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王小伍 徐海红



王小伍, 徐海红

Study of the solid-solid phase change in polyalcohol binary systems

Wang Xiao-Wu, Xu Hai-Hong
  • 多元醇在一定温度下发生固-固相变,大量文献都报道了它们的固-固相变焓、相变温度以及相图. 本文以红外光谱测试结果以及量热实验结果为基础,探讨了新戊二醇/季戊四醇二元体系的固-固相变焓与氢键的关系:二元体系中部分分子间氢键变弱,变弱的氢键更易于断裂;温度上升到一定值,新戊二醇在季戊四醇中的相向塑性晶体相相变时保留下来的氢键断裂,形成二元体系的量热曲线的第二个吸收峰;高新戊二醇浓度的二元体系,可能保留下来的氢键数量少,第二个吸收峰对应的焓值小,但保留的氢键受新戊二醇影响更大,第二个吸收峰对应的温度更低.
    Many polyalcohols can change from one crystal structure to another in solid state at certain temperatures. A lot of papers reported their phase transition enthalpy, transition temperatures, and phase diagrams. This paper investigates the relation between transition enthalpy and hydrogen bond for the NPG (Neopentylglycol) and PE (Pentaerythritol) binary system on the basis of infrared spectrum experimental data and calorimetric results. It is shown that in the binary system some of the associated hydrogen bonds become weaker and are easier to break up. When temperature rises to a certain value, the hydrogen bonds, which retain in the course of phase transformation from the phase of NPG in PE to the plastic phase, will break up and form the second endothermal peak on the calorimetric curve. The number of retained hydrogen bonds is larger for the binary system NPG/PE with higher NPG concentration, and as a result, the corresponding enthalpy for the second endothermal peak is larger. While the influence of NPG on the retained hydrogen bonds is larger for binary system NPG/PE with higher NPG concentration, and the corresponding temperature of the second endothermal peak is lower.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号:21106048)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21106048).

    Wang X W, Xu H H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 030507 (in Chinese)[王小伍, 徐海红 2011 60 030507]


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    Wang X W, Xu H H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 030507 (in Chinese)[王小伍, 徐海红 2011 60 030507]


    Feng H Y, Liu X D, He SH M, Wu K ZH, Zhang J L 1999 Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 15 850 (in Chinese)[冯海燕, 刘晓地, 何书美, 武克忠, 张建玲 1999 物理化学学报 15 850]


    Sturz L, Witusiewicz V T, Hecht U, Rex S 2004 Journal of Crystal Growth 270 273


    Barrio M, Lo'pez D O, Ll J, Negrier T P, Haget Y 1996 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 124 29


    Dhanesh Chandra, Raja Chellappa, Wen-Ming Chien 2005 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66 235


    Zhang ZH H, Han K, Li H P, Tang G, Wu Y X, Wang H T, Bai L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3160 (in Chinese)[张兆慧, 韩奎, 李海鹏, 唐刚, 吴玉喜, 王洪涛, 白磊 2008 57 3160]


    Barrio M, Font J, Muntasell J, Navarro J, Ll Tamarit J 1998 Solar Energy Materials 18 109


    Ji Z H, Zeng X H, Cen J P, Tan M Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1219 (in Chinese)[季正华, 曾祥华, 岑洁萍, 谭明秋 2010 59 1219]


    Bettina Granzow 1996 Journal of Molecular Structure 381 127


    Benson D K, Burrows R W, Webb J D 1986 Solar Energy Materials 13 133


    Chen Z H, Chen C H L, Wen X L, Wen J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6277 (in Chinese)[陈钊, 陈长乐, 温晓莉, 文军 2008 57 6277]


    Gu B, Zhang F S, Huang Y G, Fang X 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 030101


    Font J, Muntasell J 1994 Materials Research Bulletin 29 1091

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-01-10
  • 修回日期:  2014-03-25
  • 刊出日期:  2014-07-05

