本文对不同沟道宽长比的NMOSFET进行了辐射与热载流子应力的试验研究,电参数测量数据表明: 虽然两种损伤的原理具有相似之处,但总剂量辐射与热载流子的损伤表现形式及对沟道宽长比的依赖关系均不同.辐射损伤的最大特点是关态泄漏电流增加,并且损伤与沟道宽长比成反比;热载流子损伤会造成跨导等参数的显著变化,但关态泄漏电流无明显改变,并且损伤随沟道长度与宽度的减小而增大.从二者基本原理出发,结合宏观参数的表现形式,文中对辐射与热载流子损伤进行了详细分析,认为造成二者损伤差异及对沟道宽长比不同依赖关系的原因在于辐射与热载子注入引入的陷阱电荷部位不同.因此对两种损伤进行加固时应重点从器件设计尺寸、结构等方面综合考虑.Total dose irradiation and the hot-carrier damages are two of the important factors for the application of sub-micro and even smaller MOS devices. Therefore, how to prevent the device from being damaged attracts much attention. Total dose irradiation and hot-carrier effects of sub-micro NMOSFET with various channel sizes are studied. Electronic parameters are measured and the results show that though the principles of damages are somewhat similar, the total dose irradiation and the damage behavior and their dependences on the width-to-length(W/L) ratio of channel size for these two effects are different. The most notable damage of radiation lies in the great increase of the off-state leakage current, and the damage increases withW/L reducing. While for hot-carrier effect, several parameters such as trans-conductance change a lot, except for the off-state leakage current. And the damage increases as channel length and channel width decrease. The different damage behaviors and different relations to channel size are attributed to the different location of charges induced. Therefore, different aspects should be considered when the device is hardened against these two effects.
- sub-micro /
- total dose irradiation /
- hot-carrier effect
[1] Jeremy D. Popp 2010 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference Short Course Notebook Denver, CO, July19, 2010, II-4
[2] Federico Faccio, Giovanni Cervelli 2005 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52 2413
[3] Kong Xuedong, Huang Yun, Yang Shaohua 2009 IEEE Proceedings of 16th IPFA Suzhou 6—10 July 2009 1—6
[4] Li Zhong-He, Liu Hong-Xia, Hao Yue 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 820(in Chinese)[李忠贺, 刘红侠, 郝跃 2006 55 820]
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[6] Brady F T, Maimon J D, Hurt M J 1999 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46 1836
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[8] Hao Y, Liu H X 2008 Reliability and invalidation mechanisms of micro-nano MOS device (Beijing: Science Press) p42, p148, p209(in Chinese)[郝跃, 刘红侠 2008 微纳米MOS器件可靠性与失效机理 (北京:科学出版社) 第42,148,209页]
[9] Hou Z G, Xu X X, Zhang X M, Yu Y X, Li H J 2005 Reliability Analysis and Research-Quality Engineering 12 39(in Chinese) [侯志刚, 许新新, 张宪敏, 于英霞, 李惠军 2005 可靠性分析与研究-质量工程卷 12 39]
[10] Liu Y A, Du L, Bao J L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2468(in Chinese)[刘宇安, 杜磊, 包军林 2008 57 2468]
[11] Pagey M P 2003 Ph.D. (Tennessee: Vanderbilt University)
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[13] Zhang W D, Hao Y, Tang Y S 1999 Acta Electronica Sinica 27 76(in Chinese) [张卫东, 郝跃, 汤玉生 1999 电子学报 27 76]
[14] Liu Z L, Hu Z Y, Zhang Z X, Shao H, Chen M, Bi D W, Ning B X, Zou S C 2011 Journal of Semiconductors 32 064004(in Chinese)[刘张李, 胡志远, 张正选, 邵华, 陈明, 毕大炜, 宁冰旭, 邹世昌 2011 半导体学报 32 064004]
[15] Hu Z Y, Liu Z L, Shao H, Zhang Z X, Ning B X, Chen M, Bi D W, Zou S C 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 1332
[16] Goiffon V, Magnan P, Saint-pé O, Bernard F, Rolland G 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 3494
[17] Ma X H, Cao Y R, Hao Y, Zhang Y 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 037305
[18] Chen Q 2011 MS dissertation (Xi’an: Xidian University)(in Chinese)[陈庆 2011 硕士论文 (西安:西安电子科技大学)]
[19] Lenahan P M, Dressendorfer P V 1984 J. Appl. Phys. 55 3495
[20] Brower K L 1988 Phys. Rew. B 38 9657
[21] Zheng Y Z 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation (Urumuqi: The Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry.CAS)(in Chinese) [郑玉展 2010 博士论文 (乌鲁木齐: 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所)]
[22] Schwank J R, Shaneyfelt M R, Fleetwood D M 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 1836, 1841
[23] Wang W H 2009 MS Dissertation (Beijing: Peaking University)( in Chinese) [王文华 2009 硕士论文 (北京: 北京大学)]
[24] Liu Z L, Hu Z Y, Zhang Z X, Shao H, Ning B X, Bi D W, Chen M, Zou S C 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 070701(in Chinese) [刘张李, 胡志远, 张正选, 邵华, 宁冰旭, 毕大炜, 陈明, 邹世昌 2011 中国物理快报 28 070701]
[25] Hereman P, Witters J, Groeseneken G, Maes H E 1988 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 36 1318
[26] Hu C, Tam S, Hsu F C, Ko P K, Chan T Y, Terrill KW1985 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 33 375
[27] Dolye B S, Bourcerie M, Bergonzoni C, Benecchi R, Bravis A, Mistry K R 1990 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 37 1869
[28] Winokur P S, Schwank J R, McWhorter P J, Dressendorfer P V, Turpin D C 1984 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-31 1453
[29] Cao P D 2001 Basic of Microelectronics Technology-Principle of Bipolar and MOS Transistors (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p243—p244(in Chinese)[曹培栋 2001 微电子技术基础-双极、场效应晶体管原理 (北京:电子工业出版社) 第243—244页 243—244?]
