Separating the load impedance of the resonant frequency selective surface (FSS) can form the complementary frequency selective surface (CFSS), whose filtering feature is based on the coupling mechanism. The resonance of CFSS can be tuned by controlling the rotation angle of the element on the capacitive surface. Taking tripole element for example, the frequency response of the CFSS is calculated by using the coupled integral equation method. A 250 mm250 mm prototype is tested via free space method. Calculation and test results show that the resonance of the CFSS can be tuned actively as the rotation angle changes. This study provides reference to the active FSS design.
- frequency selective surface /
- active frequency selective surface /
- complementary screens /
- the coupled integral equation method
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[1] Jia H Y, Gao J S, Feng X G, Sun L C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 505 (in Chinese) [贾宏燕, 高劲松, 冯晓国, 孙连春 2009 58 505]
[2] Li X Q, Gao J S, Zhao J L, Sun L C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3803 (in Chinese) [李小秋, 高劲松, 赵晶丽, 孙连春 2008 57 3803]
[3] Fang C Y, Zhang S R, Lu J, Wang J B, Sun L C 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5023 (in Chinese) [方春易, 张树仁, 卢俊, 王剑波, 孙连春 2010 59 5023]
[4] Moallem M, Sarabandi K 2012 Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol. 2 333
[5] Xu N X, Feng X G, Wang Y S, Chen X, Gao J S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 114102 (in Chinese) [徐念喜, 冯晓国, 王岩松, 陈新, 高劲松 2011 60 114102]
[6] Chang T K, Langley R J, Parker E A 1996 IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas Propag. 143 62
[7] Wang C 2007 M.S. Dissertation (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University) (in Chinese) [王操 2007 硕士学位论文 (上海: 上海交通大学)]
[8] Bayarpur F, Sarabandi K 2008 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 56 774
[9] Lockyer D S, Vardaxoglou J C, Simpkin R A 2000 IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas Propag. 147 501
[10] Shuley N V 1984 Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Microwave Antennas Propagat. H 131 129
[11] Johansson F S 1985 Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Microwave Antennas Propagat. H 132 319
[12] Orta R, Tascone R, Zich R 1988 Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Microwave Antennas Propagat. H 135 75
[13] Feresidis A P, Apostolopoulos G, Serfas N, Vardaxogou J C 2004 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 52 1154
[14] Wakabayashi H, Kominami M, Kusaka H, Nakashima H 1994 IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas Propag. 141 477
[15] Munk B A 2000 Frequency Selective Surfaces: Theory and Design (New York: Wiley)
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