A 0.14 THz high-power terahertz pulse detector based on hot electron effect in semiconductors is designed in this paper. First, the working principle of the detector is analyzed and its relative sensitivity is derived according to the structural characteristics of the detector. Then a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method is used to simulate the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and relative sensitivity in a linear region. With optimized structural parameters, the VSWR of the designed detector is less than 1.3 while the relative sensitivity is about 0.6 kW-1, fluctuating no more than 10% in a frequency range of 0.13—0.16 THz. Subsequently discussed are the effect of Joule heat on the detector, and the relation between variation ratio of the output voltage and terahertz pulse duration. Finally the detecting simulations of the detector and its analysis results show that the detector with response time of picosecond-leval can handle a maximum power of about 2.2 kW, while the maximum power of its linear working region reaches tens of watts, so it can accomplish the direct measuring of 0.14 THz high-power terahertz pulses with nanosecond-level durations, increasing the accuracy of power measurement.
- high-power terahertz pulse /
- detector /
- hot electron /
- sensitivity
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[1] Siegel H P 2002 IEEE Trans. Micro. Theory Tech. 50 910
[2] Dragoman D, Dragoman M 2004 Progress in Quantum Electronics 28 1
[3] Carr G L, Martin M C, McKinney W R, Jordan K, Neil G R, Williams G P 2002 Nature 420 153
[4] Xiong Y Q, Qin B, Feng G Y, Tan P, Tian J S, Chen P, Yang J, Yu T Q, Pei Y J, Fan M W 2008 Chin. Phys. C 32 301 (in Chinese) [熊永前、秦 斌、冯光耀、谭 萍、田家胜、陈 萍、杨 军、余调琴、裴元吉、樊明武 2008 中国物理C 32 301]
[5] Bratman V, Glyavin M, Idehara T, Kalynov Y, Luchinin A, Manuilov V, Mitsudo S, Ogawa I, Saito T, Tatematsu Y, Zapevalov V 2009 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37 36
[6] Li W P, Zhang Y X, Liu S G, Liu D G 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2875 (in Chinese) [李文平、张雅鑫、刘盛刚、刘大刚 2008 57 2875]
[7] Zhang K C, Wu Z H, Liu S G 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3402
[8] Tong C J, Li X Z, Wang J G, Wang X Z, Wang G Q 2009 Proc. SPIE 7385 7385101
[9] Dagys M, Kancleris , Orevskis V, Schamiloglu E 2001 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. M. 43 64
[10] Kancleris , Simnikis R, Dagys M, Tamoiūnas V 2007 IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 1 757
[11] Liu E K, Zhu B S, Luo J S 2004 Semiconductor Physics (Beijing: Publishing House of National Defence Industry) pp84—110 (in Chinese) [刘恩科、朱秉升、罗晋生 2004 半导体物理学 (北京:国防工业出版社)第84—110页]
[12] Seeger K 1973 Semiconductor Physics (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp190—220
[13] Ying J N, Gu M Z, Zhang K Q 1996 Microwave and Optical Guided Wave Technologies (Beijing: Publishing House of National Defence Industry) pp90 (in Chinese) [应嘉年、顾茂章、张克潜 1996 微波与光导波技术(北京:国防工业出版社)第90页]
[14] Wang G Q, Wang J G, Li X Z, Fan R Y, Wang X Z, Wang X F, Tong C J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8459 (in Chinese) [王光强、王建国、李小泽、范如玉、王行舟、王雪峰、童长江 2010 59 8459]
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