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尹凡 戴昌杰 张影 于海林 肖杨



尹凡, 戴昌杰, 张影, 于海林, 肖杨

Zero damping conditions of magnetic bilayer in microwave cavity

YIN Fan, DAI Changjie, ZHANG Ying, YU Hailin, XIAO Yang
  • 实验和理论研究表明单个磁子模式与谐振腔光子能够形成相干型与耗散型耦合,这两个耦合通道的干涉会产生零阻尼效应。本工作将零阻尼效应拓展到两个磁子模式,研究了微波谐振腔中磁双层的零阻尼效应。基于本征频率和微波透射谱,我们推导了两个磁子模式的零阻尼产生条件以及频率失谐的表达式,并与数值计算的微波透射谱进行了比较,获得了零阻尼与系统参数之间的关系。此外,我们也分析了磁双层中界面交换耦合引起的磁子-磁子直接耦合带来的影响。由于零阻尼对应的微波透射谱的线宽非常的窄,因而本工作对于设计基于磁子零阻尼效应的量子传感器件是具有重要意义的。
    Experimental and theoretical studies have demonstrated that single magnon mode and cavity photon can be coupled coherently and dissipatively, in which the interference between two types of coupling will give rise to zero damping condition. In magnetic bilayers or multilayers, there exist more than one magnon modes which could be directly coupled by interface exchange interaction. In this work, we extend single magnon mode to two magnon modes and study the effect of two magnon modes on zero damping condition. Using eigenfrequency analysis and microwave transmission spectra, we derive analytical expressions of zero damping condition and the frequency detuning. By comparing analytical results to numerical results, we obtain the dependence of zero damping condition on system parameters. In the absence of direct interface exchange magnon-magnon coupling, the zero damping condition occurs for dissipative coupling or hybrid coupling. As the coupling strength increases, the distance between two zero damping conditions increases. For hybrid coupling, the curves become asymmetric around the point of zero detuning, which is different from pure coupling. Moreover, we study the effect of interface exchange magnon-magnon interaction on zero damping condition. The interface exchange coupling results in the splitting of microwave transmission spectra, but the zero damping condition occurs for low-frequency mode only. As the interface exchange coupling strength increases, the frequency at which the zero damping condition happens will shift to lower frequency. Due to extremely narrow line-width of microwave transmission dip at the zero damping condition, our work is expected to be useful for the design of magnon-based quantum sensing devices.
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