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Ultra-high vacuum measurement based on 7Li cold atoms manipulation

Cheng Yong-Jun Dong Meng Sun Wen-Jun Wu Xiang-Min Zhang Ya-Fei Jia Wen-Jie Feng Cun Zhang Rui-Fang


Ultra-high vacuum measurement based on 7Li cold atoms manipulation

Cheng Yong-Jun, Dong Meng, Sun Wen-Jun, Wu Xiang-Min, Zhang Ya-Fei, Jia Wen-Jie, Feng Cun, Zhang Rui-Fang
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241215
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The redefinition of the International System of Units (SI) promotes the transformation of the vacuum measurement system toward quantization, and the quantization of vacuum parameters is one of the most leading, prospective and subversive research directions in the field of international vacuum metrology, and the quantum vacuum measurement is based on the quantum effect of the microscopic particle system, and the use of optical means and the theory of quantum mechanics to realize the precision measurement of the vacuum parameters. We develop a lithium-cooled atom vacuum measurement apparatus, which mainly consists of a 7Li atom trap system and a continuous expansion vacuum system. In this work, an experimental study of ultrahigh vacuum measurement is carried out by manipulating 7Li atoms and utilizing the loss characteristics of lithium cold atoms in magneto-optical and magnetic traps, and the results show that for the four commonly used gas molecules in vacuum, namely N2, Ar, He, and H2, in the vacuum range of (3×10–8–4×10–5) Pa, the maximum measurement uncertainty is 7.6%–6.0% (k = 2) based on 7Li cold atoms, and the cold atom vacuum measurement results are in good agreement with those of the traditional ionization vacuum gauges, and their relative sensitivities are in good agreement with those of the ionization vacuum gauges, and the maximal deviation of the relative sensitivity factor is less than 8%, which verifies the accuracy and reliability of the cold-atom quantum vacuum measurements. The research results are of great significance in promoting the development of new cross-generation vacuum measurement technology and meeting the needs of space science exploration, ultra-precision measurement and high-end equipment manufacturing.
      Corresponding author: Dong Meng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62371214).

    李得天, 成永军, 冯焱, 卢耀文, 赵澜, 徐婕 2009 真空科学与技术学报 29 522Google Scholar

    Li D T, Cheng Y J, Feng Y, Lu Y W, Zhao L, Xu J 2009 Chin. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 29 522Google Scholar


    Li D T, Wang Y J, Zhang H Z, Xi Z H, Li G 2021 Space Sci. Tech. 23 7592858


    刘见, 王刚, 胡一鸣, 张腾, 罗子人, 王晴岚, 邵立晶 2016 科学通报 61 1502Google Scholar

    Liu J, Wang G, Hu Y M, Zhang T, Luo Z R, Wang Q L, Shao L J 2016 Chin. Sci. Bull 61 1502Google Scholar


    王欲知, 陈旭 2007 真空技术 (北京: 北京航空航天大学出版社) 第6页

    Wang Y Z, Chen X 2007 Vacuum Technology (Beijing: Beihang University Press) p6


    Jenninger B, Anderson J, Bernien M, Bundaleski M, Dimitrova H, Granovskij M, Illgen C, Setina J, Jousten K, Kucharski P, Reinhardt C, Scuderi F, Silva R A S, Stöltzel A, Teodoro O M N D, Trzpil-Jurgielewicz B, Wüest M 2021 Vacuum 183 109884Google Scholar


    Fedchak J A, Abbott P J, Hendricks J H, Arnold P C, Peacock N T 2018 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 36 030802Google Scholar


    Prentiss M, Cable A, Bjorkholm J E, Chu S, Raab E L, Pritchard D E 1988 Opt. Lett. 13 452Google Scholar


    Scherschligt J, Fedchak J A, Barker D S, Eckel S, Klimov N, Makrides C, Tiesinga E 2017 Metrologia 54 125Google Scholar


