采用非对称磁镜场电子回旋共振等离子体分别对沉积过程中掺氮和未掺氮的化学气相沉积金刚石膜进行了刻蚀研究, 结果表明: 掺氮制备的金刚石膜的刻蚀主要集中在晶棱处, 经过4h刻蚀后其表面粗糙度由刻蚀前的4.761 μm下降至3.701 μm, 刻蚀对金刚石膜的表面粗糙度的影响较小; 而未掺氮制备的金刚石膜的刻蚀表现为晶面的均匀刻蚀, 晶粒坍塌,刻蚀4h后其表面粗糙度由刻蚀前的3.061 μm下降至1.083 μm. 刻蚀导致表面粗糙度显著降低. 上述差别的主要原因在于金刚石膜沉积过程中掺氮导致氮缺陷在金刚石晶棱处富集, 晶棱处电子发射加强, 引导离子向晶棱运动并产生刻蚀, 从而加剧晶棱的刻蚀. 而未掺氮金刚石膜,其缺陷相对较少且分布较均匀 ,刻蚀时整体呈现为 (111) 晶面被均匀刻蚀继而晶粒坍塌的现象.Nitrogen-doped and undoped diamond films grown by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were etched by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma with asymmetric magnetic mirror field. The influences of nitrogen doping on the etching characteristic of CVD diamond films are studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), and surface roughness measuring instrument; and the etching mechanism is explicated in detail by etching models. It is found that the crystal edges are dramatically etched for the nitrogen-doped diamond film, while the (111) facets are etched and crystalline grains collapse for the undoped diamond film. And after etching by ECR plasma for 4 h, the nitrogen-doped diamond film surface roughness decreases from 4.761 μm to 3.701 μm, while the surface roughness of the undoped film decreases from 3.061 μm to 1.083 μm. The results indicate that nitrogen doping has great influence on the etching characteristic of the CVD diamond films. Nitrogen-doping deteriorates the film quality and increases the defect density in the crystallites. And the defects distributed in the crystal edge lead to dramatically etching of the crystal edge. Compared with the nitrogen-doped diamond film, the defect density in undoped diamond film is relatively low and the distribution of defects is comparatively uniform, resulting in the fact that (111) facets would suffer from oxygen cyclotron ion beams bombardment and so grains of the film collapse. The reason why the surface roughness of nitrogen-doped diamond film decreases less than the undoped diamond film is that the movement of ions is affected by the electrons emitting from crystal edge, which weakens the ion bombardment on (111) facets.
- nitrogen doping /
- diamond film /
- etching /
- asymmetric magnetic mirror field
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[19] Devaux S, Manfredi G 2008 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 025009
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[21] Boettger E, Bluhm A, Jiang X, Schäfer L, Klages C P 2008 Journal of Applied Physic 77 6332
[22] Xu N S, Tzeng Y, Latham R V 1993 Journal of Phys. D: Applied Physics 26 1776
[23] Geis M W, Twichell J C, Lyszczarz T M 1996 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 14 2060
[24] Li J J, Wu H H, Long B Y, L X Y, Hu C Q, Jin Z S 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1447 (in Chinese) [李俊杰, 吴汉华, 龙北玉, 吕宪义, 胡超权, 金曾孙 2005 54 1447]
[25] Masuzawa T, SatoY, Kudo Y, Saito I, Yamada T, Koh A T T, Chua D H C, Yoshino T, Chun W J, Yamasaki S, Okano K 2011 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29 02B119
[1] Chen R F, Zuo D W, Lu W Z, Li D S, Xu F, Ji T, Wang M 2008 Key Engineering Materials 359-360 285
[2] Hocheng H, Chen C C 2006 Materials Science Forum 505 1225
[3] Zaitsev A M, Kosaca G, Richarz B, Raiko V, Job R, Fries T, Fahrner W R 1998 Diamond and Related Materials 7 1108
[4] Tokarev V N, Wilson J I B, Jubber M G, John P, Milne D K 1995 Diamond and Related Materials 4 169
[5] Whetten T J, Angela A 1984 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 2 477
[6] Kiyohara S, Yagi Y, Mori K 1999 Nanotechnology 10 385
[7] Buchkremer-Hermanns H, Long C, Weiss H 1996 Diamond and Related Materials 5 845
[8] Bernard M, Deneuville A, Ortega L, Ayadi K, Muret P 2004 Diamond and Related Materials 13 287
[9] Tan B S, Ma Z B, Shen W L, Wu Z H 2010 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 22 1887 (in Chinese) [谭必松, 马志斌, 沈武林, 吴振辉 2010 强激光与粒子束 22 1887]
[10] Silva F, Sussmann R S, Bénédic F, Gicquel A 2003 Diamond and Related Materials 12 369
[11] Zheng X F, Ma Z B, Zhang L, Wang J H 2007 Diamond and Related Materials 16 1500
[12] Wu J, Ma Z B, Shen W L 2012 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 24 2459 (in Chinese) [吴俊, 马志斌, 沈武林 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 2459]
[13] Kiyohara S, Miyamoto I 1996 Nanotechnology 7 270
[14] Shen W L, Ma Z B, Tan B S, Wu J, Wang J H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 105204 (in Chinese) [沈武林, 马志斌, 谭必松, 吴俊, 汪建华 2011 60 105204]
[15] Li M J, L X Y, Sun B R, Li C Y, Li B, Jin Z S 2007 New Carbon Materials 22 183 (in Chinese) [李明吉, 吕宪义, 孙宝茹, 李春燕, 李博, 金曾孙 2007 新型碳材料 22 183]
[16] Ahedo E 1997 Physics of Plasmas 4 4419
[17] Stangeby P C 2000 The Plasma Boundary of Magnetic Fusion Devices (London: Institute of Physics Publishing) p98
[18] Zou X, Liu H P, Gu X E 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5111 (in Chinese) [邹秀, 刘惠平, 谷秀娥 2008 57 5111]
[19] Devaux S, Manfredi G 2008 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 025009
[20] Show Y, Matsukawa T, Ito H, Iwase M, Izumi T 2000 Thin Solid Films 377-378 214
[21] Boettger E, Bluhm A, Jiang X, Schäfer L, Klages C P 2008 Journal of Applied Physic 77 6332
[22] Xu N S, Tzeng Y, Latham R V 1993 Journal of Phys. D: Applied Physics 26 1776
[23] Geis M W, Twichell J C, Lyszczarz T M 1996 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 14 2060
[24] Li J J, Wu H H, Long B Y, L X Y, Hu C Q, Jin Z S 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1447 (in Chinese) [李俊杰, 吴汉华, 龙北玉, 吕宪义, 胡超权, 金曾孙 2005 54 1447]
[25] Masuzawa T, SatoY, Kudo Y, Saito I, Yamada T, Koh A T T, Chua D H C, Yoshino T, Chun W J, Yamasaki S, Okano K 2011 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29 02B119
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