The suppression and absorption of low-frequency noise for a fluid-filled pipe system has become a challenging task. Inspired by the properties of acoustic metamaterials, we construct a fluid-filled periodic pipe system, consisting of small-size short acoustic pipes mounted on a fluid-filled main pipe system equidistantly along the axial direction of main pipe. The short acoustic pipe is filled with fluid and gas, and the fluid section is connected to the main pipe that is filled with the same liquid. In such a periodic pipe system, an ultra-low frequency and ultra-broad band gap of acoustic waves can be generated, making the acoustic waves transmitting in the pipe system effectively attenuated within the band gap frequency range. Since the attenuation effects of the band gap on the low-frequency sound are so strong (the acoustic waves almost cannot be transmitted through the pipe system) that the periodic pipe system is referred to as a dark acoustic metamaterial (DAM)-type fluid-filled pipe system. The formation mechanism of the first band gap can be ascribed to the co-resonance of the short acoustic pipe array in the piping system, and this band gap is categorized as resonant-type BG (RBG). The contribution of short acoustic pipes is to introduce a low-frequency and large impedances spatially into the system, whereupon the transmitting waves will experience a tempestuously resonance in the pipe. As a result, the transmission of acoustic waves within the RBG is stopped. The second band gap in a higher frequency range is classified as Bragg-type band gap (BBG), since it is induced by the effects of interference between the incident, the reflected and the transmitted acoustic waves existing in the periodic units. The interference effect on the suppression of wave transmission is strengthened by the ceaselessly repeating uniform cells. The lattice constant change can bring in a modulation effects on both the BBG and the upper band edge of RBG. Increasing the volume of gas chamber in the short acoustic pipe will result in a shift of lower band edge of RBG towards the low-frequency range but has no action on the upper band edge; similarly, the augment of the liquid volume of the short acoustic pipe also lowers the band edges of RBG, however, bandwidth of the RBG will be reduced. A membrane may be used to physically separate the gas from the fluid in the short acoustic pipe, rendering the design more feasible to be realized in practical engineering. The installation of membrane will not change the low-frequency band gap properties of the DAM pipe. The obtained results show that the proposed design in this study may provide a new way to solve the defiant problem of noise control in the low frequency range for fluid piping systems.
- dark acoustic metamaterials /
- fluid-filled pipe /
- noise control /
- acoustic band gap
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[21] 程聪, 吴福根, 张欣, 姚源卫 2014 63 024301
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[28] 刘侍刚 2001 硕士学位论文(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)
Liu S G 2001 M. S. Thesis (Haerbin: Harbin Engineering University) (in Chinese)
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