    Eckel S, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Klimov N N, Norrgard E, Scherschligt J, Makrides C, Tiesinga E 2018 Metrologia 55 182Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2019 Phys. Rev. A 99 042704Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2020 Phys. Rev. A 101 012702Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2022 Phys. Rev. A 105 029902Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2022 Phys. Rev. A 105 039903Google Scholar


    Barker D S, Klimov N N, Tiesinga E, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S 2021 Measurement: Sensors 18 100229Google Scholar


    Barker D S, Acharya B P, Fedchak J A, Klimov N N, Norrgard E B, Scherschligt J, Tiesinga E, Eckel S 2022 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93 121101Google Scholar


    Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Kłos J, Scherschligt J, Sheikh A A, Tiesinga E, Eckel S 2023 AVS Quantum Sci. 5 035001Google Scholar


    Kłos J, Tiesinga E 2023 J. Chem. Phys. 158 014308Google Scholar


    Booth J L, Shen P, Krems R V, Madison K W 2019 New J. Phys. 21 102001Google Scholar


    Shen P, Madison K W, Booth J L 2020 Metrologia 57 025015Google Scholar


    Shen P, Madison K W, Booth J L 2021 Metrologia 58 022101Google Scholar


    Makhalov V B, Martiyanov K A, Turlapov A V 2016 Metrologia 53 1287Google Scholar


    Jousten K 2016 Handbook of Vacuum Technology (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH) p634


    Dongen J V, Zhu C, Clement D, Dufour G, Booth J, Madison K 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 022708Google Scholar


    Kawanaka J, Shimizu K, Takuma H 1993 Appl. Phys. B 57 113Google Scholar


    张苏钊, 孙雯君, 董猛, 武海斌, 李睿, 张雪姣, 张静怡, 成永军 2022 71 094204Google Scholar

    Zhang S Z, Sun W J, Dong M, Wu H B, Li R, Zhang X J, Zhang J Y, Cheng Y J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 094204Google Scholar


    Wu X M, Cheng Y J, Dong M, Sun W J, Zhang S Z, Ma Z Y, Li Y P, Jia W J, Feng T Y, Wu C Y 2023 Vacuum 207 111561Google Scholar


    Sun W J, Wu X M, Cheng Y J, Ma Z Y, Jia W J, Zhang Y F, Zhang R F, Wu C Y, Feng C, Luo H G 2024 Vacuum 222 113079Google Scholar


    Hajime Yoshida, Kenta Arai 2018 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 36 031604Google Scholar


    Alper Elkatmis, Rifat Kangi 2019 Measurement 131 269Google Scholar


    Yoshida H, Arai K, Kobata T 2014 Vacuum 101 433Google Scholar


    Bich W 2014 Metrologia 51 S155Google Scholar

  • 图 1  7Li冷原子真空测量装置实物图

    Figure 1.  Photo of 7Li cooled atomic vacuum measurement device.

    图 2  碰撞体系的损失率系数kloss与阱深U的关系曲线

    Figure 2.  Loss rate coefficient kloss versus trap depth U for the collision system.

    图 3  7Li冷原子真空测量装置原理图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of the 7Li cold atom measurement apparatus.

    图 4  3D MOT真空腔体中7Li冷原子团拍摄照片

    Figure 4.  Photo of 7Li cold atom clusters in 3D MOT vacuum cavity.

    图 5  7Li原子2S基态和2P激发态能级图

    Figure 5.  Energy level diagrams of 2S ground state and 2P excited state of 7Li atom.

    图 6  磁光阱和磁阱中冷原子损失率测量控制时序

    Figure 6.  Timing sequence of the cold atom loss rate measurements in MOT and MT.

    图 7  磁光阱和磁阱中冷原子损失率测量曲线

    Figure 7.  Measurement curves of the loss rate of cold atoms in MOT and MT.

