Experiments were carried out in a stratified fluid with a momentum source modeled by a horizontally moving jet. The generation mechanism was investigated and the evolution characteristics were analyzed for the quasi-two-dimensional dipolar vortex streets generated by such a moving momentum source in the stratified fluid. The conditions of different Reynold and Froude number (Re, Fr) combinations under which the dipolar vortex street can be generated by moving momentum source were determined by use of data based on the present series of experiments. Moreover, the dependence of the dimensionless formation time and inverse dimensionless average wavelength of the dipolar vortex street on Fr for different values of Re was obtained. The results show that these parameters are independent of Re and approximately follow some exponential laws of Fr.
- stratified fluid /
- moving momentum source /
- dipolar vortex street /
- vortex street formation time
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[1] You Y X, Zhao X Q, Chen K, Wei G 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6750 (in Chinese) [尤云祥、 赵先奇、 陈 科、 魏 岗 2009 58 6750]
[2] Wu Y G, Tao M D 2006 Chin. Phys. 15 1137
[3] Lian Q X, Guo H 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2226 (in Chinese) [连祺祥、 郭 辉 2004 53 2226]
[4] Reed A M, Milgram J H 2002 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 34 469
[5] Lin Q, Linberg W R, Boyer D L, Fernado H J S 1992 J. Fluid Mech. 240 315
[6] Chomaz J M, Bonneton P, Hopfinger E L 1993 J. Fluid Mech. 254 1
[7] Spedding G R, Browand F K, Fincham A M 1996 J. Fluid Mech. 314 53
[8] Spedding G R 1997 J. Fluid Mech. 337 283
[9] Voropayev S I, Afanasyev Y D 1994 Vortex Structures in a Stratified Fluid (London: Chapman and Hall)
[10] Munk W, Armi L, Fischer K, Zachariasen F 2000 Spirals on the Sea Proc.R.Soc. London Ser. A 456 1217
[11] Meuniera P, Spedding G R 2004 Phys. Fluids 16 298
[12] Flor J B, van Heijst G J F 1994 J. Fluid Mech. 279 101
[13] Flor J B, Fernando H J S,van Heijst G J F 1994 Phys. Fluids 6 287
[14] Fonseka S V, Fernando H J S, van Heijst G J F 1998 J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 103(C11) 24857
[15] Praud O, Fincham A M 2005 J. Fluid Mech. 544 1
[16] van Heijst G J F, Flor J B 1989 Nature 340 212
[17] Voropayev S I, Afanasyev Y D 1992 J. Fluid Mech. 236 665
[18] Orlandi P 1990 Phys. Fluids A 2 1429
[19] Voropayev S I, McEachem G B, Fernando H J S, Boyer D L 1999 Phys. Fluids 11 1682
[20] Voropayev S I, Smirnov S A 2003 Phys. Fluids 15 618
[21] Voropayev S I, Fernando H J S, Smirnov S A, Morrison R 2007 Phys. Fluids 19 1
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