In this paper, we present a method that unlike-pair interactions are determinated by explosive detonation data. The unlike-pair interaction parameters kN2-H2O= 1.03, kN2-CO2= 1.035, kH 2O-CO2= 0.96 are deduced from the calculated results of explosive RX-23-AB,HNB and PETN with our statistical mechanical chemical equilibrium code CHEQ-like. At the same time, the theoretical Hugoniots of explosive PBX9404 are calculated with these parameters. The results in better agreement with the experimental data show that the parameters and method are reliable.
- high-temperature high-pressure /
- unlike-pair /
- CHEQ-like
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[1] Sun C W, Wei Y Z, Zhou Z K 2000 Application of Detonation (Beijing: Defence Industry Press) p272 (in Chinese) [孙承纬, 卫玉章, 周之奎 2000 应用爆轰物理(北京:国防工业出版社) 第272页]
[2] Thiel M V, Ree F H, Haselman L C 1995 Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-ID-1200096
[3] Ree F H 1984 J. Chem. Phys. 81 1251
[4] van der Waals D 1894 Zittingsv. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam p133
[5] Krichevskii I R 1941 Zhur, Fiz. Khim. 15 184
[6] Zhao Y H, Liu H F, Zhang G M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 4791 (in Chinese) [赵艳红, 刘海风, 张弓木 2007 56 4791]
[7] Zhao Y H, Liu H F, Zhang G M 2009 Chin. J. High Pres. Phys. 23 143 (in Chinese) [赵艳红, 刘海风, 张弓木 2009 高压 23 143]
[8] Zhao Y H, Liu H F, Zhang G C 2010 Explosion and Shock Waves 30 647 (in Chinese) [赵艳红, 刘海风, 张广财 2010 爆炸与冲击 30 647]
[9] Zhao Y H, Liu H F, Zhang G M, Zhang G C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 123401 (in Chinese) [赵艳红, 刘海风, 张弓木, 张广财 2011 60 123401]
[10] Ross M, Ree F H 1980 J. Chem. Phys. 73 6146
[11] Ross M, Young D A 1986 Phys. Lett. A 118 463
[12] Fried L E, Howard W M 2000 Phys. Rev. B 61 8734
[13] Ree F H 1983 J. Chem. Phys. 78 409
[14] Gu Y J, Zheng J, Chen Z Y, Chen Q F, Cai L C 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4508 (in Chinese) [顾云军, 郑君, 陈志云, 陈其峰, 蔡灵仓 2010 59 4508]
[15] Ross M J 1979 J. Chem. Phys. 71 1567
[16] Souers P C, Kury J W 1993 Propellants Explosives and Pyrotechnics 18 175
[17] Green L G, Lee E L, Breithaupt D 1988 Shock Waves in Condensed Matter (New-York: Schmidt) p507
[18] Kreglevskii A 1957 Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Cl. 3 667
[19] Kineke J H, West C E 1970 Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium (International) on Detonation (Office of Naval Research) p533
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