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Analysis of the near-field-far-field pattern of tilted planar antenna arrays

Liu Jun-Qun


Analysis of the near-field-far-field pattern of tilted planar antenna arrays

Liu Jun-Qun
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  • Based on the principle of planar near-field measurement and theory on the spatial pattern of planar antenna arrays, a comprehensive investigation on the spatial pattern of planar antenna arrays tilting away from the planar near-field scanning plane is performed. An efficient computational algorithm on the near-field-far-field pattern in the plane determined by the rotation axis and normal line of the tilted array is developed. The parametric equations on the intersecting curve locus between the plane and unit directional sphere of the planar near-field scanning are thus derived. Consequently, the spatial pattern of the tilted antenna array based on the near-field data is calculated by fast Fourier transform technique, and at the same time a two-dimensional interpolating scheme to evaluate the pattern in the plane is developed. The capability, efficiency, and feasibility of this new algorithm are demonstrated by the good consistency of the calculated results with the numerical simulations and experimental measurements.

    Zhang X Q, Wang J H, Li Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 051301 (in Chinese) [张雪琴, 王均宏, 李铮 2011 60 051301]


    Bao S, Luo C R, Zhao X P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 014101 (in Chinese) [保石, 罗春荣, 赵晓鹏 2011 60 014101]


    Zhu Z K, Luo C R, Zhao X P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6152 (in Chinese) [朱忠奎, 罗春荣, 赵晓鹏 2009 58 6152]


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    Li J X, Chen R 2009 Journal of Microwaves 25 12 (in Chinese) [李建新, 陈瑞 2009 微波学报 25 12]


    Liu X F, Jiao Y C, Zhang F S, Wen Y 2007 Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 21 2351


    Vasiliadis T G, Dimitriou A G, Sergiadis G D 2005 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 2212


    Gil F, Claro A R, Ferreira J M, Pardelinha C, Correia L M 2001 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 43 132


    Jiang H L, Zhang X M, Liang C H 2005 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 20 753 (in Chinese) [蒋鸿林, 张小苗, 梁昌洪 2005 电波科学学报 20 753]


    Dehghanian V, Okhovvat M, Hakkak M 2003 Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory Beijing, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003 pp377-380


    Dehghanian V, Okhovvat M, Hakkak M 2009 AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 63 241


    Xiong X, Wang N B, Jiao Y C 2004 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 19 573 (in Chinese) [熊旋, 王乃彪, 焦永昌 2004 电波科学学报 19 573]


    Mao N H, Ju X D 1987 Antenna Measurement Handbook (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp232-236 (in Chinese) [毛乃宏, 俱新德 1987 天线测量手册 (北京:国防工业出版社) 第232—236页]

  • [1]

    Zhang X Q, Wang J H, Li Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 051301 (in Chinese) [张雪琴, 王均宏, 李铮 2011 60 051301]


    Bao S, Luo C R, Zhao X P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 014101 (in Chinese) [保石, 罗春荣, 赵晓鹏 2011 60 014101]


    Zhu Z K, Luo C R, Zhao X P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6152 (in Chinese) [朱忠奎, 罗春荣, 赵晓鹏 2009 58 6152]


    Zou Y Q, Wang W, Wu R R 2008 Radar Science and Technology 6 481 (in Chinese) [邹永庆, 汪伟, 吴瑞荣 2008 雷达科学与技术 6 481]


    Li J X, Chen R 2009 Journal of Microwaves 25 12 (in Chinese) [李建新, 陈瑞 2009 微波学报 25 12]


    Liu X F, Jiao Y C, Zhang F S, Wen Y 2007 Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 21 2351


    Vasiliadis T G, Dimitriou A G, Sergiadis G D 2005 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 2212


    Gil F, Claro A R, Ferreira J M, Pardelinha C, Correia L M 2001 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 43 132


    Jiang H L, Zhang X M, Liang C H 2005 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 20 753 (in Chinese) [蒋鸿林, 张小苗, 梁昌洪 2005 电波科学学报 20 753]


    Dehghanian V, Okhovvat M, Hakkak M 2003 Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory Beijing, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003 pp377-380


    Dehghanian V, Okhovvat M, Hakkak M 2009 AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 63 241


    Xiong X, Wang N B, Jiao Y C 2004 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 19 573 (in Chinese) [熊旋, 王乃彪, 焦永昌 2004 电波科学学报 19 573]


    Mao N H, Ju X D 1987 Antenna Measurement Handbook (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp232-236 (in Chinese) [毛乃宏, 俱新德 1987 天线测量手册 (北京:国防工业出版社) 第232—236页]

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  10 June 2012
  • Accepted Date:  25 June 2012
  • Published Online:  05 December 2012

