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Surface microstructure and stress characteristics in pure zirconium after high current pulsed electron beam irradiation

Cai Jie Ji Le Yang Sheng-Zhi Zhang Zai-Qiang Liu Shi-Chao Li Yan Wang Xiao-Tong Guan Qing-Feng


Surface microstructure and stress characteristics in pure zirconium after high current pulsed electron beam irradiation

Cai Jie, Ji Le, Yang Sheng-Zhi, Zhang Zai-Qiang, Liu Shi-Chao, Li Yan, Wang Xiao-Tong, Guan Qing-Feng
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  • High-current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB) technique was applied to irradiate the samples of pure zirconium. The microstructures and defects of the irradiated surface are investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD results show that the high value of stress (GPa order) is introduced within the irradiated surface layer, while the formation of {0002}, {1012}, {1120} and {1013} textures are present after HCPEB irradiation. Microstructure observations demonstrate that the surface craters are rarer, and almost no craters are present after multiple pulses HCPEB irradiation, which is evidently different from the case of other metal materials irradiated by HCPEB. Moreover, a large number of ultrafine grains are formed on the irradiated surface. Martensitic transformation occurs and severe plastic deformation is also induced due to the superfast melting and cooling processes. After one- pulse irradiation, the dislocations are the dominant defects, while the amount of twins is less. After five pulses, the dislocation density and the number of deformation twins increase evidently, whereas dense deformation twins are the central microstructures after ten-pulse irradiation, coupled with the appearance of secondary twins occasionally. The formation of these deformed structures results in a significant effect both on the evolution of surface textures and on grain refinement. It is suggested that HCPEB technique provides an impactful approach for hardening of zirconium and zirconium alloys.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (Grant No. U1233111), and the Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams (Dalian University of Technology), Ministry of Education (Grant Nos. DP1051102).

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    Chen X W, Bai X D, Xue X Y 2003 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 32 321 (in Chinese) [陈小文, 白新德, 薛祥义 2003 稀有金属材料与工程 32 321]


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    Chen X W, Bai X D, Peng D Q, Zhou Q G, Chen B S 2003 J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 22 1523


    Zhang D L, Bai X D, Chen B S, Liu F Y, Wu Z M 2003 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 32 658 (in Chinese) [张岱岚, 白新德, 陈保山, 刘芳言, 伍志明 2003 稀有金属材料与工程 32 658]


    Proskurovsky D I, Rotshtein V P, Ozur G E, Markov A B, Nazarov D S, Shulov V A, Ivanov, Yu F, Buchheit R G 1998 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 16 2480


    Proskurovsky D I, Rotshtein V P, Ozur G E, Ivanov, Yu F, Markov A B 2000 Surf. Coat. Technol. 125 49


    Shulov V A, Nochovnaya N A 1999 Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. 148 154


    Hao S Z, Yao S, Guan J, Wu A M, Zhong P, Dong C 2001 Curr. Appl. Phys. 1 203


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    Zou J X, Qin Y, Dong C, Wang X G, Hao S Z, Wu A M 2004 J.Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22 545


    Guan Q F, Gu Q Q, Li Y, Qiu D H, Peng D J, Wang X T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 086106 (in Chinese) [关庆丰, 顾倩倩, 李艳, 邱冬华, 彭冬晋, 王雪涛 2010 60 086106]


    Guan Q F, Zou Y, Zhang Z Q, Guan J T, Su J X, Wang Z P 2012 J. Jilin Univ. Eng. Tech. (in Chinese) [关庆丰, 邹阳, 张在强, 关锦彤, 苏景新, 王志平 2012 强流脉冲电子束作用下纯铜的微观结构与性能, 吉林大学学报工学版, 2012 待发表]


    Qiu D H, Cheng D Q, Guan Q F, Zou G T 2009 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 23 321 (in chinese) [邱冬华, 程笃庆, 关庆丰, 邹广田 2009 高压 23 321]


    Li Y, Cai J, Lv P, Zou Y, Wan M Z, Peng D J, Gu Q Q, Guan Q F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 056105 (in Chinese) [李艳, 蔡杰, 吕鹏, 邹阳, 万明珍, 彭冬晋, 顾倩倩, 关庆丰 2012 61 056105]


