Based on the first-principles density functional theory, the electronic structures, densities of states and optical properties of the structures α-Nb5Si3, β-Nb5Si33 and γ-Nb5Si are calculated by using the local density approximation and plane wave pseudopotential method. The calculation results show that the valence band of Nb5Si3 near the Fermi energy is composed of Nb 4d, Si 3s, 3p orbits and the conduction band is comprised mainly of Nb 4d orbit; the optical properties of Nb5Si3 possess anisotropic characteristics, the static dielectric function ε1(0) of Nb5Si3 is about 207, and the refractive index n0 is 13. Their absorptions in a range above 15 eV approach to zero, showing the optical transparent behaviors.
- Nb5Si3 /
- first-principles /
- density of states /
- optical properties
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[1] Kim J H, Tabaru T, Hirai H, Kitahara A, Hanada S 2003 Scr. Mater. 48 1439
[2] Li W, Yang H B, Shan A D, Zhang L T, Wu J S 2006 Intermetallics 14 392
[3] Li Y L, Ma C L, Zhang H, Miura S 2011 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 528 5772
[4] Fu Y M, Liu W, Zong W, Sha J B 2012 Procedia Eng. 27 1152
[5] Lu Y Y, Zhang J, Tian L X, Li Y L, Ma C L 2011 Rare Metals 30 335
[6] Qu S Y, Han Y F, Kang Y W 2009 Sci. China E 52 37
[7] Wang Y Y, Li S S, Wu M L, Han Y F 2011 Rare Metals 30 326
[8] Xiong B W, Long W Y, Chen Z, Wan H, Yan Y W 2009 Rare Metal Mater. Eng. 38 1112 (in Chinese) [熊博文, 龙文元, 陈哲, 万红, 严有为 2009 稀有金属材料与工程 38 1112]
[9] Miura S, Tanahash T, Mishima Y, Mohri T 2010 Mater. Sci. Forum 654-656 444
[10] Fernandes P B, Coelho G C, Ferreira F, Nunes C A, Sundman B 2002 Intermetallics 10 993
[11] Sekido N, Miura S Yamabe-Mitarai Y, Kimura Y, Mishima Y 2010 Intermetallics 18 841
[12] Stewart B, Kumar R S 2011 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Las Vegas, USA, August 9, p3
[13] Chen Y, Shang J X, Zhang Y 2007 Phys. Rev. B 76 184204
[14] Kang Y W, Han Y F, Qu S Y, Song J X 2009 Chin. J Aeronautics 22 206
[15] Chen Y, Shang J X, Zhang Y 2007 J. Phys: Condens. Matter 19 016215
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[17] Yi D Q, Du R X, Cao Y 2001 Acta Metal. Sin. 37 1121 (in Chinese) [易丹青, 杜若昕, 曹昱 2001 金属学报 37 1121]
[18] Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 2717
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[22] Pan L, Lu T C, Su R, Wang Y Z, Qi J Q, Fu J, Zhang Y, He D W 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 027101 (in Chinese) [潘磊, 卢铁城, 苏锐, 王跃忠, 齐建起, 付佳, 张燚, 贺瑞威 2012 61 027101]
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[25] Schachner H, Cerwenka E, Nowotny H 1954 Monatsch. Chem. 85 245
[26] Mendiratta M G, Lewandowski J J, Dimiduk D M 1991 Metall. Trans. A 22 1573
[27] Pearson W B 1958 A Handbook of Lattice Spacing and Structures of Metals and Alloys (London: Pergamon Press)
[28] Parthe E, Lux B, Nowotny H 1955 Monatshefte Fuer Chemie 86 859
[29] Willis J O, Waterstrat R M 1979 J. Appl. Phys. 50 2863
[30] Sun Z M, Ahuja R, Schneider J M 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 224112.
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