In this paper, based on the three-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) platform CHIPIC, a module of particle swarm optimization (PSO) is designed, and the code of PIC/PSO is developed. Then, the properties of multi-frequency output power are studied. Based on these properties, a class of optimization object functions is designed. With this PIC/PSO code and this class of object functions, single-frequency and dual-frequency RBWOs are optimized respectively. The optimization results show that both the single-and dual-frequency RBWOs can be optimized successfully with the corresponding object functions.
- particle swarm optimization /
- particle-in-cell /
- relativistic backward wave oscillator /
- dual frequency
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[15] Selleri S, Mussetta M, Prinoli P, Zich R R, Matekovits L 2008 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 67
[16] Valle Y D, Venayagamoorthy G K, Mohagheghi S, Hernandez J C, Harley R G 2008 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 12 171
[17] Kwok N M, Ha Q P, Liu D, Fang G 2009 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 145
[18] Sanchez C C, Pantoja M F, Martin R G 2011 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 4761
[19] Xin B, Chen J, Zhang J, Fang H, Peng Z H 2012 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and Reviews 42 744
[20] Zhou J, Liu D, Liao C, Li Z 2009 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37 2002
[21] Liu F, Meng L, Zhang J, Li H, Song G 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 1030 (in Chinese) [刘丰, 蒙林, 张建国, 李海龙, 宋刚永 2012 强激光与粒子束 23 1030]
[1] Benford J, Swegle J 1992 High power microwave. Boston: Artech House
[2] Tang Y F, Meng L, Li H L, Zheng L, Yin Y, Wang B 2012 Phys. Script 85 055801
[3] Wang H H, Li H L, Meng L, Liu F 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 1000 (in Chinese) [王辉辉, 李海龙, 蒙林, 刘丰 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 1000]
[4] Gao L, Qian B, Ge X 2011 Phys. Plasma 18 103111
[5] Denisov G G, Kuzikov S V, Savilov 2011 A V Phys. Plasmas 18 103102
[6] Wang H H, Liu D G, Meng L, Liu L Q, Yang C, Peng K, Xia M Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 015207 (in Chinese) [王辉辉, 刘大刚, 蒙林, 刘腊群, 杨超, 彭凯, 夏蒙重 2013 62 015207]
[7] Xu X, Wei Y, Shen F, Yin H, Xu J, Gong Y, Wang W 2012 Phys. Plasma 19 013113
[8] Tang Y F, Meng L, Li H L, Wang B, Yin Y, Zhang F N 2012 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 24 2415 (in Chinese) [唐永福, 蒙林, 李海龙, 王彬, 殷勇, 张斐娜 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 2415]
[9] Wang D, Qin F, Chen D, Wen J, Jin X 2011 AIP Advance 1 042156
[10] Shen Y, Guo B, Gu T 2005 Journal of UEST of China 34 696 (in Chinese) [沈艳, 郭兵, 古天祥 2005 电子科技大学学报 34 696]
[11] Kennedy J, Eberhart R C 1995 In Proceedings of the IEEE Neural Networks Conference (IEEE, Perth, 1995), pp 1942–1948
[12] Clerc M, Kennedy J 2002 IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 6 58
[13] Eberhart R C, Shi Y 2001 In Proceedings of the IEEE Evolutionary Computation Conference (IEEE, Seoul, 2001), pp 81–86
[14] Ho S Y, Lin H S, Liauh W H, Ho S J 2008 IEEE Transactions on systems, man and cybernetics-part A: Systems and humans 38 288
[15] Selleri S, Mussetta M, Prinoli P, Zich R R, Matekovits L 2008 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 67
[16] Valle Y D, Venayagamoorthy G K, Mohagheghi S, Hernandez J C, Harley R G 2008 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 12 171
[17] Kwok N M, Ha Q P, Liu D, Fang G 2009 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 145
[18] Sanchez C C, Pantoja M F, Martin R G 2011 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 4761
[19] Xin B, Chen J, Zhang J, Fang H, Peng Z H 2012 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and Reviews 42 744
[20] Zhou J, Liu D, Liao C, Li Z 2009 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37 2002
[21] Liu F, Meng L, Zhang J, Li H, Song G 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 1030 (in Chinese) [刘丰, 蒙林, 张建国, 李海龙, 宋刚永 2012 强激光与粒子束 23 1030]
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