Base on the code of steady K-shell model for collision radiative balance, we analyze the main mechanism of populating the Li-like satellite of aluminum plasma in detail. The evolutions of the Li-like satellite intensity ratios of 1s2p2 2P1s22p2P, 1s2s2p(1S)2P1s22s2S and 1s2p2 2D1s22p2P with electron temperature and density are depicted from which we find that the intensity ratio is density sensitive and temperature unsensitive, which can be used to diagnose the electron density in hot dense plasma. At the same time, the evolution of the intensity ratio of He-like to He-like resonant with electron density is also given. The value of the ratio is large in the high electron density region due to the influence of the undistinguished Li-like statellite around the He-like intercombination. Finally, we simulate the spectra emitting from the hot dense aluminum plasmas generated by the Shengguang-Ⅱ equipment and give the electron temperature and density.
- collision radiative model /
- Li-like satellite /
- intensity ratio /
- laser plasma
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[1] Zhang J Y, Yang J M, Xu Y, Yang G H, Yan J, Meng G W, Ding Y N, Wang Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 985 (in Chinese) [张继彦、杨家敏、许 琰、杨国洪、颜 君、孟广为、丁耀南、汪 艳 2008 57 985]
[2] [3] Saemann A, Eidmann K, Golovkin I E, Mancini R C, Andersson E, Forster E, Witte K 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 4843
[4] Yang J M, Hu Z M, Zhang J Y, Zhu T, Zhao Y, Wen T S, Wang Z B, Ding Y K, Ding Y N, Wei M X, Yang G H, Zhang B H 2008 Phys.Plasmas 15 112704
[5] [6] Yang J M, Ding Y N, Chen B, Zheng Z J, Yang G H, Zhang B H, Wang Y M, Zhang W H 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 411 (in Chinese) [杨家敏、丁耀南、陈 波、郑志坚、杨国洪、张保汉、王耀梅、张文海 2003 52 411]
[7] [8] Jeffrey A K, Steven W H, Roberto C M 2004 J. Quantum Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 88 443
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