In this paper, the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) media perfluoropolyether (PFPE) with unique physicochemical properties and SBS properties are researched. The PFPE has a small absorption coefficient and can be used to increase the load-ability of SBS system. The PFPE with a high boiling point and a low pouring point can operate at high and low temperatures, respectively. The SBS properties of PFPE have been analyzed in detail and validated in Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system. The experimental results indicate that the media not only have good SBS characteristics but also can be used in a wide temperature range, thereby has great advantage for experimental investigation on SBS phase-conjugated mirror at different temperatures.
- stimulated Brillouin scattering /
- media /
- perfluoropolyether /
- temperature property
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[1] Liu J, Bai J H, Ni K, Jing H M, He X D, Liu D H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 260 (in Chinese) [刘 娟、白建辉、倪 恺、景红梅、何兴道、刘大禾 2008 57 260]
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[5] Chen X D, Shi J W, Liu J, Liu B, Xu Y X, Shi J L, Liu D H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1047 (in Chinese) [陈旭东、石锦卫、刘 娟、刘 宝、许艳霞、史久林、刘大禾 2010 59 1047]
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[7] Gong S, Hasi W L J, Lü Z W, Dong F L, Lin D Y, He W M, Zhao X Y, Fan R Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 304 (in Chinese) [公 胜、哈斯乌力吉、吕志伟、董粉丽、林殿阳、何伟明、赵晓彦、范瑞清 2009 58 304]
[8] Hasi W L J, Lu H H, Gong S, Fu M L, Lü Z W, Lin D Y, He W M 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2835
[9] Hasi W L J, Lu H H, Fu M L, Gong S, Lu Z W, Lin D Y, He W M, Gao W 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5362
[10] Yoshida H, Kmetik V, Fujita H, Nakatsuka M, Yamanaka T, Yoshida K 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 3739
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[14] Hasi W L J, Lü Z W, Guo X Y, Sun X H, Lu H H, Fu M L, Gong S, Geng X Z, Lin D Y, He W M 2009 Laser Part. Beams 27 733
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[20] Hasi W L J, Lü Z W, Li Q, Ba D X, Zhang Y, He W M 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5252 (in Chinese) [哈斯乌力吉、吕志伟、李 强、巴德欣、张 祎、何伟明 2006 55 5252]
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[23] Hasi W L J, Lü Z W, Liu S J, He W M, Zhao X Y, Zhang W 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2976 (in Chinese) [哈斯乌力吉、吕志伟、刘述杰、何伟明、赵晓彦、张 伟 2008 57 2976]
[24] Hasi W L J, Lü Z W, Li Q, Ba D X, He W M 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 1385
[25] Langford V S, McKinley A J, Quickenden T I 2001 J. Phys. Chem. A 105 8916
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