Direct fluorination, as one of the most effective approaches to chemical modification of polymer surfaces, has been widely developed from fundamental researches to industrial applications for about forty years in chemical industry field. However, today, its investigations and applications in adjusting and controlling the electrical properties of polymers are still deficient. The present paper attempts to briefly bring together our study results obtained in recent years and recently, related to the influence of surface fluorination on space charge behavior in polyethylene (PE), and to give a concluding discussion on the correlation between space charge accumulation in PE and its fluorinated layer properties and characteristics. The results show that a very thin fluorinated layer can yield effective charge suppression in the absence of oxygen in the reactive gas mixtures, whereas a very thick fluorinated layer with a high degree of fluorination is needed to achieve the effective charge blocking in the presence of oxygen. Among the electrical factors influencing space charge, charge transport properties of the fluorinated layer are more important than its charge trapping properties and permittivity or polarity to prevent charge injection into the bulk material, although high permittivity and deeply trapped charges in the surface layer would reduce the interface electric field and thus decrease charge injection from the electrodes. The charge transport properties of the fluorinated layer are closely related to its free volume, and oxygen in the reactive gas mixtures has a strong negative influence on the decrease of free volume and thus on the suppression of space charge.
- polyethylene /
- surface fluorination /
- space charge /
- fluorinated layer properties
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[15] Murakami Y, Mitsumoto S, Fukuma M, Hozumi N Nagao M 20002 Electr. Eng. Jpn. 138 19
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[20] Jiang Y, An Z, Liu C, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2010 IEEE Trans. DEI 17 1814
[21] An Z, Zhao M, Tang M, Yang Q, Xia Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5859 (in Chinese) [安振连, 赵敏, 汤敏敏, 杨强, 夏钟福 2008 57 5859]
[22] Yao J, An Z, Mao M, Zhang Y, Xia Z 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6508 (in Chinese) [姚俊兰, 安振连, 毛明军, 张冶文, 夏钟福 2010 59 6508]
[23] An Z, Zhao M, Yao Y, Zhang Y, Xia Z 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 015418
[24] An Z, Mao M, Yao J, Zhang Y, Xia Z 2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 415302
[25] An Z, Liu C, Chen X, Zheng F, Zhang Y "Influence of Oxygen Impurity in Fluorinating Mixtures on Charge Blocking Properties of Fluorinated Surface Layer of Polyethylene"submitted to IEEE Trans. DEI
[26] An Z, Liu C, Chen X, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2012 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.45 035302
[27] Xie C, An Z, Jiang Y, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2009 Proc. International Conference on properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials p895
[28] Kharitonov A P, Taege R, Ferrier G, Piven N P 2005 Surf. Coating Int. B Coating Trans. 88 201
[29] Serra S, Tosatti E, larloii S, Scandolo S, Santoro G 2000 Phys. Rev. Ser. B 62 4389
[30] Ho Y F F, Chen G, Davies A E, Swingler S G, Sutton S J, Hampton R N 2003 IEEE Trans. DEI 10 393
[1] Hanley T L, Burford R P, Fleming R J, Barber K W 2003 IEEE Electr. Insul. M. 19 13
[2] Montanari G C, Fabiani D 2000 IEEE Trans. DEI 7 322
[3] Zhang Y, Lewiner J, Alquie C, Hampton N 1996 IEEE Trans. DEI 3 778
[4] Fleming R J, Pawlowski T, Ammala A, Casey P S, Lawrence K A 2005 IEEE Trans. DEI 12 745
[5] Pawlowski T, Fleming R J, Lang S B 2006 IEEE Trans. DEI 13 1023
[6] Murakami Y, Nemoto M, Okuzumi S, Masada S, Nagao M, Hozumi N, Sekiguchi Y, Murata Y 2008 IEEE Trans. DEI 15 33
[7] Lin Y, Du W, Tu D, Zhong W, Du Q 2005 Polym. Int. 54 465
[8] Wang X, He H Q, Tu D M, Lei C, Du Q G 2008 IEEE Trans. DEI 15 319
[9] Matsui K, TanakaY, Takada T, Maeno T 2004 Proc. IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectric p201
[10] Gao L Y, Guo WY, Tu D M 2003 IEEE Trans. DEI 10 233
[11] Okamoto T, Kanegami M, Hozumi N 1999 Electr. Eng. Jpn. 126 15
[12] Lewis T J 2002 IEEE Trans. DEI 9 717
[13] Jones J P, Llewellyn J P Lewis T J 2005 IEEE Trans. DEI 12 951
[14] Chen G, Tanaka Y, Takada T, Zhong L 2004 IEEE Trans. DEI 11 113
[15] Murakami Y, Mitsumoto S, Fukuma M, Hozumi N Nagao M 20002 Electr. Eng. Jpn. 138 19
[16] Kharitonov A P 2008 Prog. Org. Coat. 61 192
[17] Tressaud A, Durand E, Labrugere C, Kharitonov A P, Kharitonova L N 2007 J. Fluorine Chem. 128 378
[18] An Z, Yang Q, Xie C, Jiang Y, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 064102
[19] An Z, Xie C, Jiang Y, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 106 104112
[20] Jiang Y, An Z, Liu C, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2010 IEEE Trans. DEI 17 1814
[21] An Z, Zhao M, Tang M, Yang Q, Xia Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5859 (in Chinese) [安振连, 赵敏, 汤敏敏, 杨强, 夏钟福 2008 57 5859]
[22] Yao J, An Z, Mao M, Zhang Y, Xia Z 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6508 (in Chinese) [姚俊兰, 安振连, 毛明军, 张冶文, 夏钟福 2010 59 6508]
[23] An Z, Zhao M, Yao Y, Zhang Y, Xia Z 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 015418
[24] An Z, Mao M, Yao J, Zhang Y, Xia Z 2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 415302
[25] An Z, Liu C, Chen X, Zheng F, Zhang Y "Influence of Oxygen Impurity in Fluorinating Mixtures on Charge Blocking Properties of Fluorinated Surface Layer of Polyethylene"submitted to IEEE Trans. DEI
[26] An Z, Liu C, Chen X, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2012 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.45 035302
[27] Xie C, An Z, Jiang Y, Zheng F, Zhang Y 2009 Proc. International Conference on properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials p895
[28] Kharitonov A P, Taege R, Ferrier G, Piven N P 2005 Surf. Coating Int. B Coating Trans. 88 201
[29] Serra S, Tosatti E, larloii S, Scandolo S, Santoro G 2000 Phys. Rev. Ser. B 62 4389
[30] Ho Y F F, Chen G, Davies A E, Swingler S G, Sutton S J, Hampton R N 2003 IEEE Trans. DEI 10 393
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