To reveal the load mechanism of wall damage induced by bubble collapse, numerical simulation of the near-wall cavitation bubble collapse evolution was conducted using an improved Multi-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method (MRT-LBM), and the dynamic behavior of near-wall cavitation bubble was systematically analyzed. First, the improved multi-relaxation pseudopotential model with a modified force scheme was introduced and validated through the Laplace law and thermodynamic consistency. Subsequently, the near-wall bubble collapse evolution was simulated using the improved model, and the process of the bubble collapse evolution were obtained. The accuracy of the numerical simulation results was confirmed by comparing with previous experimental results. Based on the obtained flow field information, including velocity and pressure distributions, the dynamic behaviors during the bubble collapse were thoroughly analyzed. The results show that the micro-jets released during the near-wall bubble collapse primarily originate from the first collapse, while the shock waves are generated during both the first and second collapses. Notably, the intensity of the shock waves produced during the second collapse is significantly higher than that of the first collapse. Furthermore, the distribution characteristics of pressure and velocity on the wall during the near-wall bubble collapse were analyzed, revealing the load mechanism of wall damage caused by bubble collapse. The results show that the wall is subjected to the combined effects of shock waves and micro-jets: shock waves cause large-area surface damage due to their extensive propagation range, whereas micro-jets lead to concentrated point damage with their localized high-velocity impact. In summary, this study elucidates the evolution of near-wall bubble collapse and the load mechanism of wall damage induced by bubble collapse, providing theoretical support for further utilization of cavitation effects and mitigation of cavitation-induced damage.
- pseudopotential model /
- collapse of near-wall bubble /
- cavitation erosion
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