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王朋 赵宝升 盛立志 胡慧君 鄢秋荣



王朋, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 胡慧君, 鄢秋荣

Research of the navigation accuracy for the X-ray pulsar navigation system

Wang Peng, Zhao Bao-Sheng, Sheng Li-Zhi, Hu Hui-Jun, Yan Qiu-Rong
  • 为提高X射线脉冲星导航系统的导航精度,提出了一种基于低通滤波器的恒比定时方法, 以提高X射线脉冲星导航系统中X射线脉冲到达时间的测量精度.通过设计测量方案, 对原有的峰值定时方法和改进后的恒比定时系统的定时精度和死时间进行测量.测量结果表明, 峰值定时系统的定时精度和死时间分别为18和4750 ns,恒比定时系统的定时精度和死时间分别为 0.78和105 ns,与原有的峰值定时系统相比,采用恒比定时系统的定时精度和死时间均得到明显的提高. 在X射线脉冲星导航系统中,通过利用这两种不同定时系统来测量X射线光子的到达时间以构造累积脉冲轮廓. 实验结果表明,与峰值定时系统相比,采用改进的恒比定时系统获得的累积脉冲轮廓的信噪比得到明显改善, 因此,采用恒比定时系统的导航精度可得到提高.
    In order to improve the navigation accuracy of the X-ray pulsar navigation system, in this paper we propose a constant fraction timing method based on the low-pass filter to measure the arrival time of the X-ray pulse in X-ray pulsar navigation. According to the technical scheme, the timing accuracies and dead times of original peaking timing and the improved constant fraction timing are measured. Experimental results indicate that the timing accuracy and the dead time of the peaking timing system are 18 ns and 4750 ns, the timing accuracy and the dead time of the constant fraction timing system are 0.78 ns and 105 ns. The timing accuracy and the dead time of constant fraction timing system are significantly improved compared with those of the peaking timing system. In the X-ray pulsar navigation system, the cumulative pulse profile of the X-ray pulse is constructed in the two different timing systems through measuring the arrival time of the X-ray photon. Experimental results indicate that compared with using the peaking timing system, the cumulative pulse profile of the X-ray pulse using the improved constant fraction timing system is improved obviously, therefore, the navigation accuracy could be improved by using the constant fraction timing system.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号: 11103069, 61007017)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11103069, 61007017).

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    Hu H J, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Sai X F, Yan Q R, Chen B M, Wang P 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 019701 (in Chinese) [胡慧君, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 赛小锋, 鄢秋荣, 陈宝梅, 王朋 2012 61 019701]


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  • [1]

    Hewish A, Bell S J, Pilkington J D H, Scott P F, Collins R A 1968 Nature 217 709


    Taylor J H 1991 Proc. IEEE 79 1054


    Nicastrro L, Cusumano G, Lohmer O, Kramer M, Kuiper L, Hermsen W, Mineo T, Becker W 2004 Astron. Astrophys. 413 1065


    Paul S R, Kent S W, Michael T W, Suneel I S, Kathryn W 2007 Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation Cambrige, UK April 23-25, 2007 p423


    Sheikh S I, Ray P S 2007 Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation Cambrige, UK April 23-25, 2007 p444


    Hu H J, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Yan Q R 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 029701 (in Chinese) [胡慧君, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 鄢秋荣 2011 60 029701]


    Hu H J, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Sai X F, Yan Q R, Chen B M, Wang P 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 019701 (in Chinese) [胡慧君, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 赛小锋, 鄢秋荣, 陈宝梅, 王朋 2012 61 019701]


    Xie Z H, Xu L P, Ni G R 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6683 (in Chinese) [谢振华, 许录平, 倪广仁 2008 57 6683]


    Ray P S, Wood K S, Phlips B F 2006 Guid. Cont. Dyn. 29 49


    Liu Y A, Yan Q R, Sheng L Z, Zhao F F, Hu H J, Zhao B S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 048501 (in Chinese) [刘永安, 鄢秋荣, 盛立志, 赵菲菲, 胡慧君, 赵宝升 2011 60 048501]


    Tanaka M, Ikeda H, Ikeda M, Inaba S 1992 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 39 1321


    Gu M, Wang D, Ni C, Liu X L, Huang S M, Liu B 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 813 (in Chinese) [顾牧, 王迪, 倪晨, 刘小林, 黄世明, 刘波 2008 光学学报 28 813]


    Va'vra J, Benitez J, Leith D W G S, Mazaheri G, Ratcliff B, Schwiening J 2007 Phys. Res. A 572 459


    Sheikh S I, Pines D J 2006 J. Guid. Control Dynam. 29 49

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-02-21
  • 修回日期:  2012-04-05
  • 刊出日期:  2012-10-05

