The low-temporal coherence light (LTCL) has received extensive attention in the research of inertial confinement fusion due to its physical properties of instantaneous broadband. Recent reports demonstrated that the LTCL has significant suppression effects on laser plasma instability. However, the temporal spike structures of the LTCL will not only induce the amplification of the self-focusing effect, but also make its small-scale self-focusing characteristics and corresponding damage mechanism more complicated. Exploring the self-focusing characteristics of the LTCL will provide an important information for improving the output power of the LTCL. In this work, we design a more accurate test method for comparing the nonlinear self-focusing effects of different lasers, and compare the self-focusing effect of LTCL with single longitudinal mode (SLM) pulse. In the experiments, fused silica is tightly focused by a short focal length lens to avoid damaging the input surface. A spatially resolved test method is designed to measure the nonlinear I×L value (where I is the incident intensity, L is the distance from the head of filamentation damage to the input surface), which is accumulated from the input surface to the head of filamentation damage. The results show that the nonlinear I×L value obtained by the spatially resolved method is lower than by the traditional test method, since the energy loss caused by incident surface damage and backward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) has been resolved. Furthermore, the nonlinear I×L values of the SLM pulse and the LTCL are also compared by the traditional test method and spatially resolved method. The test results show that due to the temporal spike structure, the LTCL has a lower nonlinear I×L value than the SLM pulse. The SBS effect and the different damage characteristics of the input surface are also analyzed. This study provides a more accurate test method for better analyzing the self-focusing effect of LTCL and laser pulses with different characteristics, and hence presenting a reference for designing high-power devices of low-temporal coherence light.
- inertial confinement fusion /
- low-temporal coherence light /
- nonlinear self-focusing /
- critical value /
- spatial resolved method
[1] Tollefson J, Gibney E 2022 Nature 612 597
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[2] Clery D 2022 Science 378 1154
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[3] Gao Y Q, Ji L L, Zhao X H, Cui Y, Rao D X, Feng W, Xia L, Liu D, Wang T, Shi H T, Li F J, Liu J N, Du P Y, Li X L, Liu J, Zhang T X, Shan C, Hua Y L, Ma W X, Sui Z, Pei W B, Fu S Z, Sun X, Chen X F 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 6839
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[4] Cui Y, Gao Y Q, Rao D X, Liu D, Li F J, Ji L L, Shi H T, Liu J N, Zhao X H, Feng W, Liu J N, Wang T, Ma W X, Sui Z 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 2859
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[5] Ji L L, Zhao X X, Liu D, Gao Y Q, Cui Y, Rao D X, Feng W, Li F J, Shi H T, Liu J N, Li X L, Xia L, Wang T, Liu J, Du P Y, Sun X, Ma W X, Sui Z, Chen X F 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 17
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[6] Zhao X H, Ji L L, Liu D, Gao Y Q, Rao D X, Cui Y, Feng W, Li F J, Shi H T, Shan C, Ma W X, Sui Z 2020 APL Photonics 5 9
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[13] Williams W, Renard P A, Manes K R, Milam D, Hunt J T, Eimerl D 1966 Modeling of Self-focusing Experiments by Beam Propagation Codes UCRL-LR-105821-96-1: 7
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[20] Feit M, Fleck Jr J 1992 Self-focusing of Broadband Laser Pulses in Dispersive Media (Washington, DC: Lawrence Livermore National Lab.) UCRL-ID-112523; ON: DE93007369
[21] 邓锡铭, 余文炎, 陈时胜, 丁丽明, 谭维翰 1983 光学学报 3 2
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[22] Deng J Q, Fu X Q, Zhang L F, Zhang J, Wen S C 2013 Opt. Laser Technol. 45 56
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[23] Stuart B C, Feit M D, Herman S, Rubenchick A M, Shore B W, Perry M D 1996 Phys. Rev. B 53 1749
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[24] Rubenchik A M, Feit M D 2002 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, CO, United States, April 9, 2002 p4679
[25] Fibich G, Eisenmann S, Ilan B, Erlich Y, Fraenkel M, Henis Z, Gaeta A L, Zigler A 2005 Opt. Express 13 5897
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[26] Yoshida H, Fujita H, Nakatsuka M 1997 Opt. Eng. 36 3739
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[28] Zhang J, Wen S C, Fu X Q, Zhang L F, Deng J Q, Fan D Y 2010 High-Power Lasers and Applications V Beijing, China, November 16, 2010 p7843
[29] McKenty P W, Skupsky S, Kelly J H, Cotton C T 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 2027
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[30] Melloni A, Frasca M, Garavaglia A, Tonini A, Martinelli M 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 691
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[31] Bercegol H, Lamaignère L, Cavaro V, Loiseau M 2005 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, CO, United States, February 7, 2006 p5991
[32] Bercegol H, Boscheron A, Lepage C, Mazataud E, Donval T, Lamaignère L, Loiseau M, Razé G, Sudre C 2004 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, Co, United States, June 10, 2004 p5273
表 1 传统测试法和空间分辨法测得的单模脉冲激光和时间低相干光的非线性$ I\times {L}_{{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{i}}{\mathrm{n}}} $
Table 1. Nonlinear $ I\times {L}_{{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{i}}{\mathrm{n}}} $ of single longitudinal mode pulse laser and the low-temporal coherence light measured by traditional test method and spatial resolved method.
