Analytic and numerical study of electromagnetic oscillations of isotropic relativistic plasma with fast electron distribution is presented. Different analytic formulas for the long-wavelength and short-wavelength branches are obtained. The numerical study gives the dispersion curve in the whole wavenumber range. It is shown that analytical dispersion curves in the long-wavelength and short-wavelength regions are coincident with the numerical ones. Furthermore, the approximate expression of the dispersion law for the different parameters is given by fitting numerical curves with the polynomial regression method, which provides a reference for further study.
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[1] Xue J K, Lang H 2003 Physics of Plasmas 10 339
[2] Drummond W E 2004 Physics of Plasmas 11 552
[3] Mikhailovskii A B 1980 Plasma Physics 22 133
[4] Bergmana J, Eliassonb B 2001 Physics of Plasmas 8 1482
[5] Schlickeiser R 2004 Physics of Plasmas 11 5532
[6] Ji P Y, Lu N, Zhu J 2009 Acta. Phys. Sin. 58 7473(in Chinese) [季沛勇、鲁 楠、祝 俊 2009 58 7473]
[7] Hellberg M A, Mace R L 2002 Physics of Plasmas 9 1495
[8] Achterberg A, Norman C A 1980 Astron. Astrophys. 89 353
[9] Jones F C, Ellison D C 1991 Space Sci. Rev. 58 259
[10] Hasegawa A, Mima K, Duong-van M 1985 Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 2608
[11] Scholer M 1990 Geophys.Res.Lett. 17 1821
[12] Kaplan S A 1976 Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 19 592
[13] Tsytovich V N 1976 Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 19 582
[14] Kaplan S A 1977 Astrophysics and Space Science 57 271
[15] Kaplan S A, Tsytovich V N (Translated by Zhang Z D, Li X Q) 1982 Plasma Astrophysics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [卡普兰、齐托维奇著,章振大、李晓卿译 1982 等离子体天体物理(北京:科学出版社)]
[16] Silin V P, Rukhadze A A 1961 Electromagnetic properties of plasma and plasma-like media (Moscow: Atomizdat) (in Russian)
[17] Li X Q 2004 Collapsing dynamics of plasmons (Beijing: Chinese Science and Technology Press) p43 (in Chinese)[李晓卿 2004 等离激元坍塌动力学(北京:中国科学技术出版社)第43页]
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