The research progress of the silicon-based photonic integration in the world and the results of our group in recent years are reported in this paper, including exploration of design and improvement on process of the optical transceiver modules, Ⅲ-V/silicon lasers and other integrated photonics. The silicon photonics is predicted to have a great prospect in many fields due to its good compatibility with complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology. It is concluded that the trend of photonic integration on silicon substrate is toward high data rate, low power consumption and large integration density, and the silicon based photonic integration will become a main research subject of silicon photonics in the future.
- silicon photonics /
- integrated photonics /
- photonic integrated circuits /
- optoelectronic integration
[1] Zhu Y, Xu X J, Li Z Y, Zhou L, Han W H, Fan Z C, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 014229
[2] Zhou L, Li Z Y, Zhu Y, Li Y T, Fan Z C, Han W H, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124214
[3] Zhou L, Li Z Y, Hu Y T, Xiong K, Fan Z C, Han W H, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074212
[4] Xu H H, Huang Q Z, Li Y T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 084210
[5] Hu Y T, Xiao X, Li Z Y, Li Y T, Fan Z C, Han W H, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074208
[6] Xiong K, Xiao X, Hu Y T, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 074203
[7] Xu H, Li X Y, Xiao X, Li Z Y, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 114212
[8] Yu J Z 2011 Silicon Photonics (Beijing: Science Press) p404 (in Chinese) [余金中 2011 硅光子学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第404页]
[9] Pinguet T, Analui B, Balmater E, Guckenberger D, Harrison M, Koumans R, Kucharski D, Liang Y, Masini G, Mekis A, Mirsaidi S, Narasimha A, Peterson M, Rines D, Sadagopan V, Sahni S, Sleboda T J, Song D, Wang Y, Welch B, Witzens J, Yao J, Abdalla S, Gloeckner S, Dobbelaere P D 2008 Group IV Photonics Conference Cardiff, UK, September 17-19, 2008 p362
[10] Jater S, Malinge Y, Zhou Z, Liang H, Liao S, Li Z, Bushyakanist C, Lee D C, Shafiiha R, Luff J, Feng D Z, Asghari M 2012 Group IV Photonics Conference San Diego, USA, August 29-31, 2012 p159
[11] Assefa S, Shank S, Green W, Khater M, Kiewra E, Reinholm C, Kamlapurkar S, Rylyakov A, Schow C, Horst F, Pan H P, Topuria T, Rice P, Gill D M, Rosenberg J, Barwicz T, Yang M, Proesel J, Hofrichter J, Offrein B, Gu X X, Haensch W, Monaghan J E, Vlasov Y 2012 International Electron Devices Meeting San Francisco, USA, December 10-13, 2012 p33.8.1
[12] Assefa S, Pan H, Shank S, Green W M J, Rylyakov A, Schow C, Khater M, Kamlapurkar S, Kiewra E, Reinholm C, Topuria T, Rice P, Baks C, Vlasov Y 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2H.4
[13] Nishi H, Kou R, Hiraki T, Tsuchizawa T, Fukuda H, Ishikawa Y, Wada K, Yamada K 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2J.4
[14] Dong P, Liu X, Chandrasekhar S, Buhl L L, Aroca R, Baeyens Y, Chen Y K 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 PDP5C.6
[15] Novack A, Liu Y, Ding R, Gould M, Jones T B, Li Q, Yang Y, Ma Y J, Zhang Y, Padmaraju K, Bergmen K, Lim A E J, Lo G Q, Hochberg M 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p7
[16] Intermite G, Warburton R E, Myronov M, Allred P, Leadley D R, Gallacher K, Paul D J, Pilgrim N J, Lever L J M, Ikonic Z, Kelsall R W, Buller G S 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p132
[17] Takeda K, Hiraki T, Tsuchizawa T, Nishi H, Kou R, Fukuda H, Ishikawa Y, Wada K, Yamada K 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p138
[18] Kang J, Zhang R, Takenaka M, Takagi S 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p140
[19] Cho N, Kim M, Ma Z Q 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p77
[20] Kim I G, Jang K S, Kim S, Joo J, Kim G 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p79
[21] Suwa Y, 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p37
[22] Sukhdeo D S, Nam D, Kang J H, Petykiewicz J, Lee J H, Jung W S, Vuckovic J, Brongersma M L, Saraswat K C 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p73
