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谢飞 臧航 刘方 何欢 廖文龙 黄煜



谢飞, 臧航, 刘方, 何欢, 廖文龙, 黄煜

Simulated research on displacement damage of gallium nitride radiated by different neutron sources

Xie Fei, Zang Hang, Liu Fang, He Huan, Liao Wen-Long, Huang Yu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 电子器件中的半导体材料经过中子辐照后产生大量位移损伤, 进而影响器件性能, 氮化镓(GaN)材料是第三代宽禁带半导体, GaN基电子器件在国防、空间和航天等辐射服役环境中具有重要应用. 本文利用蒙特卡罗软件Geant4模拟了中子在GaN材料中的输运过程, 对在大气中子、压水堆、高温气冷堆和高通量同位素堆外围辐照区四种中子辐照环境下GaN中的初级反冲原子能谱及加权初级反冲原子能谱进行了分析. 研究发现: 在四种辐照环境下GaN中初级反冲原子能谱中, 均在0.58 MeV附近处出现不常见的“尖峰”, 经分析该峰为核反应产生的H原子峰, 由于低能中子$ ({\rm{n}},{\rm{p}})$反应截面较大, 该峰的强弱和低能中子占总能谱的比例有关; 通过对比四种中子辐照环境下GaN中初级反冲原子能谱分布可知, 大气中子能谱辐照产生的初级反冲原子能量更低、分布范围更广, 裂变堆能谱下较高能量的初级反冲原子的比例较大, 大气中子和高通量同位素堆辐照环境下的初级反冲原子能谱与加权初级反冲原子谱形状更相似, 结合核反应产物对电学性能的影响, 高通量同位素堆外围辐照区更适合用于模拟GaN在大气中子环境下的辐照实验. 该结果对GaN基电子器件在辐射环境下长期服役评估研究和GaN材料的反应堆模拟中子辐照环境实验研究具有参考价值.
    Gallium nitride (GaN), one of the third-generation wide-bandgap semiconductors, offers significant application for advanced electronic devices utilized in neutron irradiation environments, like the defense, space, and aerospace, etc. In these applications, neutron irradiation-induced defects affect the properties of GaN and eventually degrade the performance of devices. In this work, neutron transport process in GaN is simulated by using the Monte Carlo-based code, Geant4 toolkit under four different irradiation conditions, e.g. high flux isotope reactor, high temperature gas-cooled reactor, pressurized water reactor, and atmospheric neutron irradiation. The energy spectra of primary knock-on atoms (PKA) in GaN and the corresponding weighted spectra under those irradiation conditions are analyzed. It is found that there is one unusual “peak” at around 0.58 MeV in the Primary recoil spectrum, regardless of the irradiation conditions. This peak is attributed to the neutron reaction of hydrogen nucleus, i.e., (n, p). Because of the remarkable (n,p) reaction cross-section of low-energy neutron, the intensity of this peak is related to the ratio of low-energy neutron to the total neutron spectrum. By comparing these PKA energy spectra in GaN, we can see that the PKA energy spectrum created under atmospheric neutron irradiation is similar to that in the high flux isotopic reactor. Specifically, the energy distribution of PKA is wide, and the magnitude of energy is lower than those under fission neutron irradiation conditions. In combination with the effects of nuclear reaction products on electrical properties, the high flux isotopic reactor is more suitable for simulating the irradiation of GaN in an atmospheric neutron energy spectrum environment. These above results can provide not only some insights into the evaluation of the degradation of GaN-based electronic devices under neutron irradiation, but also dataset for the study of radiation damage effect of GaN in simulated neutron environment.
      通信作者: 臧航, zanghang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 科学挑战专题资助项目(批准号: TZ2018004)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11975179)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Zang Hang, zanghang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science Challenge Project (Grant No. TZ2018004) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11975179)

    贾婉丽, 周淼, 王馨梅, 纪卫莉 2018 10 107102Google Scholar

    Jia W L, Zhou M, Wang X M, Ji W L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 107102Google Scholar


