In a space-borne differential optical absorption spectrometer, which has a large field in nadir push-broom mode the “Sun+Diffuser” method is adopted for onboard spectral calibration. Therefore the aluminium diffuser used in the space-borne spectral calibration system is required to have a good Lambert feature to ensure the full field spectral calibration accuracy of the space-borne differential optical absorption spectrometer. And it can provide a uniform source in the observing view-field of the instrument. Using bidirectional reflectance distribution function measurement instrument, bidirectional reflectance distribution function of aluminium diffuser is measured by the relative measurement method. Experimental results show that in a wavelength range of 180–880 nm and an observing view range from -70° to +70°, the bidirectional reflectance distribution function declines from middle to both sides and approximates the cosine distribution, showing that the aluminium diffuser has a good Lambert feature. The spectral calibration of the space-borne instrument is also presented with the system: high calibration accuracy is reached by the calibration system, with the maximum deviation being 0.022 nm, which meets the requirements for the accuracy better than 0.05 nm. The aluminium diffuser measured in laboratory can be chosen for the spectral calibration system.
- space-borne spectral calibration system /
- aluminium diffuser /
- bidirectional reflectance distribution function /
- space-born differential optical absorption spectrometry instrument
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[1] Si F Q, Xie P H, Heue K P, Liu C, Peng F M, Liu W Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6018 (in Chinese) [司福祺, 谢品华, Heue K P, 刘诚, 彭夫敏, 刘文清 2008 57 6018]
[2] Xu J, Xie P H, Si F Q, Li A, Liu W Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 024204 (in Chinese) [徐晋, 谢品华, 司福祺, 李昂, 刘文清 2012 61 024204]
[3] Si F Q, Xie P H, Dou K, Zhan K, Liu Y, Xu J, Liu W Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2867 (in Chinese) [司福祺, 谢品华, 窦科, 詹铠, 刘宇, 徐晋, 刘文清 2010 59 2867]
[4] Liu C, Bai W G, Zhang P, Sun Y W, Si F Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 030704 (in Chinese) [刘诚, 白文广, 张鹏, 孙友文, 司福祺 2013 62 030704]
[5] Sun J L, Zhang Q Y, Liu J H, Hou Y G 2010 Corros. Protect. 31 631 (in Chinese) [孙九立, 张秋禹, 刘金华, 侯永刚 2010 腐蚀与防护 31 631]
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[9] Yuan Y, Sun C M, Zhang X B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2097 (in Chinese) [袁艳, 孙成明, 张修宝 2010 59 2097]
[10] Zhang B S, Liu W Q, Wei Q N, Wu Z S, Zhao J F 2006 Chin. J. Quan. Electron. 23 533 (in Chinese) [张百顺, 刘文清, 魏庆农, 吴振森, 赵剑锋 2006 量子电子学报 23 533]
[11] Cao Y H, Wu Z S, Zhang H L, Wei Q N, Wang S M 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 792 (in Chinese) [曹运华, 吴振森, 张涵璐, 魏庆农, 汪世美 2008 光学学报 28 792]
[12] Zhou H J, Liu W Q, Si F Q, Zhao M J, Jiang Y, Xue H 2012 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 32 2881 (in Chinese) [周海金, 刘文清, 司福祺, 赵敏杰, 江宇, 薛辉 2012 光谱学与光谱分析 32 2881]
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