    图 8  损失率Γloss与冷原子测量真空度p的关系曲线

    Figure 8.  Curve of loss rate Γloss versus cold atom measurement vacuum pressure p.

    图 9  分离规灵敏度因子与冷原子测量真空度的关系曲线

    Figure 9.  Curve of the sensitivity factor of the extractor gauge versus the vacuum pressure of the cold atom measurement.

    表 1  ab initio第一性原理实验测量的损失率系数kloss和半经典理论计算值比对

    Table 1.  Comparison of the loss rate coefficient kloss measured by the ab initio first principle experiment and the calculated value of the semiclassical theory.

    碰撞体系 第一性原理测量值
    7Li-N2 1.36 0.27
    7Li-Ar 1.21 0.059
    7Li-He 1.04 1.29
    7Li-H2 1.56 2.12
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  冷原子校准的分离规相对N2的灵敏度因子

    Table 2.  Sensitivity factors of extractor gauge relative to N2 by cold atom calibration.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  冷原子真空测量不确定度汇总表

    Table 3.  Summary of cold atom vacuum measurement uncertainties.

    损失率不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}({\varGamma _{{\text{loss}}}}) $A类10–8 Pa0.03%@N2; 0.02%@Ar
    10–7 Pa0.07%@N2;0.05%@Ar;0.05%@He;0.04%@H2
    10–6 Pa0.04%@N2; 0.1%@Ar; 0.02%@He;0.04%@H2
    10–5 Pa0.06%@N2;0.04%@Ar;0.07%@He;0.08%@H2
    损失率不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}({\varGamma _{{\text{MT}}}}) $A类1.6%@N2; 1.7%@Ar; 1.5%@He; 1.5%@H2
    损失率不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}({\varGamma _{{\text{MOT}}}}) $A类0.05%@N2; 0.07%@Ar; 0.09%@He; 0.06%@H2
    损失率系数不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}({k_{{\text{tot}}}}) $0.8%@N2; 0.3%@Ar; 2.4%@He; 1.9%@H2
    玻尔兹曼常数不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}({k_{\text{B}}}) $忽略不计
    气体分子温度不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}(T) $B类0.3%
    本底真空波动不确定度$ {u_{\text{r}}}(w) $A类10–8 Pa2.5%@N2; 2.5%@Ar; 2.0%@He; 2.7%@H2
    10–7 Pa0.5%@N2; 0.7%@Ar; 0.6%@He; 0.8%@H2
    10–6 Pa0.07%@N2;0.07%@Ar;0.08%@He;0.1%@H2
    10–5 Pa忽略不计
    合成标准不确定度10–8 Pa3.3%@N2; 3.2%@Ar; 3.6%@He;3.8%@H2
    10–7 Pa2.2%@N2; 2.2%@Ar; 3.1%@He;2.8%@H2
    10–6 Pa2.1%@N2; 2.0%@Ar; 3.0%@He;2.7%@H2
    10–5 Pa2.1%@N2; 2.0%@Ar;3.0%@He; 2.7%@H2
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    李得天, 成永军, 冯焱, 卢耀文, 赵澜, 徐婕 2009 真空科学与技术学报 29 522Google Scholar

    Li D T, Cheng Y J, Feng Y, Lu Y W, Zhao L, Xu J 2009 Chin. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 29 522Google Scholar


    Li D T, Wang Y J, Zhang H Z, Xi Z H, Li G 2021 Space Sci. Tech. 23 7592858


    刘见, 王刚, 胡一鸣, 张腾, 罗子人, 王晴岚, 邵立晶 2016 科学通报 61 1502Google Scholar

    Liu J, Wang G, Hu Y M, Zhang T, Luo Z R, Wang Q L, Shao L J 2016 Chin. Sci. Bull 61 1502Google Scholar