    赵德刚, 周梅, 左淑华 2007 56 5513Google Scholar

    Zhao D G, Zuo S H, Zhou M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5513Google Scholar


    张力, 林志宇, 罗俊, 王树龙, 张进成, 郝跃, 戴扬, 陈大正, 郭立新 2017 66 247302Google Scholar

    Zhang L, Lin Z Y, Luo J, Wang S L, Zhang J C, Hao Y, Dai Y, Chen D Z, Guo L X 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 247302Google Scholar


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    Hadis Morkoç 2008 Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH) pp1–129


    Lorenz K, Marques J G, Franco N, Alves E, Peres M, Correia M R, Monteiro T 2008 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 266 2780


    Kazukauskas V, Kalendra V, Vaitkus V 2006 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 568 421


    Zhang M L, Wang X L, Xiao H L, Yang C B, Wang R 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology Shanghai, November 1–4, 2010 p1533


    张得玺 2015 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西安电子科技大学)

    Zhang D X 2015 M. S. Thesis (Xi’an: Xidian University) (in Chinese)


    吕玲2014 博士学位论文 (西安 西安电子科技大学)

    Lv L 2014 Ph.D. Thesis (Xi’an Xidian University)(in Chinese)


    Wang R X, Xu S J, Li S, Fung S, Beling C D, Wang K, Wei Z F, Zhou T J, Zhang J D, Gong M, Pang G K H 2004 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices Brisbane December 8–10 2004 p141


    Wang R X, Xu S J, Fung S, Beling C D, Wang K, Li S, Wei Z F, Zhou T J, Zhang J D, Huang Y 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 031906


    王园明, 陈伟, 郭红霞, 何宝平, 罗尹虹, 姚志斌, 张凤祁, 张科营, 赵雯 2010 原子能科学技术 44 1505

    Wang Y M, Cheng W, Guo H X, He B P, Luo Y H, Yao Z B, Zhang F Q, Zhang K Y, Zhao W 2010 Atom Energ. Sci. Technol. 44 1505


    曾志, 李君利, 程建平, 邱睿 2005 同位素 18 55Google Scholar

    Zeng Z, LI J L, Cheng J P, Qiu R 2005 J. Isotop. 18 55Google Scholar


    路伟, 王同权, 王兴功, 刘雪林 2011 核技术 34 529

    Lu W, Wang T Q, Wang X G, Liu X L 2011 Nucl. Technol. 34 529


    Agostinelli S, Allison J, Amako K 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 506 250


    申帅帅, 贺朝会, 李永宏 2018 67 182401Google Scholar

    Shen S S, He C H, Li Y H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 182401Google Scholar


    Apostolakis J, Asai M, Bogdanoy A G 2009 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 78 859


    何博文, 贺朝会, 申帅帅, 陈袁妙粱 2017 原子能科学技术 51 543Google Scholar

    He B W, He C H, Shen S S, Chen Y M L 2017 Atom Energ. Sci. Technol. 51 543Google Scholar


    郭达禧, 贺朝会, 臧航, 席建奇, 马梨, 杨涛, 张鹏 2013 原子能科学技术 47 1222Google Scholar

    Guo D X, He C H, Zang H, Xi J Q, Ma L, Yang T, Zhang P 2013 Atom Energ Sci Technol 47 1222Google Scholar


    胡志良, 杨卫涛, 李永宏, 李洋, 贺朝会, 王松林, 周斌, 于全芝, 何欢, 谢飞, 白雨蓉, 梁天骄 2019 68 238502Google Scholar

    Hu Z L, Yang W T, Li Y H, Li Y, He C H, Wang S L, Zhou B, Yu Q Z, He H, Xie F, Bai Y R, Liang T J 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 238502Google Scholar


    Was GS. 2007 Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science: Metals and Alloys (Berlin: Springer) pp545–577


    Hu J W, Hayes A C, Wilson W B, Rizwan U 2010 Nucl. Eng Des 240 3751


    Robinson M T, Torrens I M 1974 Phys. Rev. B 9 5008


    Akkerman A, Barak J 2006 Proc. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 3667


