忆阻器可以用来模拟生物神经突触和描述电磁感应效应. 为了探索电磁感应作用下异构神经网络的动力学行为, 本文首先使用双局部有源忆阻器耦合一个Hindmarsh-Rose (HR)和两个FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN)神经元, 构成忆阻电磁感应下分数阶异构神经网络. 然后利用相图、分岔图、李雅普诺夫指数谱和吸引盆等动力学分析方法, 对该网络进行数值研究. 结果表明该神经网络表现出丰富的动力学行为, 包括共存行为、反单调现象、瞬态混沌和放电行为等, 为研究人脑放电行为提供支持, 随后进一步利用时间反馈控制方法实现了双稳态的控制. 最后, 在嵌入式硬件平台上实现了该神经网络, 验证了仿真结果的有效性.The dynamic behaviors of coupled neurons with different mathematical representations have received more and more attention in recent years. The coupling among heterogeneous neurons can show richer dynamic phenomena, which is of great significance in understanding the function of the human brain. In this paper, we present a fraction-order heterogeneous network with three neurons, which is built by coupling an FN neuron with two HR neurons. Complex electromagnetic surroundings have meaningful physical influence on the electrical activities of neurons. To imitate the effects of electromagnetic induction on the three-neuron heterogeneous network, we introduce a fraction-order locally active memristor in the neural network. The characteristics of this memristor are carefully analyzed by pinched hysteresis loops and its locally active characteristic is proved by the power-off plot and the DC v-i plot. Then, the parameter-dependent dynamic activities are investigated numerically by using several dynamical analysis methods, such as the phase diagrams, bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponent spectra, and attraction basins. In addition, the network also reveals rich dynamic behaviors, including coexisting activities, anti-monotonicity phenomena, transient chaos and firing patterns, providing support for further investigating the firing patterns of the human brain. In particular, complex dynamics, including coexisting attractors, anti-monotonicity, and firing patterns, can be influenced by the order and strength of electrical synaptic coupling and electromagnetic induction. The control of the bistable state can be realized through the time feedback control method, so that the bistable state can be transformed into an ideal monostable state. The study of the fraction-order memristive neural network may expand the field of view for understanding the collective behaviors of neurons. Finally, based on the ARM platform, we give a digital implementation of the fraction-order memristive neural network, which can verify the consistency with the numerical simulation results. In the future, we will explore more interesting memristive neural networks and study different types of methods to control the firing behaviors of the networks.
- memristive electromagnetic induction /
- fraction-order neural network /
- attractor coexistence /
- anti-monotonicity
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[1] 周小荣, 罗晓曙, 蒋品群, 袁五届 2007 56 5679
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[29] Tzounas G, Dassios I, Murad M A A, Milano F 2020 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 35 4622
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[38] Weiher M, Herzig M, Tetzlaff R, Ascoli A, Mikolajick T, Slesazeck S 2019 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I-Regul 66 2627
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[39] Yu H, Du S Z, Dong E Z, Tong J G 2022 Chaos Solitons Fractals 160 112220
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[41] Li C B, Sprott J C, Hu W, Xu Y J 2017 Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 27 1750160
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[42] Park J H, Huh S H, Kim S H, Seo S J, Park G T 2005 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 16 414
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[43] Yadav K, Prasad A, Shrimali M D 2018 Phys. Lett. A 382 2127
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