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宋萍 王青松 戴诚达 蔡灵仓 张毅 翁继东



宋萍, 王青松, 戴诚达, 蔡灵仓, 张毅, 翁继东

Sound velocity and shock melting of low porosity aluminum

Song Ping, Wang Qing-Song, Dai Cheng-Da, Cai Ling-Cang, Zhang Yi, Weng Ji-Dong
  • 对含微孔洞疏松度m=1.04的疏松铝进行了冲击加载-卸载实验,利用DISAR(distance interferometer system for any reflector)测得了53至99 GPa五个冲击压力下疏松铝/LiF界面粒子速度波剖面,获得了各压力下的纵波声速和其中三个压力点的体波声速,确定出疏松铝的冲击熔化压力约为81 GPa,确定出高压下冲击熔化前的泊松比约为0.372.通过分析,微孔洞明显降低了冲击熔化压力,引起的非谐振效应明显,状态方程计算中考虑非谐效应,非谐因子l
    Shock loading-release is performed on the porous aluminum with micropore and porosity m=1.04. Time-resolved interfacial velocity between the porous aluminum and LiF window is measured with diatance interferometer system for any reflector (DISAR) under five pressures ranging from 53 GPa to 99 GPa . From the interfacial velocity, the Euler longitudinal sound velocities under five pressures and the bulk sound velocities under 53 GPa, 72 GPa and 91 GPa are obtained. The melting pressure of the material is about 81 GPa. The poisson ratio before shock melting is about 0.37. From the analysis, the existence of the micropore in the material reduces the the shock melting obviously. So, its induced anharmonic effect cannot be neglected. Considering anharmonic effect into the equation of state, the anharmonic parameter is calculated to be about 30.

    Erhart P, Bringa E M, Kumar M 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 052104


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    Agrawal P M 2003 J. Chem. Phys. 118 9680


    Kubota A, Reisman D B, Wolfer W G 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 241924


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    Royce E B 1971 GRAY, A Three-phase Equation of State for Metals. UCRL-51121


    Xu X S, Zhang W X 1986 Introduction to practical equation of state theory (Beijing:Science Press) p517 (in Chinese) [徐锡申、张万箱 1986 实用物态方程理论导引(北京:科学出版社)]


    Jeong J W, Lee I H, Chang K J 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 329


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    Asay J R, Chhabildas L C High pressure strength of shocked aluminum. SAND-85-0157C


    Song P, Zhou X M, Unpublished. (in Chinese) [宋 萍、周显明 数据尚未发表]


    McQueen R G, Fritz J N and Morris C E 1983 in Shock Waves in Condensed Matter p95


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    Song P, Cai L C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1879 (in Chinese) [宋 萍、蔡灵仓 2009 58 1897]

  • [1]

    Erhart P, Bringa E M, Kumar M 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 052104


    Burakovsky L, Preston D L, Silbar R R 1999 Phys. Rev. B 61 15011


    Burakovsky L, Preston D L, Silbar R R 2000 J. App. Phys. B 88 6294


    Gomez L, Dobry A, Diep H T 2001 Phys. Rev. B 63 224103


    Lutsko J F, Wolf D, Phillpot S R 1989 Phys. Rev. B 40 2841


    Agrawal P M 2003 J. Chem. Phys. 118 9680


    Kubota A, Reisman D B, Wolfer W G 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 241924


    Tang W H, Zhang R Q 1999 Equation of state theory and calculation conspectus (Hunan:National University of Defense Technology Press) p517 (in Chinese) [汤文辉、张若棋 1999 物态方程理论及计算概论(湖南:国防科技大学出版社)]


    Royce E B 1971 GRAY, A Three-phase Equation of State for Metals. UCRL-51121


    Xu X S, Zhang W X 1986 Introduction to practical equation of state theory (Beijing:Science Press) p517 (in Chinese) [徐锡申、张万箱 1986 实用物态方程理论导引(北京:科学出版社)]


    Jeong J W, Lee I H, Chang K J 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 329


    Jing F Q 1999 Introduction to experimental equation of state (Beijing:Science Press) p191 (in Chinese) [经福谦 1999 实验物态方程导引(北京:科学出版社)第191页]


    Asay J R, Chhabildas L C High pressure strength of shocked aluminum. SAND-85-0157C


    Song P, Zhou X M, Unpublished. (in Chinese) [宋 萍、周显明 数据尚未发表]


    McQueen R G, Fritz J N and Morris C E 1983 in Shock Waves in Condensed Matter p95


    Stanley P M 1980 LASL Shock Hugoniot Data (Univercity of California Press) p166


    Song P, Cai L C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1879 (in Chinese) [宋 萍、蔡灵仓 2009 58 1897]

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-11-06
  • 修回日期:  2010-07-14
  • 刊出日期:  2011-02-05