    Detlef F, Frank G 2009 Handbook of Spallation Research: Theory, Experiments and Applications (Berlin, Wiley-VCG) pp220-224


    杨福家, 王炎森, 陆福全 2002 原子核物理 (第2版) (上海: 复旦大学出版社) 第153页

    Yang F J, Wang Y S, Lu F Q 2002 Nuclear Physics (Vol.2) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press) p153 (in Chinese)


    Wiedersich H 1990 Radiat. Eff. and Defects. Solids 113 97


    Mota F, Vila R, Ortiz C, Garcia A, Casal N, Ibarra A, Rapisarda D, Queral V 2011 Fusion Eng. Des. 86 2425

  • 图 1  四种典型的归一化中子能谱

    Fig. 1.  Four typical normalized neutron spectrum

    图 2  中子在GaN中的平均自由程

    Fig. 2.  The mean free path of neutrons in GaN.

    图 3  Geant4中模拟的几何模型

    Fig. 3.  Simulated geometric model in Geant4.

    图 4  四种中子能谱在氮化镓中对应的初级反冲原子能谱

    Fig. 4.  Primary recoil spectrum of four neutron spectra in GaN.

    图 5  高通量同位素堆外围辐照区环境下的初级反冲原子能谱分析

    Fig. 5.  Analysis of primary recoil spectrum over peripheral irradiation area in high flux isotope reactor.

    图 6  中子辐照氮化镓的$ ({\rm{n}}, {\rm{p}})$反应截面

    Fig. 6.  (n,p)reaction cross section for GaN.

    图 7  产氢反应比例随中子能量变化

    Fig. 7.  Proportion of hydrogen production reaction varies with neutron energy.

    图 8  四种中子能谱的累积积分中子能谱

    Fig. 8.  Cumulative integral neutron spectra of four neutron spectra.

    图 9  不同中子能谱在氮化镓中对应的初级反冲原子的能谱分布 (a)Ga初级反冲原子能谱; (b)N初级反冲原子的能谱; (c)B初级反冲原子的能谱; (d) C初级反冲原子的能谱

    Fig. 9.  Primary recoils spectrum distribution for different neutron spectra for the primary recoil particle type of (a) Ga, (b) N, (c) B, (d) C.

    图 10  四种中子能谱在氮化镓中对应的加权初级初级反冲原子谱Wp(T)

    Fig. 10.  Weighted primary recoil spectra of four neutron spectra in GaN.

    图 11  所研究中子能谱在氮化镓中对应的加权初级反冲原子谱Wp(T) (a) Ga加权初级反冲原子谱; (b) N加权初级反冲原子谱; (c) B加权初级反冲原子谱; (d) C加权初级反冲原子谱

    Fig. 11.  Weighted primary recoil spectra of studied neutron spectra in GaN: (a) Ga; (b) N; (c) B; (d) C.

    表 1  不同能谱下初级反冲原子占比

    Table 1.  Primary recoils proportion of different spectrum.

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    贾婉丽, 周淼, 王馨梅, 纪卫莉 2018 10 107102Google Scholar

    Jia W L, Zhou M, Wang X M, Ji W L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 107102Google Scholar


    赵德刚, 周梅, 左淑华 2007 56 5513Google Scholar

    Zhao D G, Zuo S H, Zhou M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5513Google Scholar


    张力, 林志宇, 罗俊, 王树龙, 张进成, 郝跃, 戴扬, 陈大正, 郭立新 2017 66 247302Google Scholar

    Zhang L, Lin Z Y, Luo J, Wang S L, Zhang J C, Hao Y, Dai Y, Chen D Z, Guo L X 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 247302Google Scholar


    孙殿照 2000 物理 30 413

    Sun D Z 2000 Physics 30 413


    Hadis Morkoç 2008 Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH) pp1–129


    Lorenz K, Marques J G, Franco N, Alves E, Peres M, Correia M R, Monteiro T 2008 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 266 2780


    Kazukauskas V, Kalendra V, Vaitkus V 2006 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 568 421


    Zhang M L, Wang X L, Xiao H L, Yang C B, Wang R 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology Shanghai, November 1–4, 2010 p1533


