, Zhu W R 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 078404


    Huang J F, Liu R Y, Lai W C, Shin C W, Hsu C M 2012 Chin. Phys. B 23 084210


    Kerem K, Jose Luis Merino P, Catherine D 2013 Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME) Villach, Austria, July 3-7, 2013 p231

  • [1]

    Li B, He Y G, Hou Z G, She K, Zuo L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084202(in Chinese)[李兵, 何怡刚, 侯周国, 佘开, 佐磊 2011 60 084202]


    Zuo L, He Y G, Li B, Zhu Y Q, Fang G F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 044102(in Chinese)[佐磊, 何怡刚, 李兵, 朱彦卿, 方葛丰 2013 62 044102]


    Zuo L, He Y G, Li B, Zhu Y Q, Fang G F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 244103(in Chinese)[佐磊, 何怡刚, 李兵, 朱彦卿, 方葛丰 2012 61 244103]


    Zuo L, He Y G, Li B, Zhu Y Q, Fang G F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144101(in Chinese)[佐磊, 何怡刚, 李兵, 朱彦卿, 方葛丰 2013 62 144101]


    Hou Z G, He Y G, Li B, She K, Zhu Y Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5606(in Chinese)[侯周国, 何怡刚, 李兵, 佘开, 朱彦卿 2010 59 5606]


    Beriain A, Rebollo I, Fernandez I, Sevillano J F, Berenguer R 2012 Proceedings of 2012 International Microwave Symposium Digest Montreal June 17-22, 2012 (Canada) p1


    Catarinucci L, Colella R, Tarricone L 2013 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Compon. Lett. 23 49


    Wang B, Law M K 2014 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Regular Papers 61 337


    Sahafi A, Sobhi J, Koozehkanani Z D 2013 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 75 343


    Chani M T S, Karimov K S, Khalid F A, Abbas S Z, Bhatty M B 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 010701


    Chen Z, Lu C 2005 Sens. Lett. 3 274


    Gu L, Huang Q A, Qin M 2004 Sens. Actuat. B: Chemical 99 491


    Zhao C L, Qin M, Huang Q A 2011 IEEE Sens. J. 11 2986


    Wang B, Law M K, Bermak A 2012 Proceedings of the 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design Penang, Malaysia, July 10-11, 2012 p95


    Dai C L, Lu D H 2010 Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Nice, France, January 20-23, 2010 p110


    Nizhnik O, Higuchi K, Maenaka K 2012 Sensors 12 226


    Paavola M, Kamarainen M, Laulainen E, Saukoski M, Koskinen L, Kosunen M, Halonen K A 2009 IEEE J. Solid-State Circ. 44 3193


    Shin D Y, Lee H, Kim S 2011 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Ⅱ: Express Briefs 58 90


    Xia S, Makinwa K, Nihtianov S 2012 Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference San Francisco, USA, Feb. 19-23, 2012 p198


    Tan Z C, Daamen R, Humbert A, Ponomarev Y V, Chae Y C, Pertijs M A 2013 IEEE J. Solid-State Circ. 48 2469


    Nguyen T T, Hafliger P 2013 Proceedings of IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference Rotterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2013 p326


    Sheu M L, Hsu W H, Tsao L J 2012 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Measur. 61 447


    Tan Z C, Shalmany S H, Meijer G C, Pertijs M A 2012 IEEE J. Solid-State Circ. 47 1703


    Nizza N, Dei M, Butti F, Bruschi P 2013 IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Regular Papers 60 1419


    Laconte J, Wilmart V, Raskin J P, Flandre D 2003 Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Cannes, France, April 25-27, 2003, p223


    Looyenga H 1965 Physica 31 401


    Schubert P J, Nevin J H 1985 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 32 1220


    Wang B, Law M K, Bermak A 2012 Proceedings of the 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design Penang, Malaysia, Aug. 3-5, 2012 p95


    Danneels H, Piette F, De Smedt V, Dehaene W, Gielen G 2011 Sens. Actuat. A: Physical 172 220


    Zhu S H, Si L M, Guo C, Shi J Y, Zhu W R 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 078404


    Huang J F, Liu R Y, Lai W C, Shin C W, Hsu C M 2012 Chin. Phys. B 23 084210


    Kerem K, Jose Luis Merino P, Catherine D 2013 Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME) Villach, Austria, July 3-7, 2013 p231

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  • Received Date:  01 April 2014
  • Accepted Date:  20 May 2014
  • Published Online:  05 September 2014

