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陈大勇 缪培贤 史彦超 崔敬忠 刘志栋 陈江 王宽



陈大勇, 缪培贤, 史彦超, 崔敬忠, 刘志栋, 陈江, 王宽

Measurement of noise of current source by pump-probe atomic magnetometer

Chen Da-Yong, Miao Pei-Xian, Shi Yan-Chao, Cui Jing-Zhong, Liu Zhi-Dong, Chen Jiang, Wang Kuan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 用于在宽量程范围内标定原子磁力仪的灵敏度的复现磁场通常由精密电流源和标准线圈产生, 电流源噪声将直接影响原子磁力仪在宽量程范围内标定的灵敏度. 本文基于抽运-检测型原子磁力仪首先提出抑制复现磁场漂移的磁补偿方法, 其次开展宽量程范围内电流源的噪声和原子磁力仪的灵敏度之间依赖关系的研究. 研究结果表明, 抽运-检测型原子磁力仪的灵敏度主要由电流源噪声决定, 因此可用特定磁场下的灵敏度估算电流源在对应输出电流条件下的电流噪声. 本文研究对弱磁传感器灵敏度指标的标定、高精度电流源的研制、磁感应强度计量和电流计量的协同发展都具有参考价值.
    The stable and reproducible magnetic field generated by a precision current source and a coil is usually used to calibrate the sensitivity of an atomic magnetometer. The noise of the current source directly determines the noise of the magnetic field. Therefore a highly sensitive atomic magnetometer can be used to measure the noise of the current source.In this paper, a pump-probe atomic magnetometer is used to measure and estimate the noises of two current sources in a wide range. Firstly, in order to suppress the drift of magnetic field, which is caused by the drift of the current source or the gradual change of the magnetization of magnetic shielding materials, a method of implementing the magnetic compensation by using a precision source B2912A with small current is proposed and realized. The experimental results show that the magnetic compensation significantly suppresses the drift of magnetic field and reduces the amplitude of the power spectral density of magnetic field values to less than 0.1 Hz, but have little effect on the amplitude of the power spectral density of magnetic field values more than 0.1 Hz. Secondly, the relationship between the sensitivity of the pump-probe atomic magnetometer and the noises of two current sources in a wide range is respectively verified experimentally. When the magnetic field varies from 100 nT to 10000 nT, the sensitivity of the pump-probe atomic magnetometer increases stepwise from 0.2 pT/Hz1/2 to 15 pT/Hz1/2 by using a precision source B2912A to generate the magnetic field, while the magnetometer sensitivity is always about 20 pT/Hz1/2 by using a DC power analyzer N6705B to generate the magnetic field. When the magnetic field increases from 5000 nT to 6000 nT, the current resolution of B2912A changes from 100 nA to 1 μA, leading the peak to peak of the measured magnetic field to change from 23 pT to 230 pT. In the same transformation process of the magnetic field, the current resolution of N6705B is always about 2 μA, causing the peak to peak of the measured magnetic field to maintain at 300 pT. The experimental results show that the sensitivity of the pump-probe atomic magnetometer is limited by the noise of the magnetic field, thus the current noise can be estimated by the sensitivity of the pump-probe atomic magnetometer. When the magnetic field is set to 5000 nT, the current of B2912A or N6705B supplied to the coil is 94.8 mA, while the noise of B2912A or N6705B is 22.70 nA/Hz1/2 or 0.39 μA/Hz1/2, respectively. The value of the current noise is about 20% of the value of the current resolution, which will be given a more reasonable explanation by combining the data processing process and the calibration details of current source in the future.Our research is of great significance in calibrating the sensitivity of magnetic sensor, developing the high-precision current sources, and co-developing the magnetic induction metrology and current metrology.
      通信作者: 缪培贤, miaopeixian@163.com
    • 基金项目: 真空技术与物理重点实验室基金(批准号: HTKJ2019KL510001)和甘肃省重点研发计划(批准号: 20YF3GA001)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Miao Pei-Xian, miaopeixian@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Foundation of Science and Technology on Vacuum Technology and Physics Laboratory, China (Grant No. HTKJ2019KL510001) and the Key R&D Program of Gansu Province, China (Grant No. 20YF3GA001).

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  • 图 1  实验装置示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus.

    图 2  原子磁力仪的时序示意图 (a) 10000 nT 磁场下的实测数据; (b) 图(a)中部分曲线的放大

    Fig. 2.  The schematic diagram of timing sequence for atomic magnetometer: (a) The data measured in the magnetic field of 10000 nT; (b) expanded version of the curve in Fig. (a).

    图 3  磁补偿设计对抽运-检测型原子磁力仪实测灵敏度的影响 (a) 无磁补偿时实测磁场值; (b) 有磁补偿时实测磁场值; (c) 磁补偿时精密电流源输出的补偿电流; (d) 图(a)和(b)中5 min稳定磁场值的功率谱密度

    Fig. 3.  The influence of the design of magnetic compensation on the sensitivity of pump-probe atomic magnetometer: (a) Magnetic field values without magnetic compensation; (b) magnetic field values with magnetic compensation; (c) compensation current in the process of the magnetic compensation; (d) the power spectral density of the magnetic field values in (a) and (b).

    图 4  分别用两种电流源产生的外磁场与原子磁力仪的灵敏度的依赖关系

    Fig. 4.  The relationship between the sensitivity of atomic magnetometer and the external magnetic field generated by two current sources respectively.

    图 5  分别用两种电源产生5000 nT和6000 nT磁场时抽运-检测型原子磁力仪测量的磁场值

    Fig. 5.  The magnetic field values measured by pump-probe atomic magnetometer when the magnetic field of 5000 nT and 6000 nT is generated by two current sources respectively.

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    杨宝, 缪培贤, 史彦超, 冯浩, 张金海, 崔敬忠, 刘志栋 2020 中国激光 47 1012001Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-06-13
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