[23] Geiger R, Sess M J, Minamisawa R A, Bonzone C, Schiefler G, Frigeriod J, Chrastina D, Isella G, Spolenakb R, Faist J, Sigg H 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p93
[24] Colece L 1997 Solid State Phenom. 54 55
[25] Campenhout J V, Romeo P R, Regreny P, Seassal C, Thourhout D V, Cioccio L D, Fedeli J M, Baets R 2013 National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference Anaheim, USA, March 25, 2007 PDP35
[26] Spuesens T, Régreny P, Thourhout D V 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p154
[27] Wang Z Q, Sheng Zhen, Qiu C, Li H, Wu A M, Wang X, Zou S C, Gan F W 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p49
[28] Kurczveil G 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 17 1521
[29] Liepvre A L, Jany C, Accard A, Lamponi M, Make D, Lelarge F, Fedeli J M, Messaoudene S, Bordel D, Duan G H 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p150
[30] Painchaud Y, Pelletier M, Poulin M, Pelletier F, Latrasse C, Robidoux G, Savard S, Gagné J F, Trudel V, Picard M J, Poulin P, Sirois P, D'Amours F, Asselin D, Paquet S, Paquet C, Cyr M, Guy M, Osman M M, Zhuge Q, Xu X, Chagnon M, Plant D V 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2J.2
[31] Sahni S, Ayazi A, Chi Y M, Dahl A, Dobbelaere P D, Gloeckner S, Hon K Y, Hovey S, Liang Y, Mack M, Masini G, Mekis A, Peterson M, Pinguet T, Schramm J, Sharp M, Sun P, Timpe R, Verslegers L 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p81
[32] Urino Y, Horikawa T, Nakamura T, Arakawa Y 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2J.6
[33] Rakowski M, Pantouvaki M, Yu H, Bogaerts W, Meyer K D, Steyaert M, Snyder B, O'Brien P, Ryckaert J, Absil P, Campenhout J V 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2H.5
[34] Xiao X, Xu H, Li X Y, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu J Z, Yu Y D 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OW4J.3
[35] Li Z Y, Xu D X, McKinnon W R, Janz S, Schmid J H, Cheben P, Yu J Z 2009 Opt. Express 17 15947
[36] Xiao X, Xu H, Li X Y, Hu Y T, Xiong K, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Opt. Express 20 02507
[37] Xu H, Xiao X, Li X Y, Hu Y T, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Opt. Express 20 15093
[38] Hu Y T, Xiao X, Xu H, Li X Y, Xiong K, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Opt. Express 20 15079
[39] Xu H H, Hu Y T, Zhu Y, Li Y T, Li Z Y, Fan Z C, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Group IV Photonics Conference Beijing, China, September 1-3, 2010 p1.21
[1] Zhu Y, Xu X J, Li Z Y, Zhou L, Han W H, Fan Z C, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 014229
[2] Zhou L, Li Z Y, Zhu Y, Li Y T, Fan Z C, Han W H, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124214
[3] Zhou L, Li Z Y, Hu Y T, Xiong K, Fan Z C, Han W H, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074212
[4] Xu H H, Huang Q Z, Li Y T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 084210
[5] Hu Y T, Xiao X, Li Z Y, Li Y T, Fan Z C, Han W H, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074208
[6] Xiong K, Xiao X, Hu Y T, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 074203
[7] Xu H, Li X Y, Xiao X, Li Z Y, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 114212
[8] Yu J Z 2011 Silicon Photonics (Beijing: Science Press) p404 (in Chinese) [余金中 2011 硅光子学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第404页]
[9] Pinguet T, Analui B, Balmater E, Guckenberger D, Harrison M, Koumans R, Kucharski D, Liang Y, Masini G, Mekis A, Mirsaidi S, Narasimha A, Peterson M, Rines D, Sadagopan V, Sahni S, Sleboda T J, Song D, Wang Y, Welch B, Witzens J, Yao J, Abdalla S, Gloeckner S, Dobbelaere P D 2008 Group IV Photonics Conference Cardiff, UK, September 17-19, 2008 p362
[10] Jater S, Malinge Y, Zhou Z, Liang H, Liao S, Li Z, Bushyakanist C, Lee D C, Shafiiha R, Luff J, Feng D Z, Asghari M 2012 Group IV Photonics Conference San Diego, USA, August 29-31, 2012 p159
[11] Assefa S, Shank S, Green W, Khater M, Kiewra E, Reinholm C, Kamlapurkar S, Rylyakov A, Schow C, Horst F, Pan H P, Topuria T, Rice P, Gill D M, Rosenberg J, Barwicz T, Yang M, Proesel J, Hofrichter J, Offrein B, Gu X X, Haensch W, Monaghan J E, Vlasov Y 2012 International Electron Devices Meeting San Francisco, USA, December 10-13, 2012 p33.8.1