$ I\times {L}_{{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{i}}{\mathrm{n}}} $ /(GW·cm–1) 单模脉冲激光 时间低相干光 传统测试法 157.56 49.70 空间分辨法 15.19 7.48 -
[1] Tollefson J, Gibney E 2022 Nature 612 597
Google Scholar
[2] Clery D 2022 Science 378 1154
Google Scholar
[3] Gao Y Q, Ji L L, Zhao X H, Cui Y, Rao D X, Feng W, Xia L, Liu D, Wang T, Shi H T, Li F J, Liu J N, Du P Y, Li X L, Liu J, Zhang T X, Shan C, Hua Y L, Ma W X, Sui Z, Pei W B, Fu S Z, Sun X, Chen X F 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 6839
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[4] Cui Y, Gao Y Q, Rao D X, Liu D, Li F J, Ji L L, Shi H T, Liu J N, Zhao X H, Feng W, Liu J N, Wang T, Ma W X, Sui Z 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 2859
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[5] Ji L L, Zhao X X, Liu D, Gao Y Q, Cui Y, Rao D X, Feng W, Li F J, Shi H T, Liu J N, Li X L, Xia L, Wang T, Liu J, Du P Y, Sun X, Ma W X, Sui Z, Chen X F 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 17
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[6] Zhao X H, Ji L L, Liu D, Gao Y Q, Rao D X, Cui Y, Feng W, Li F J, Shi H T, Shan C, Ma W X, Sui Z 2020 APL Photonics 5 9
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[7] Wang P P, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Xie Z Y, Wang C, He Z Y, Jia G, Wang R R, Zheng S, Xia L, Feng W, Shi H T, Wang W, Sun J R, Gao Y Q, Fu S Z 2024 Matter Radiat. Extrem. 9 015602
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[8] Lei A L, Kang N, Zhao Y, Liu H Y, An H H, Xiong J, Wang R R, Xie Z Y, Tu Y C, Xu G X, Zhou X C, Fang Z H, Wang W, Xia L, Feng W, Zhao X H, Ji L L, Cui Y, Zhou X H, Liu Z J, Zheng C Y, Wang L F, Gao Y Q, Huang X G, Fu S Z 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 035102
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[9] Suydam B 1974 IEEE J. Quantum Elect. 10 837
Google Scholar
[10] Simmons W, Hunt J, Warren W 1981 IEEE J. Quantum Elect. 17 1727
Google Scholar
[11] Sacks R A, Henesian M A, Haney S W, Trenholme J B 1996 The PROp 92 Fourier Beampropagation Code LLNL Laser Program Quarterly Report. UCRL-LR-105821(96-4): 207–213
[12] Williams W, Trenholme J, Orth C, Haney S, Sacks R, Auerbach J, Renard P 1996 NlF Design Optimization LLNL Laser Program Quarterly Report. UCRL-LR-105821(96-4): 181–191
[13] Williams W, Renard P A, Manes K R, Milam D, Hunt J T, Eimerl D 1966 Modeling of Self-focusing Experiments by Beam Propagation Codes UCRL-LR-105821-96-1: 7
[14] Taylor D G, Amiel A I, Luat T V, Alexander L G 2006 Opt. Express 14 5468
Google Scholar
[15] Bliss E S, Speck D R, Holzrichter J F, Erkkila J H, Glass A J 1974 Appl. Phys. Lett. 25 448
Google Scholar
[16] Fleck J, Morris J, Bliss E 1978 Quantum Electron. 14 353
Google Scholar
[17] Ranka J K, Schirmer R W, Gaeta A L 1996 Phy. Rev. Lett. 77 3783
Google Scholar
[18] Milam D, Manes K R, Williams W H 1996 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, CO, United States, May 13, 1996 p2966
[19] Bespalov V I, Talanov V I 1966 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 3 307
[20] Feit M, Fleck Jr J 1992 Self-focusing of Broadband Laser Pulses in Dispersive Media (Washington, DC: Lawrence Livermore National Lab.) UCRL-ID-112523; ON: DE93007369
[21] 邓锡铭, 余文炎, 陈时胜, 丁丽明, 谭维翰 1983 光学学报 3 2
Google Scholar
Deng X M, Yu W Y, Chen S S, Ding L M, Tan W H 1983 J. Opt. 3 2
Google Scholar
[22] Deng J Q, Fu X Q, Zhang L F, Zhang J, Wen S C 2013 Opt. Laser Technol. 45 56
Google Scholar
[23] Stuart B C, Feit M D, Herman S, Rubenchick A M, Shore B W, Perry M D 1996 Phys. Rev. B 53 1749
Google Scholar
[24] Rubenchik A M, Feit M D 2002 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, CO, United States, April 9, 2002 p4679
[25] Fibich G, Eisenmann S, Ilan B, Erlich Y, Fraenkel M, Henis Z, Gaeta A L, Zigler A 2005 Opt. Express 13 5897
Google Scholar
[26] Yoshida H, Fujita H, Nakatsuka M 1997 Opt. Eng. 36 3739
Google Scholar
[27] Murray J R, Smith J R, Ehrlich R B, Kyrazis D T, Thompson C E, Weiland T L, Wilcox R B 1989 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 6 2402
Google Scholar
[28] Zhang J, Wen S C, Fu X Q, Zhang L F, Deng J Q, Fan D Y 2010 High-Power Lasers and Applications V Beijing, China, November 16, 2010 p7843
[29] McKenty P W, Skupsky S, Kelly J H, Cotton C T 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 2027
Google Scholar
[30] Melloni A, Frasca M, Garavaglia A, Tonini A, Martinelli M 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 691
Google Scholar
[31] Bercegol H, Lamaignère L, Cavaro V, Loiseau M 2005 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, CO, United States, February 7, 2006 p5991
[32] Bercegol H, Boscheron A, Lepage C, Mazataud E, Donval T, Lamaignère L, Loiseau M, Razé G, Sudre C 2004 Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials Boulder, Co, United States, June 10, 2004 p5273
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