Recently, it has been discovered that the AB(N,O)3-type perovskite oxynitrides exhibit excellent dielectric, ferroelectric, and photocatalytic properties, promising for applications in the fields of optoelectronics, energy storage, and communication. Due to the differences in charge, ionic radius, and covalent bonding between N3– ion and O2– ion, the N substitution for O enhances the B(N,O)6 octahedron tilting, giving rise to exotic properties and functionalities. However, the current fabrication process for this type of material is rather time-consuming, leading to products with an appreciable quantity of impurities. In this study, using oxide precursors and sodium amide as the nitrogen source, high-purity perovskite-type oxynitride CeTaN2O bulk materials are successfully synthesized under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions provided by a cubic-anvil press. The synthesis time decreases to 1 h, achieving rapid production. The lattice structure and physical properties of the obtained samples are comprehensively investigated. X-ray powder diffraction experiments and subsequent Rietveld refinement indicate that the title material shows an orthorhombic crystal structure with the space group of Pnma. The X-ray absorption spectra confirm the charge configuration and the anion composition as Ce3+Ta5+N2O. Magnetization and specific heat measurements reveal that the exchange interactions are mainly antiferromagnetic, with a potential magnetic transition below 2 K. The electrical transport data demonstrate typical semiconductor behaviors, which can be further explained by a three-dimensional variable-range hopping model. Our study paves the way for putting this exotic perovskite oxynitride into practical applications.
- high-pressure synthesis /
- perovskite-type nitride /
- antiferromagnetic /
- semiconductor
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图 4 (a) 0.1 T磁场下磁化率和磁化率倒数随温度的变化关系, 其中蓝线代表100 K以上的居里-外斯拟合结果; (b) 不同温度下磁化强度随磁场的变化关系
Figure 4. (a) Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility and the inverse susceptibility at 0.1 T. The blue line shows the Curie-Weiss fitting above 100 K; (b) field dependent magnetization measured at different temperatures.
表 1 CeTaN2O的精修结构参数
Table 1. Refined structure parameters of CeTaN2O.
Space group Pnma a/Å 5.69575(9) Rwp/% 3.28 b/Å 8.03326(8) Rp/% 2.30 c/Å 5.70427(8) χ2 2.71 Atomic position(s) atom site x y z occ Uiso/Å2 Ce 4c 0.01792(8) 0.25 0.99101(2) 1 0.0086(5) Ta 4b 0.5 0 0 1 0.0055(9) N/O 4c 0.49062(2) 0.25 0.14377(9) 0.67/0.33 0.01 N/O 8d 0.26950(2) 0.03833(9) 0.76871(6) 0.67/0.33 0.01 -
[1] Tobías G, Oró-Solé J, Beltrán-Porter D, Fuertes A 2001 Inorg. Chem. 40 6867
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[2] Marchand R, Pors F, Laurent Y, Regreny O, Lostec J, Haussonne J M 1986 J. Phys. Colloques 47 C1
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[5] Yang M, Oró-Solé J, Kusmartseva A, Fuertes A, Attfield J P 2010 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 4822
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[9] 叶施亚, 李端, 李俊生, 曾良, 曹峰 2021 人工晶体学报 50 187
Ye S Y, Li D, Li J S, Zeng L, F C 2021 J. Synth. Cryst. 50 187
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[19] Deminami S, Kawamura Y, Chen Y Q, Kanazawa M, Hayashi J, Kuzuya T, Takeda K, Matsuda M, Sekine C 2017 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 950 042032
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[20] Sekine C, Sai U, Hayashi J, Kawamura Y, Bauer E 2017 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 950 042028
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[23] Matin M, Kulkarni R, Thamizhavel A, Dhar S K, Provino A, Manfrinetti P 2017 J. Phys Condens. Matter 29 145601
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[24] Ajeesh M O, Kushwaha S K, Thomas S M, Thompson J D, Chan M K, Harrison N, Tomczak J M, Rosa P F S 2023 Phys. Rev. B 108 245125
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[25] Ravot D, Burlet P, Rossat-Mignod J, Tholence J L 1980 J. Phys. 41 1117
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[26] Mott N F 1969 Philos. Mag. 19 835
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