    Yang Z Y, Zhao J P 1995 J. North Chin. Inst. Tech. 4 327 (in Chinese) [杨卓越, 赵家萍 1995 华北工学院学报 4 327]


    Tan C W, Wang F C, Li S K 2003 Ordnance Mater. Sci. Eng. 5 62 (in Chinese) [谭成文, 王富耻, 李树奎 2003 兵器材料科学与工程 5 62]


    Zou J X 2007 Ph.D. Dissertation (Dalian: Dalian University of Technology) (in Chinese) [邹建新 2007 博士学位论文 (大连: 大连理工大学)]


    Thompson A, Strachan A 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 085429


    Mishra, Sushil K, Tiwari, Shashank M, Kumar, Arun M, Hector Jr, Louis G 2012 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 43 1598


    Pogrebnjak A D, Ladysev V S, Pogrebnjak N A, Michaliov A D, Shablya V T, Valyaev A N, Valyaev A A, Loboda V B 2000 Vacuum 58 45


    Thomas L. Warren, Michael J. Forrestal 1998 Int. J. Solids Struc. 35 3737


    Markov A B, Rotshtein V P 1997 Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. B 132 79


    Jiang L, Pérez-Prado M T, Gruber P A, Arzt E, Ruano O A, Kassner M E 2008 J. Acta. Mater. 56 1228


    Luan B F, Yu H B, Huang T L, Zhou J, Shi M H 2012 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 41 357 (in Chinese) [栾佰峰, 余泓冰, 黄天林, 周军, 石明华 2012 稀有金属材料与工程 41 357]


    Tan X L, Gu H C 1996 Chin. J. Mater. Res. 10 569 (in Chinese) [谭晓礼, 顾海澄 1996 材料研究学报 10 569]


    Xiao L 1995 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 24 21 (in Chinese) [肖林 1995 稀有金属材料与工程 24 21]


    Lonardellii I, Gey N, Wenk H R, Humbert M, Vogel S C, Lutterotti L 2007 Acta Mater. 55 5718


    Elmer J W, Palmer T A, Babu S S 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 8327


    Yoo M H, Lee J K 1991 Philos. Mag. A 63 987


    Zhang L, Han Y 2009 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 523 130

  • [1]

    Li Z K, Zhou L, Li P Z, Zhang J J, Xue X Y, Song Q Z 1999 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 28 380 (in Chinese) [李中奎, 周廉, 李佩志, 张建军, 薛祥义, 宋启忠 1999 稀有金属材料与工程 28 380]


    Chen X W, Bai X D, Xue X Y 2003 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 32 321 (in Chinese) [陈小文, 白新德, 薛祥义 2003 稀有金属材料与工程 32 321]


    Peng D Q, Bai X D, Chen B S 2005 Acta. Metall. Sin. 41 185 (in Chinese) [彭德全, 白新德, 陈宝山 2005 金属学报 41 185]


    Lee S, Park C, Lim Y, Kwon H 2003 J. Nucl. Mater. 321 177


    Kim H G, Jeong Y H, Kim T H 2001 J. Nucl. Mater. 326125


    Lee S J, Kwon H S, Kim W, Choi B H 1999 Mater. Sci. Technol. A 263 23


    Chen X W, Bai X D, Peng D Q, Zhou Q G, Chen B S 2003 J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 22 1523


    Zhang D L, Bai X D, Chen B S, Liu F Y, Wu Z M 2003 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 32 658 (in Chinese) [张岱岚, 白新德, 陈保山, 刘芳言, 伍志明 2003 稀有金属材料与工程 32 658]


    Proskurovsky D I, Rotshtein V P, Ozur G E, Markov A B, Nazarov D S, Shulov V A, Ivanov, Yu F, Buchheit R G 1998 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 16 2480


    Proskurovsky D I, Rotshtein V P, Ozur G E, Ivanov, Yu F, Markov A B 2000 Surf. Coat. Technol. 125 49