[1] Jeremy D. Popp 2010 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference Short Course Notebook Denver, CO, July19, 2010, II-4
[2] Federico Faccio, Giovanni Cervelli 2005 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52 2413
[3] Kong Xuedong, Huang Yun, Yang Shaohua 2009 IEEE Proceedings of 16th IPFA Suzhou 6—10 July 2009 1—6
[4] Li Zhong-He, Liu Hong-Xia, Hao Yue 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 820(in Chinese)[李忠贺, 刘红侠, 郝跃 2006 55 820]
[5] Liu H X, Fang J P, Hao Y 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 1172(in Chinese)[刘红侠, 方建平, 郝跃 2001 50 1172]
[6] Brady F T, Maimon J D, Hurt M J 1999 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46 1836
[7] He B P, Ding L L, Yao Z B, Xiao Z G, Huang S Y, Wang Z J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 056105 (in Chinese)[何宝平, 丁李利, 姚志斌, 肖志刚, 黄绍燕, 王祖军 2011 60 056105]
[8] Hao Y, Liu H X 2008 Reliability and invalidation mechanisms of micro-nano MOS device (Beijing: Science Press) p42, p148, p209(in Chinese)[郝跃, 刘红侠 2008 微纳米MOS器件可靠性与失效机理 (北京:科学出版社) 第42,148,209页]
[9] Hou Z G, Xu X X, Zhang X M, Yu Y X, Li H J 2005 Reliability Analysis and Research-Quality Engineering 12 39(in Chinese) [侯志刚, 许新新, 张宪敏, 于英霞, 李惠军 2005 可靠性分析与研究-质量工程卷 12 39]
[10] Liu Y A, Du L, Bao J L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2468(in Chinese)[刘宇安, 杜磊, 包军林 2008 57 2468]
[11] Pagey M P 2003 Ph.D. (Tennessee: Vanderbilt University)
[12] Yu X F, Ren D Y, Erken, Zhang G Q, Lu W, Guo Q 2005 Journal of Semiconductors 26 1975(in Chinses) [余学峰, 任迪远, 艾尔肯, 张国强, 陆妩, 郭旗 2005 半导体学报 26 1975]
[13] Zhang W D, Hao Y, Tang Y S 1999 Acta Electronica Sinica 27 76(in Chinese) [张卫东, 郝跃, 汤玉生 1999 电子学报 27 76]
[14] Liu Z L, Hu Z Y, Zhang Z X, Shao H, Chen M, Bi D W, Ning B X, Zou S C 2011 Journal of Semiconductors 32 064004(in Chinese)[刘张李, 胡志远, 张正选, 邵华, 陈明, 毕大炜, 宁冰旭, 邹世昌 2011 半导体学报 32 064004]
[15] Hu Z Y, Liu Z L, Shao H, Zhang Z X, Ning B X, Chen M, Bi D W, Zou S C 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 1332
[16] Goiffon V, Magnan P, Saint-pé O, Bernard F, Rolland G 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 3494
[17] Ma X H, Cao Y R, Hao Y, Zhang Y 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 037305
[18] Chen Q 2011 MS dissertation (Xi’an: Xidian University)(in Chinese)[陈庆 2011 硕士论文 (西安:西安电子科技大学)]
[19] Lenahan P M, Dressendorfer P V 1984 J. Appl. Phys. 55 3495
[20] Brower K L 1988 Phys. Rew. B 38 9657
[21] Zheng Y Z 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation (Urumuqi: The Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry.CAS)(in Chinese) [郑玉展 2010 博士论文 (乌鲁木齐: 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所)]
[22] Schwank J R, Shaneyfelt M R, Fleetwood D M 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 1836, 1841
[23] Wang W H 2009 MS Dissertation (Beijing: Peaking University)( in Chinese) [王文华 2009 硕士论文 (北京: 北京大学)]
[24] Liu Z L, Hu Z Y, Zhang Z X, Shao H, Ning B X, Bi D W, Chen M, Zou S C 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 070701(in Chinese) [刘张李, 胡志远, 张正选, 邵华, 宁冰旭, 毕大炜, 陈明, 邹世昌 2011 中国物理快报 28 070701]
[25] Hereman P, Witters J, Groeseneken G, Maes H E 1988 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 36 1318
[26] Hu C, Tam S, Hsu F C, Ko P K, Chan T Y, Terrill KW1985 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 33 375
[27] Dolye B S, Bourcerie M, Bergonzoni C, Benecchi R, Bravis A, Mistry K R 1990 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 37 1869
[28] Winokur P S, Schwank J R, McWhorter P J, Dressendorfer P V, Turpin D C 1984 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-31 1453
[29] Cao P D 2001 Basic of Microelectronics Technology-Principle of Bipolar and MOS Transistors (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p243—p244(in Chinese)[曹培栋 2001 微电子技术基础-双极、场效应晶体管原理 (北京:电子工业出版社) 第243—244页 243—244?]
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