Capsule illumination uniformity obtained by direct driving lasers from several tens of directions is studied systematically. The best polar angles of the three focal spot rings on the capsule are determined to be 22.4, 47.7, and 73.6by a spherical-harmonic mode analysis and a numerical simulation. Based on the configuration of indirect laser driven facility, we have optimized the beam re-directions and the focal spot distributions for polar direct drive, which smooth successfully the illumination distribution on the capsule.Laser driven inertial confinement fusion is an important way to achieve controllable nuclear fusion for human beings, which includes two laser-driven schemesdirectly driving and indirectly driving scheme. Since the indirect driving scheme considerably relaxes the strict requirements for laser performance and decreases the engineering difficulties, the main laser facilities around the world have adopted the indirect driving scheme, such as the National Ignition Facility in the U. S., the Laser Megajoule in France, and the SG series laser drivers in China.Meanwhile, scientists keep developing the key technologies for directly driving and have made great progress. For example, the fast ignition and shock ignition are two new methods to achieve fusion ignition in the direct driving scheme, which attracted lots of attention in the past few years. However, the main laser drivers for inertial confinement fusion research are configured as indirect drivers, which are not suitable for direct driving experiments. So a compromising suggestion was proposed that by redirecting the lasers, changing the laser energy distributions, designing new type of targets, and so on, a radiation field which is very close to a direct driving radiation field can be simulated in a laser facility that is configured as an indirect driver. This is the so called polar direct drive method that provides a feasible way for primary researches on direct driving technologies in an indirect laser driver. Such experiments have already been conducted in the National Ignition Facility.In China, the large indirect laser driver with an output capability in the level of hundreds kilojoule will finish its engineering construction and routinely operate for physical experiments soon. To achieve a good polar direct drive performance in this laser facility is much more difficult than in previous smaller laser drivers. In this paper, capsule illumination uniformity by directly driving laser from several tens of directions is studied systematically. The best polar angles of the three focal spot rings on the capsule are determined to be 22.4, 47.7, and 73.6 by a spherical-harmonic mode analysis and a numerical simulation. Based on the configuration of indirect driving laser facility, we have optimized the beam re-directions and the focal spot distributions for polar direct drive, which successfully smoothes the illumination distribution on the capsule.
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[1] Basov N G 1993 Quantum Electron 23 262
[2] Wang G C 1987 Chin. J. Lasers 14 641
[3] Nakai S, Mima K 2004 Rep. Prog. Phys. 67 321
[4] Bodner S E, McCrory R L, Afeyan B B 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 1901
[5] Froula D H, Divol L, London R A, Berger R L, Dppner T, Meezan N B, Ralph J, Ross J S, Suter L J, Glenzer S H 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 056302
[6] Brumfiel G 2012 Nature 491 170
[7] Eimerl D 1995 LLNL UCRL-ID-120758
[8] Beti R, Zhou C D, Anderson K S, Perkins L J, Theobald W, Solodov A A 2007 Phys. Rev Lett. 98 155001
[9] Tabak M, Hammer J, Glinsky M E, Kruer W L, Wilks S C, Woodworth J, Campbell E M, Perry M D, Mason R J 1994 Phys. Plasmas 1 1626
[10] Skupsky S, Marozas J A, Craxton R S, Betti R, Collins T J B, Delettrez J A, Goncharov V N, McKenty P W, Radha P B, Boehly T R, Knauer J P, Marshall F J, Herding D R, Kilkenny J D, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, McCrory R L 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 2763
[11] Weilacher F, Radha P B, Collins T J B, Marozas J A 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 032701
[12] Temporal M, Canaud B, Garbett W J, Ramis R, Weber S 2014 High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2 12
[13] Li P, Zhao R C, Wang W, Geng Y C, Pu Y D, Su J Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 085206(in Chinese) [李平, 赵润昌, 王伟, 耿远超, 蒲昱东, 粟敬钦 2014 63 085206]
[14] Xiao J, Lv B D, Feng G Y, Yuan X D 1998 Acta Opt. Sin. 18 1646 (in Chinese) [肖峻, 吕百达, 冯国英, 袁晓东 1998 光学学报 18 1646]
[15] Pollaine S M, Haan S W 1997 UCRL-LR-105821-98-1
[16] Li P, Jia H T, Wang F, Liu L Q, Su J Q 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 318 (in Chinese) [李平, 贾怀庭, 王芳, 刘兰琴, 粟敬钦 2009 中国激光 36 318]
[17] Wang M C, Zhu M Z, Chen G, Wu W K, Fu X N 2013 Laser Optoelectronics Progress50 011403 (in Chinese) [王美聪, 朱明智, 陈刚, 吴文凯, 傅学农 2013 激光与光电子学进展 50 011403]
[18] Yuan Q, Hu D X, Zhang X, Zhao J P, Hu S D, Huang W H, Wei X F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 015202(in Chinese) [袁强, 胡东霞, 张鑫, 赵军普, 胡思得, 黄文会, 魏晓峰 2011 60 015202]
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