A joint of image encryption and compression is investigated, and a novel joint encryption and compression scheme is proposed. In our scheme, the encryption process is performed before compression. Making use of the properties of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) coding, confusion is restricted to the interior of single subband image itself and so image details are retained. Furthermore, diffusion preserves the two most significant bits (MSBs) and the sign bit, which contain important information about the image. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm possesses a good visual quality of the reconstructed image and a high encryption speed.
- cryptography /
- compression /
- discrete wavelet transform (DWT) /
- set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT)
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[17] David Salomon 2006 Data Compression Third Edition (Springer ISBN 0-387-40697-2)
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[1] Wen J, Kim H, Villasenor J D 2006 IEEE trans. Signal Process Letter 13 69
[2] Kim H, Wen J, Villasenor J D 2007 IEEE trans. Signal Process. 55 2263
[3] Bose R, Pathak A 2006 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 53 848
[4] Wong K W, Yuen C H 2008 IEEE trans. Circuits Syst. II 55 1193
[5] Mao Y N, Wu M 2006 IEEE Trans, Image Processing. 15 2061
[6] Brown R, Chua L O 1996 Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 6 219
[7] Fridrich J 1998 Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 8 1259
[8] Jakimoski G, Kocarev L 2001 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 48 163
[9] Dachselt F, Schwarz W 2001 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 48 1498
[10] Said A, Pearlman W A 1996 IEEE Trans, Image Processing 5 1303
[11] Shapiro J M 1993 IEEE Trans. Signal Processing 41 3445
[12] Luo R C, Chung L Y, Lien C H 2002 IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics 49 933
[13] Chan K S, Fekri F 2004 IEEE Trans. Signal Processing. 52 2975
[14] Lian S, Sun J, Wang Z 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia Exp. 3 2195
[15] Shannon C 1949 Bell System Tech. J. 28 656
[16] Lin R, Mao Y B, Wang Z Q 2008 Proc IEEE Int Conf. Communications and Networking in China 1294
[17] David Salomon 2006 Data Compression Third Edition (Springer ISBN 0-387-40697-2)
[18] Kohda T, Tsuneda A 1997 IEEE Trans Inform Theory 43 104
[19] Said A, Pearlman W A 1996 IEEE Trans, Circuits Syst for Video Tech. 6 243
[20] Behnia A, Akhshani A, Ahadpour S, Mahmodi H, Akhavand A 2007 Phys. Lett. A 366 391
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