Hydrodynamic characteristics of a near-wall circular cylinder oscillating in direction perpendicular to steady current are experimentally investigated at a Reynolds number of 2× 105. Forces in both in-line and cross-flow are measured by the three-dimensional force transducers. The effects of gap ratio, oscillating frequency and amplitude on the hydrodynamic charactersistic of the cylinder are studied. Experimental results indicate that 1) mean drag reduces rapidly when the gap ratio decreases from 0.7 to 0.3; 2) for an oscillating cylinder, the critical gap ratio of vortex shedding suppression is smaller than that for a still cylinder; 3) the existence of near-wall influences the energy transfer between the structure and fluid significantly, which means that hydrodynamic coefficient based on free-wall cylinder may not be suitble for predicting vortex induced vibration of pipelines; 4) for an oscillating cylinder, added mass is not a constant except for in a certain range of oscillating frequency, and the absolute value increases with the decrease of gap ratio in low frequency range; 5) mean drag coefficient, oscillating drag coefficient and oscillating lift coefficient all increase with oscillating amplitude increasing.
- pipeline /
- forced oscillating /
- hydrodynamic characters /
- vortex induced vibration
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[1] Sarpkaya T 2004 J. Fluid Struct. 19 389
[2] Naudascher E 1987 J. Fluid Struct. 1 265
[3] Chen Z H, Fan B C, Zhou B M, Li H Z 2007 Chin. Phys. Soc. 16 1077
[4] Xia Y, Lu D T, Liu Y, Xu Y S 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 034702
[5] Xu W H, Du J, Yu J X, Li J C 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 124704
[6] Zdravkovich M M 1985 Appl. Ocean Res. 7 197
[7] Hiwada M, Mabuchi I, Kumada M, Iwakoshi H 1986 Trans. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng. B 52 25
[8] Buresti G, Lanciotti A 1992 J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 41 639
[9] Lei C, Cheng L, Kavanagh K 1999 J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 80 263
[10] Nishino T, Roberts G T, Zhang X 2007 Phys. Fluids 19 025103
[11] Bearman P W, Zdravkovich M M 1978 J. Fluid Mech. 89 33
[12] Grass A J, Raven P W J, Stuart R J, Bray J A 1984 J. Energ Resour-ASME 106 70
[13] Bishop R E D, Hassan A Y 1964 Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 277 51
[14] Williamson C H K, Roshko A 1988 J. Fluid Struct. 2 355
[15] Sarpkaya T 1978 ASCE J. Waterway Port Coast. Ocean Div. 104 275
[16] Gopalkrishnan R 1993 Ph. D. Dissertation (Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT)
[17] Sumer B M, Fredsoe J, Jensen B L, Christiansen N 1994 J. Waterway. Port. C. -ASCE 120 233
[18] Huang Z Y, Larsen C M 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Shanghai, China, 2010 20006
[19] Roshko A, Steinolfson A, Chattoorgoon V 1975 Proceedings of the 2nd U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering Research Fort Collins, USA, 1975 IV 15
[20] Yamamoto T, Nath J H, Slotta L S 1974 ASCE J. Waterway Port. Coast. Ocean Engng. Div. 100 345
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