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肖宏宇 苏剑峰 张永胜 鲍志刚



肖宏宇, 苏剑峰, 张永胜, 鲍志刚

Synthesis and characterization of the Gem-diamond by temperature gradient method

Xiao Hong-Yu, Su Jian-Feng, Zhang Yong-Sheng, Bao Zhi-Gang
  • 利用温度梯度法,在5.05.7 GPa, 12501600 ℃条件下, 研究了FeNiMnCo触媒合成宝石级金刚石的温度和压力区间, 给出了P-T相图. 基于有限元法的温度场模拟及碳素浓度梯度拟合结果表明, I型温度场只适合生长大尺寸优质板状及小尺寸塔状金刚石单晶; II型温度场可以合成出大尺寸优质板状或塔状金刚石单晶. 该结论被Ib型及掺硼宝石级金刚石晶体生长实验所证实. 提出碳素浓度梯度是决定晶体生长速度及合成晶体品质的关键因素. 研究得到了只有触媒中温度场分布与晶体尺寸、形貌相匹配时, 才能合成出优质宝石级金刚石单晶的晶体生长规律. 揭示了{110}和{113}高指数晶面在Ib型金刚石V形区内的分布规律. 通过傅里叶红外光谱检测发现, FeNiMnCo触媒合成金刚石的氮含量较低, 较低的氮含量是由铁会降低金刚石氮含量所致. 氮含量低有利于金刚石的光谱透过性.
    At pressure 5.0-5.7 GPa and temperature 1250-1600 ℃, the conditions of synthesis Gem-diamond are reported using FeNiMnCo catalyst by temperature gradient method (TGM), and the P-T phase diagram is given. Temperature field and carbon concentration gradient are simulated based on finite element method (FEM). The results of simulation and experiment show that type-I temperature field is suitable for growing high-quality large sheet-shaped Gem-diamond and small tower-shaped Gem-diamond; however, choosing type-II temperature field, both large sheet-shaped Gem-diamond and large tower-shaped Gem-diamond can be synthesized (type-Ib diamond and boron-doped diamond). On this basis, the growth speed and crystal quality are found to be determined by the carbon concentration gradient, and the rule that high-quality Gem-diamond can be synthesized when temperature field is suitable for the size and shape of diamond growing is given. The pressure and temperature regions for {110} and {113} faces to exist are studied. According to the analysis of Fourier infrared spectroscopy, it is found that the nitrogen concentrations in type-Ib and boron-doped diamonds synthesized by FeNiMnCo catalyst, which are due to the influence of Fe element, are lower than that of normal diamond. The diamond with low nitrogen can be used as an optical material with better transmission characteristics.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:50572032,50801030)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50572032, 50801030).

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    Yamamoto M, Kumasaka T, Ishikawa T 2000 Rev. High Press Sci. Tech. 10 56


    Sumiya H, Toda N, Satoh S 1999 Rev. High Press. Sci. Tech. 9 255


    Isoya J, Kanda H, Akaishi M, Morita Y, Ohshima T 1997 Diamond Rel. Mater. 6 356


    Klein C A 2002 Diamond Rel. Mater. 11 218


    Ying X T, Luo J L, Wang P N, Cui M Q, Zhao Y D, Li G, Zhu P P 2003 Diamond Rel. Mater. 12 719


    Xie J, Tamaki J 2006 Aviation Journal of Materials Processing Technology 180 83


    Moseley S G, Bohn K P, Goedickemeier M 2009 International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 27 394


    Zong W J, Cheng K, Li D, Sun T, Liang Y C 2007 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47 852


    Sharif Uddin M, Seah K H W, Rahman M, Li X P, Liu K 2007 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 185 24


    Hajj H E, Denisenko A, Kaiser A, Balmer R S, Kohn E 2008 Diamond Rel. Mater. 17 1259


    Doneddu D, Guy O J, Dunstan P R, Maffeis G G, Teng K S, Wilks S P, Lgic P, Twitchen D, Clement R M 2007 Surf. Sci. 602 1135


    Wang L J, Liu J M, Su Q F, Shi W M, Xia Y B 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2518 (in Chinese) [王林军, 刘健敏, 苏清峰, 史伟民, 夏义本 2006 55 2518]


    Xiao H Y, Jia X P, Ma H A, Li S S, Li Y, Zhao M 2010 Chinese Science Bulletin 55 1


    Kanda H, Akaishi M, Yamaoka S 1999 Diamond Rel. Mater. 8 1441


    Liang Z Z, Liang J Q, Zheng N, Jia X P, Li G J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8039 (in Chinese) [梁中翥, 梁静秋, 郑娜, 贾晓鹏, 李桂菊 2009 58 8039]


    Qin J M, Zhang Y, Cao J M, Tian L F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 058102 (in Chinese) [秦杰明, 张莹, 曹建明, 田立飞 2009 60 058102]

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-04-05
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