Based on the fractional calculus theory, the transport model of fractional coupled Brownian motors in flashing ratchet potential is established. Using the fractional difference, the numerical solution of the model is obtained, and the directional transport properties at various parameters are investigated. Numerical results show that in fractional ratchet system, the fractional order and spring constant not only affect the transport velocity of the particles, but also reverse the current direction. Moreover, when the fractional order is fixed, the generalized stochastic resonance phenomena are observed in the mean transport velocity as the noise density, spring constant or the depth of the ratchet potential varies.
- fractional Brownian motors /
- flashing ratchet potential /
- coupled directed transport /
- generalized stochastic resonance
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[1] Zheng Z G 2004 Spantiotemporal Dynamics and Collective Behaviors in Coupled Nonlinear Systems (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p276 (in Chinese) [郑志刚 2004 耦合非线性系统的时空动力学与合作行为 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第276页]
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[20] Podlubny I 1998 Fractional Differential Equation (San Diego: Academic Press)
[21] Petrás I 2011 Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systerms Modeling, Analysis and Simulation (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p19
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