    王欲知, 陈旭 2007 真空技术 (北京: 北京航空航天大学出版社) 第6页

    Wang Y Z, Chen X 2007 Vacuum Technology (Beijing: Beihang University Press) p6


    Jenninger B, Anderson J, Bernien M, Bundaleski M, Dimitrova H, Granovskij M, Illgen C, Setina J, Jousten K, Kucharski P, Reinhardt C, Scuderi F, Silva R A S, Stöltzel A, Teodoro O M N D, Trzpil-Jurgielewicz B, Wüest M 2021 Vacuum 183 109884Google Scholar


    Fedchak J A, Abbott P J, Hendricks J H, Arnold P C, Peacock N T 2018 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 36 030802Google Scholar


    Prentiss M, Cable A, Bjorkholm J E, Chu S, Raab E L, Pritchard D E 1988 Opt. Lett. 13 452Google Scholar


    Scherschligt J, Fedchak J A, Barker D S, Eckel S, Klimov N, Makrides C, Tiesinga E 2017 Metrologia 54 125Google Scholar


    Eckel S, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Klimov N N, Norrgard E, Scherschligt J, Makrides C, Tiesinga E 2018 Metrologia 55 182Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2019 Phys. Rev. A 99 042704Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2020 Phys. Rev. A 101 012702Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2022 Phys. Rev. A 105 029902Google Scholar


    Makrides C, Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S, Tiesinga E 2022 Phys. Rev. A 105 039903Google Scholar


    Barker D S, Klimov N N, Tiesinga E, Fedchak J A, Scherschligt J, Eckel S 2021 Measurement: Sensors 18 100229Google Scholar


    Barker D S, Acharya B P, Fedchak J A, Klimov N N, Norrgard E B, Scherschligt J, Tiesinga E, Eckel S 2022 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93 121101Google Scholar


    Barker D S, Fedchak J A, Kłos J, Scherschligt J, Sheikh A A, Tiesinga E, Eckel S 2023 AVS Quantum Sci. 5 035001Google Scholar


    Kłos J, Tiesinga E 2023 J. Chem. Phys. 158 014308Google Scholar


    Booth J L, Shen P, Krems R V, Madison K W 2019 New J. Phys. 21 102001Google Scholar


    Shen P, Madison K W, Booth J L 2020 Metrologia 57 025015Google Scholar


    Shen P, Madison K W, Booth J L 2021 Metrologia 58 022101Google Scholar


    Makhalov V B, Martiyanov K A, Turlapov A V 2016 Metrologia 53 1287Google Scholar


    Jousten K 2016 Handbook of Vacuum Technology (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH) p634


    Dongen J V, Zhu C, Clement D, Dufour G, Booth J, Madison K 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 022708Google Scholar


    Kawanaka J, Shimizu K, Takuma H 1993 Appl. Phys. B 57 113Google Scholar


    张苏钊, 孙雯君, 董猛, 武海斌, 李睿, 张雪姣, 张静怡, 成永军 2022 71 094204Google Scholar

    Zhang S Z, Sun W J, Dong M, Wu H B, Li R, Zhang X J, Zhang J Y, Cheng Y J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 094204Google Scholar


    Wu X M, Cheng Y J, Dong M, Sun W J, Zhang S Z, Ma Z Y, Li Y P, Jia W J, Feng T Y, Wu C Y 2023 Vacuum 207 111561Google Scholar


    Sun W J, Wu X M, Cheng Y J, Ma Z Y, Jia W J, Zhang Y F, Zhang R F, Wu C Y, Feng C, Luo H G 2024 Vacuum 222 113079Google Scholar


    Hajime Yoshida, Kenta Arai 2018 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 36 031604Google Scholar


    Alper Elkatmis, Rifat Kangi 2019 Measurement 131 269Google Scholar


    Yoshida H, Arai K, Kobata T 2014 Vacuum 101 433Google Scholar


    Bich W 2014 Metrologia 51 S155Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  29 August 2024
  • Accepted Date:  30 September 2024
  • Available Online:  23 October 2024
  • Published Online:  20 November 2024