    Shulov V A, Nochovnaya N A 1999 Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. 148 154


    Hao S Z, Yao S, Guan J, Wu A M, Zhong P, Dong C 2001 Curr. Appl. Phys. 1 203


    Qin Y, Wang X G, Hao S Z, Liu Y, Zou J X, Wu A M, Guan Q F 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 3043 (in Chinese) [秦颖, 王晓钢, 董闯, 郝胜智, 刘悦, 邹建新, 吴爱民, 关庆丰 2003 52 3043]


    Zou J X, Qin Y, Dong C, Wang X G, Hao S Z, Wu A M 2004 J.Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22 545


    Guan Q F, Gu Q Q, Li Y, Qiu D H, Peng D J, Wang X T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 086106 (in Chinese) [关庆丰, 顾倩倩, 李艳, 邱冬华, 彭冬晋, 王雪涛 2010 60 086106]


    Guan Q F, Zou Y, Zhang Z Q, Guan J T, Su J X, Wang Z P 2012 J. Jilin Univ. Eng. Tech. (in Chinese) [关庆丰, 邹阳, 张在强, 关锦彤, 苏景新, 王志平 2012 强流脉冲电子束作用下纯铜的微观结构与性能, 吉林大学学报工学版, 2012 待发表]


    Qiu D H, Cheng D Q, Guan Q F, Zou G T 2009 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 23 321 (in chinese) [邱冬华, 程笃庆, 关庆丰, 邹广田 2009 高压 23 321]


    Li Y, Cai J, Lv P, Zou Y, Wan M Z, Peng D J, Gu Q Q, Guan Q F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 056105 (in Chinese) [李艳, 蔡杰, 吕鹏, 邹阳, 万明珍, 彭冬晋, 顾倩倩, 关庆丰 2012 61 056105]


    Yang Z Y, Zhao J P 1995 J. North Chin. Inst. Tech. 4 327 (in Chinese) [杨卓越, 赵家萍 1995 华北工学院学报 4 327]


    Tan C W, Wang F C, Li S K 2003 Ordnance Mater. Sci. Eng. 5 62 (in Chinese) [谭成文, 王富耻, 李树奎 2003 兵器材料科学与工程 5 62]


    Zou J X 2007 Ph.D. Dissertation (Dalian: Dalian University of Technology) (in Chinese) [邹建新 2007 博士学位论文 (大连: 大连理工大学)]


    Thompson A, Strachan A 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 085429


    Mishra, Sushil K, Tiwari, Shashank M, Kumar, Arun M, Hector Jr, Louis G 2012 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 43 1598


    Pogrebnjak A D, Ladysev V S, Pogrebnjak N A, Michaliov A D, Shablya V T, Valyaev A N, Valyaev A A, Loboda V B 2000 Vacuum 58 45


    Thomas L. Warren, Michael J. Forrestal 1998 Int. J. Solids Struc. 35 3737


    Markov A B, Rotshtein V P 1997 Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. B 132 79


    Jiang L, Pérez-Prado M T, Gruber P A, Arzt E, Ruano O A, Kassner M E 2008 J. Acta. Mater. 56 1228


    Luan B F, Yu H B, Huang T L, Zhou J, Shi M H 2012 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 41 357 (in Chinese) [栾佰峰, 余泓冰, 黄天林, 周军, 石明华 2012 稀有金属材料与工程 41 357]


    Tan X L, Gu H C 1996 Chin. J. Mater. Res. 10 569 (in Chinese) [谭晓礼, 顾海澄 1996 材料研究学报 10 569]


    Xiao L 1995 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 24 21 (in Chinese) [肖林 1995 稀有金属材料与工程 24 21]


    Lonardellii I, Gey N, Wenk H R, Humbert M, Vogel S C, Lutterotti L 2007 Acta Mater. 55 5718


    Elmer J W, Palmer T A, Babu S S 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 8327


    Yoo M H, Lee J K 1991 Philos. Mag. A 63 987


    Zhang L, Han Y 2009 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 523 130

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  • Received Date:  21 January 2013
  • Accepted Date:  23 April 2013
  • Published Online:  05 August 2013

