Based on thermo-optical phase transition effect, VO2/ZnO nanostructure composite films are designed and successfully prepared by depositing ZnO films with high (002) orientation on soda-lime glass substrates first, and then the vanadium dioxide films are fabricated by depositing vanadium metal films on ZnO films at room temperature and thermal oxidation treatment. The thermochromic properties of VO2/ZnO nanocomposite films are measured and compared with the single-layer VO2 films on SiO2 glass substrates with the same thickness. The lattice distortion and bonding state of the VO2/ZnO nanocomposite films before and after phase transition are observed and analyzed by Raman spectroscopy at the different temperatures. The relations of infrared switching properties and phase transition temperature to nanostructure and film thickness are discussed. The results show that the thermochromic optical properties are improved significantly. VO2/ZnO nano-composite films have high (002) orientation so that the infrared transmittance before phase transition is more than twice as large as that after phase transition, and the width of thermal hysteresis is narrowed by about 5℃ and phase transition temperature is decreased about 8℃. It suggestes that the nano-composite films can significantly reduce the phase transition temperature and enhance the infrared light switch modulation capabilities of VO2 thin films.
- ZnO /
- VO2 /
- nano-composite film /
- thermochromism /
- Raman spectum
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[1] Nag J, Haglund Jr R F 2008 J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 1
[2] Kyoung J, Seo M, Park H, Koo S, Kim H, Park Y, Kim B J, Ahn K, Park N, Kim H, Kim D S 2010 Optics Express 18 16452
[3] Saeli M, Binions R, Piccirillo C 2009 Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 7291
[4] Granqvist C G, Lansaker P C, Mlyuka N R 2009 Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 93 2032
[5] Chen S H, Lai J J, Dai J, Ma H, Hongchen Wang H C, Yi X J 2009 Optics Express 17 24153
[6] Piccirillo C, Binions R, Parkin I P 2008 Thin Solid Films 516 1992
[7] Beteille F, Livage J 1998 J. Sol-Gel. Sci. Technol. 13 915
[8] Lopez R, Boatner L A, Haynes T E 2002 J. Appl. Phys., 92 4031
[9] Ruzmetov D, Senanayake S D, Narayanamurti V 2008 Phys. Rev. B 77 195442
[10] Li J, Dho J 2010 J. Crystal Growth 312 3287
[11] Du J, Gao Y, Luo H 2011 Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 95 1604
[12] Chiu T W, Tonooka K, Kikuchi N 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 7441
[13] Chiu T W, Tonooka K, Kikuchi N 2010 Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 6834
[14] Kato K, Song P K, Odaka H, Shigesato Y 2003 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 6523
[15] Wang H F, Li Y, Yu X J, Zhu H Q, Huang Y Z 2009 Proc. of SPIE 7509 75090P-1
[16] Li Y, Yi X J, Zhang T X 2005 Chinese Optics Lett. 3 719
[17] Pan M X, Chao X Zh, Li Y X 2004 Acta Phys . Sin. 53 1956 (in Chinese) [潘梦霄、曹兴忠、李养贤 2004 53 1956]
[18] Yuan N Y, Li J H, Lin C L 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 0852 (in Chinese) [袁宁一、李金华、林成鲁2002 51 0852 ]
[19] Schilbe P 2002 Physica B 316-317 600
[20] Rama N, Ramachandra Rao M S 2010 Solid State Comm. 150 1041
[21] Song T T, He J, Lin L B, Chen J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6480 (in Chinese) [宋婷婷、何 捷、林理彬、陈 军 2010 59 6480]
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