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李雪梅 俞宇颖 谭叶 胡昌明 张祖根 蓝强 傅秋卫 景海华



李雪梅, 俞宇颖, 谭叶, 胡昌明, 张祖根, 蓝强, 傅秋卫, 景海华

Softening of sound velocity and Hugoniot parameter measurement for shocked bismuth in the solid-liquid mixing pressure zone

Li Xue-Mei, Yu Yu-Ying, Tan Ye, Hu Chang-Ming, Zhang Zu-Gen, Lan Qiang, Fu Qiu-Wei, Jing Hai-Hua
  • 冲击相变与熔化作为材料特性的一项重要研究内容,对于多相物态方程构建具有重要意义.本文利用追赶稀疏原理和阻滞法,基于火炮加载技术获得了17.328.3 GPa范围内纯铋(Bi)的高精度声速数据和Hugoniot参数,分析了声速软化规律,得到固-液混合相区Bi材料声速随压力的近似线性递减关系C=3.682-0.015 p,并进一步确定Bi的冲击熔化压力区间为1827.4 GPa.同时,Bi/LiF界面速度剖面的预期平台段在固液混合相区表现出渐进爬升的异常特征,分析认为,该现象与Bi材料的非均匀熔化动力学行为及冲击熔化完成时间尺度较长有关.
    Polymorphic phase transformation and melting under shock wave loading are important for studying the material dynamic mechanical behavior and equation of state in condensed matter physics. In this paper, the accurate Hugoniot parameter and sound velocity of shocked pure bismuth (Bi) in a pressure range of 17.3-28.3 GPa are obtained by using flyer impact method and rarefaction overtaking technique, respectively, and the sound velocity softening trend in shock-induced melting zone and the melting kinetics of Bi are then analyzed. In each experiment, six Bi samples with different thickness values are affected by oxygen-free-high-conducticity copper flyer fired through power gun. Shock wave velocity and particle velocity in Bi are experimentally determined through measuring the impact velocity and shock wave time in the thickest sample by photon Doppler velocimetry (PDV) technique. The velocity profiles on each interface between Bi and lithium fluoride (LiF) window are measured by displacement interferometer system of any reflector (DISAR), and then the sound velocity of shocked Bi is determined using the rarefaction overtaking method. The analyses of our results show that the softening of sound velocity of Bi approximatively satisfies the linear relation of Cs=3.682-0.015 p in the solid-liquid coexistence zone, and the pressure zone of the solid-liquid coexistence phase is further affirmed to be in a range of 18-27.4 GPa. Additionally, the obtained Hugoniot data for Bi in this paper supply a gap in the pressure zone of solid-liquid mixing phase. The quadratic equation with the expression of Ds=0.401+ 3.879 up-0.876 up2 can better demonstrate the relation between shock wave velocity and particle velocity than a linear one when the particle velocity lies in a range of 0.5-1.0 km/s, and this non-linear property maybe has a relationship with the shock-induced melting of Bi. Finally, our wave profile measurement of the Bi/LiF interface shows peculiar ramp characteristics in the expected velocity plateau zone in the pressure zone of solid-liquid coexistence phase, which may be associated with both the nonhomogeneous melting kinetics and the long time scale of melting for bismuth.
      通信作者: 李雪梅, lixuem@caep.cn
    • 基金项目: 中国工程物理研究院科学技术发展基金(批准号:2015B0101006)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Xue-Mei, lixuem@caep.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2015B010106).

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