    张得玺 2015 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西安电子科技大学)

    Zhang D X 2015 M. S. Thesis (Xi’an: Xidian University) (in Chinese)


    吕玲2014 博士学位论文 (西安 西安电子科技大学)

    Lv L 2014 Ph.D. Thesis (Xi’an Xidian University)(in Chinese)


    Wang R X, Xu S J, Li S, Fung S, Beling C D, Wang K, Wei Z F, Zhou T J, Zhang J D, Gong M, Pang G K H 2004 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices Brisbane December 8–10 2004 p141


    Wang R X, Xu S J, Fung S, Beling C D, Wang K, Li S, Wei Z F, Zhou T J, Zhang J D, Huang Y 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 031906


    王园明, 陈伟, 郭红霞, 何宝平, 罗尹虹, 姚志斌, 张凤祁, 张科营, 赵雯 2010 原子能科学技术 44 1505

    Wang Y M, Cheng W, Guo H X, He B P, Luo Y H, Yao Z B, Zhang F Q, Zhang K Y, Zhao W 2010 Atom Energ. Sci. Technol. 44 1505


    曾志, 李君利, 程建平, 邱睿 2005 同位素 18 55Google Scholar

    Zeng Z, LI J L, Cheng J P, Qiu R 2005 J. Isotop. 18 55Google Scholar


    路伟, 王同权, 王兴功, 刘雪林 2011 核技术 34 529

    Lu W, Wang T Q, Wang X G, Liu X L 2011 Nucl. Technol. 34 529


    Agostinelli S, Allison J, Amako K 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 506 250


    申帅帅, 贺朝会, 李永宏 2018 67 182401Google Scholar

    Shen S S, He C H, Li Y H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 182401Google Scholar


    Apostolakis J, Asai M, Bogdanoy A G 2009 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 78 859


    何博文, 贺朝会, 申帅帅, 陈袁妙粱 2017 原子能科学技术 51 543Google Scholar

    He B W, He C H, Shen S S, Chen Y M L 2017 Atom Energ. Sci. Technol. 51 543Google Scholar


    郭达禧, 贺朝会, 臧航, 席建奇, 马梨, 杨涛, 张鹏 2013 原子能科学技术 47 1222Google Scholar

    Guo D X, He C H, Zang H, Xi J Q, Ma L, Yang T, Zhang P 2013 Atom Energ Sci Technol 47 1222Google Scholar


    胡志良, 杨卫涛, 李永宏, 李洋, 贺朝会, 王松林, 周斌, 于全芝, 何欢, 谢飞, 白雨蓉, 梁天骄 2019 68 238502Google Scholar

    Hu Z L, Yang W T, Li Y H, Li Y, He C H, Wang S L, Zhou B, Yu Q Z, He H, Xie F, Bai Y R, Liang T J 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 238502Google Scholar


    Was GS. 2007 Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science: Metals and Alloys (Berlin: Springer) pp545–577


    Hu J W, Hayes A C, Wilson W B, Rizwan U 2010 Nucl. Eng Des 240 3751


    Robinson M T, Torrens I M 1974 Phys. Rev. B 9 5008


    Akkerman A, Barak J 2006 Proc. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 3667


    Detlef F, Frank G 2009 Handbook of Spallation Research: Theory, Experiments and Applications (Berlin, Wiley-VCG) pp220-224


    杨福家, 王炎森, 陆福全 2002 原子核物理 (第2版) (上海: 复旦大学出版社) 第153页

    Yang F J, Wang Y S, Lu F Q 2002 Nuclear Physics (Vol.2) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press) p153 (in Chinese)


    Wiedersich H 1990 Radiat. Eff. and Defects. Solids 113 97


    Mota F, Vila R, Ortiz C, Garcia A, Casal N, Ibarra A, Rapisarda D, Queral V 2011 Fusion Eng. Des. 86 2425

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-01-10
  • 修回日期:  2020-06-19
  • 上网日期:  2020-06-19
  • 刊出日期:  2020-10-05

