The navel orange is analysed quantitatively for cadmium by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. The laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is used to obtain the characteristic spectrum of Cd in sample. The concentration of sample is detected as a reference concentration by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The partial least squares method is applied to the data of 39 samples which are preprocessed by combining the five smoothing formula and centerization method to establish quantitative analysis of cadmium model. Other 13 samples are used to be compared with the results from the quantitative analysis model. In this model, the correlation coefficient of fitting curve is 0.9806 and the relative error of 12 samples is 10.94 percent. The research results show that laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy can nondestructively and accurately detect heavy metals in agricultural products without preparing any sample and provides a technology for the safety of agricultural products.
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[17] Lu C P, Liu W Q, Zhao N J, Liu L T, Chen D, Zhang Y J, Liu J G 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 045206 (in Chinese) [鲁翠萍, 刘文清, 赵南京, 刘立拓, 陈东, 张玉钧, 刘建国 2011 60 045206]
[18] Lin Z X, Li J, Liu L M, Wu J Q 2009 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 21 817 (in Chinese) [林兆祥, 李捷, 刘林美, 吴金泉 2009 强激光与粒子束 21 817]
[19] Zhang X, Yao M Y, Liu M H, Lin Y Z 2012 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 34 187 (in Chinese) [张旭, 姚明印, 刘木华, 林永增 2012 江西农业大学学报 34 187]
[1] Diao S Y, Zhang L Z, Yuan H 2005 Progress in Veterinary Medicine 26 49 (in Chinese) [刁书永, 张立志, 袁慧 2005 动物医学进展 26 49]
[2] Teng D Z, He Z S 2012 Studies of Trace Elements and Health 29 51 (in Chinese) [腾德智, 何作顺 2012 微量元素与健康研究 29 51]
[3] Ball A L, Borgmann U, Dixon D G 2006 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25 2526
[4] Elekes C C, Dumitriu I, Busuioc G, Iliescu N S 2010 Environ. Sci. Pollut. R 17 1230
[5] Millour S, Noel L, Kadar A, Chekri R, Vastel C, Guerin T 2011 J. Food Compos. Anal. 24 111
[6] Zhang W B, Su Z F, Chu X F, Yang X A 2010 Talanta 80 2106
[7] Sun D X, Su M G, Dong C Z, Wang X L, Zhang D C, Ma X W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4571 (in Chinese) [孙对兄, 苏茂根, 董晨钟, 王向丽, 张大成, 马新文 2010 59 4571]
[8] Sirven J B, Bousquet B, Canioni L, Sarger L, Tellier S, Gautier M P, Hecho I L 2006 Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 385 256
[9] Lu Y Z, Wang J S, Li W L, Zheng J J 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 2109 (in Chinese) [陆运章, 汪家升, 李威霖, 郑剑杰 2009 中国激光 36 2109]
[10] Jiang J, Li G, Li R H, Chen Y Q 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 2528 (in Chinese) [姜杰, 李关, 李润华, 陈钰琦 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 2528]
[11] Lucia F C D J, Gottfried J L 2011 Mater. Today 14 274
[12] Barbafieri M, Pini R, Ciucci A, Tassi E 2011 Chem. Ecol. 27 161
[13] Harmon R S, Lucia F C D, Miziolek A W, McNesby K L, Walters R A, French P D 2005 Geochem.: Explor. Environ. Anal. 5 21
[14] Sarkar A, Aggarwal S K, Sasibhusan K, Alamelu D 2010 Microchim. Acta 168 65
[15] Haider A F M Y, Khan Z H 2012 Opt. Laser Technol. 44 1654
[16] Li P Y 2009 M. S. Dissertation (Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [李鹏艳 2009 硕士学位论文(武汉:华中科技大学)]
[17] Lu C P, Liu W Q, Zhao N J, Liu L T, Chen D, Zhang Y J, Liu J G 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 045206 (in Chinese) [鲁翠萍, 刘文清, 赵南京, 刘立拓, 陈东, 张玉钧, 刘建国 2011 60 045206]
[18] Lin Z X, Li J, Liu L M, Wu J Q 2009 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 21 817 (in Chinese) [林兆祥, 李捷, 刘林美, 吴金泉 2009 强激光与粒子束 21 817]
[19] Zhang X, Yao M Y, Liu M H, Lin Y Z 2012 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 34 187 (in Chinese) [张旭, 姚明印, 刘木华, 林永增 2012 江西农业大学学报 34 187]
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