[12] Assefa S, Pan H, Shank S, Green W M J, Rylyakov A, Schow C, Khater M, Kamlapurkar S, Kiewra E, Reinholm C, Topuria T, Rice P, Baks C, Vlasov Y 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2H.4
[13] Nishi H, Kou R, Hiraki T, Tsuchizawa T, Fukuda H, Ishikawa Y, Wada K, Yamada K 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2J.4
[14] Dong P, Liu X, Chandrasekhar S, Buhl L L, Aroca R, Baeyens Y, Chen Y K 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 PDP5C.6
[15] Novack A, Liu Y, Ding R, Gould M, Jones T B, Li Q, Yang Y, Ma Y J, Zhang Y, Padmaraju K, Bergmen K, Lim A E J, Lo G Q, Hochberg M 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p7
[16] Intermite G, Warburton R E, Myronov M, Allred P, Leadley D R, Gallacher K, Paul D J, Pilgrim N J, Lever L J M, Ikonic Z, Kelsall R W, Buller G S 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p132
[17] Takeda K, Hiraki T, Tsuchizawa T, Nishi H, Kou R, Fukuda H, Ishikawa Y, Wada K, Yamada K 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p138
[18] Kang J, Zhang R, Takenaka M, Takagi S 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p140
[19] Cho N, Kim M, Ma Z Q 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p77
[20] Kim I G, Jang K S, Kim S, Joo J, Kim G 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p79
[21] Suwa Y, 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p37
[22] Sukhdeo D S, Nam D, Kang J H, Petykiewicz J, Lee J H, Jung W S, Vuckovic J, Brongersma M L, Saraswat K C 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p73
[23] Geiger R, Sess M J, Minamisawa R A, Bonzone C, Schiefler G, Frigeriod J, Chrastina D, Isella G, Spolenakb R, Faist J, Sigg H 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p93
[24] Colece L 1997 Solid State Phenom. 54 55
[25] Campenhout J V, Romeo P R, Regreny P, Seassal C, Thourhout D V, Cioccio L D, Fedeli J M, Baets R 2013 National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference Anaheim, USA, March 25, 2007 PDP35
[26] Spuesens T, Régreny P, Thourhout D V 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p154
[27] Wang Z Q, Sheng Zhen, Qiu C, Li H, Wu A M, Wang X, Zou S C, Gan F W 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p49
[28] Kurczveil G 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 17 1521
[29] Liepvre A L, Jany C, Accard A, Lamponi M, Make D, Lelarge F, Fedeli J M, Messaoudene S, Bordel D, Duan G H 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p150
[30] Painchaud Y, Pelletier M, Poulin M, Pelletier F, Latrasse C, Robidoux G, Savard S, Gagné J F, Trudel V, Picard M J, Poulin P, Sirois P, D'Amours F, Asselin D, Paquet S, Paquet C, Cyr M, Guy M, Osman M M, Zhuge Q, Xu X, Chagnon M, Plant D V 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2J.2
[31] Sahni S, Ayazi A, Chi Y M, Dahl A, Dobbelaere P D, Gloeckner S, Hon K Y, Hovey S, Liang Y, Mack M, Masini G, Mekis A, Peterson M, Pinguet T, Schramm J, Sharp M, Sun P, Timpe R, Verslegers L 2013 Group IV Photonics Conference Seoul, Korean, August 28-30, 2013 p81
[32] Urino Y, Horikawa T, Nakamura T, Arakawa Y 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2J.6
[33] Rakowski M, Pantouvaki M, Yu H, Bogaerts W, Meyer K D, Steyaert M, Snyder B, O'Brien P, Ryckaert J, Absil P, Campenhout J V 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OM2H.5
[34] Xiao X, Xu H, Li X Y, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu J Z, Yu Y D 2013 Optical Fiber Communications Conference Anaheim, USA, March 17-21, 2013 OW4J.3
[35] Li Z Y, Xu D X, McKinnon W R, Janz S, Schmid J H, Cheben P, Yu J Z 2009 Opt. Express 17 15947
[36] Xiao X, Xu H, Li X Y, Hu Y T, Xiong K, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Opt. Express 20 02507
[37] Xu H, Xiao X, Li X Y, Hu Y T, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Opt. Express 20 15093
[38] Hu Y T, Xiao X, Xu H, Li X Y, Xiong K, Li Z Y, Chu T, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2012 Opt. Express 20 15079
[39] Xu H H, Hu Y T, Zhu Y, Li Y T, Li Z Y, Fan Z C, Yu Y D, Yu J Z 2010 Group IV Photonics Conference Beijing, China, September 1-3, 2010 p1.21
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