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Mechanical properties of transition metals doped Mo:a first-principals study

Guo Yuan-Jun Liu Rui-Ping Yang Zhi Li Xiu-Yan


Mechanical properties of transition metals doped Mo:a first-principals study

Guo Yuan-Jun, Liu Rui-Ping, Yang Zhi, Li Xiu-Yan
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  • For Mo doped with the transition metals W, Ti, Cu and Fe with the molar percentages of 2.08% and 4.17%, the generalized-stacking-fault energies and the cleavage energies along the direction [111] in (110) plane are calculated by the first principles method based on the density functional theory, and the shear information and the brittle-ductile influences of the transition metals on the Mo material are investigated. It is found that doping W and Ti atoms can make the shear deformation difficult to happen and the brittleness of Mo enhanced, however, doping Cu and Fe atoms can make the shear deformation easy to happen and the ductility of Mo enhanced. Moreover, with the increase of doping concentration, the influences of W and Fe atoms are more obvious. Doping W atoms can make the shear deformation more difficult to happen and the brittleness of Mo stronger. Doping Fe atoms can make the shear deformation easier to happen and the ductility of Mo stronger.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11104199) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2012011021-3).

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    Bai X Y, Chi A L 2012 Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgy 28 54 (in Chinese) [白小叶, 迟爱玲 2012 有色矿冶 28 54]


    Cao W C, Liu J, Ren Y X 2006 Rare Metals Lett. 8 25 (in Chinese) [曹维成, 刘静, 任宜霞 2006 稀有金属快报 8 25]


    Liu G, Zhang G J, Jiang F, Ding X D, Sun Y J, Sun J, Ma E 2013 Nat. Mater. 12 344


    Perepezko J H 2009 Science 326 1068


    Dimiduk D M, Perepezko J H 2003 Mater. Res. Soc. Bull. 9 639


    Liu H, Ju J H, Zhang J L, Cui S, Xia M X 2011 China Molybdenum Industry 35 26 (in Chinese) [刘辉, 巨建辉, 张军良, 崔顺, 夏明星 2011 中国钼业 35 26]


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    Sturm D, Heilmaier M, Schneibel J H, Jéhanno P, Skrotzki B, Saage H 2007 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 463 107


    Trinkle D R, Woodward C 2005 Science 310 1665


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    Yun Y, Kwon S C, Kim W W 2007 Comput. Phys. Commun. 177 49


    Chen L Q, Yu T, Wang C Y, Qiu Z C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 443 (in Chinese) [陈丽群, 于涛, 王崇愚, 邱正琛 2008 57 443]


    Mei J F, Li J W, Ni Y S, Wang H T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 066104 (in Chinese) [梅继法, 黎军顽, 倪玉山, 王华滔 2011 60 066104]


    Frederiksen S L, Jacobsen K W 2003 Philos. Mag. 83 365


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    Watanabe R 2007 Strength, Fracture and Complex 5 13


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  • Received Date:  26 November 2013
  • Accepted Date:  10 January 2014
  • Published Online:  05 April 2014

