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Shadow and photon ring of black hole in asymptotically safe gravity

Li Hui-Ling Huang Yu-Meng Yang Cheng-Yu


Shadow and photon ring of black hole in asymptotically safe gravity

Li Hui-Ling, Huang Yu-Meng, Yang Cheng-Yu
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  • In this paper, we discuss the influence of thin disk accretion and asymptotically safe (AS) gravity correction parameters on the shadow and photon ring of black hole. For the thin disk accretion, the dark region is the shadow of the black hole, and the bright photon ring is composed of direct image, lensing ring, and photon ring. For the specific intensity of the radiation source of the accretion disk, we consider three different emission profile models. For the second-order attenuation function model in which the emission starts from the innermost circular orbit, direct image, lensing ring, and photon ring can be clearly distinguished. The direct image contributes most of the brightness, and the lensing ring contributes a small portion, while the contribution of the photon ring can almost be ignored. And the observed corresponding intensity peak decreases with the increase of the AS gravity parameter, that is, the corresponding brightness of the photon ring darkens as correction parameter increases. For the third-order attenuation function model in which the emission begins at the radius of the photon sphere, lensing ring and photon ring are superimposed on the direct radiation. Thus a new extreme value of the observed intensity emerges, and the extreme value increases with the increase of the AS gravity parameter, which leads to a brighter observed photon ring. For the anti-trigonometric attenuation function model in which the radiation starts from the event horizon, the superposition range of lensing ring and photon ring on the direct radiation becomes larger, which makes photon ring wider. The smaller the AS gravity parameter, the more difficult it is to distinguish between the lensing ring and photon ring, and the brighter the photon ring turns. In short, the results show that the shadow radius decreases with the increase of the AS correction parameter. For different AS gravity correction parameters, the light intensities of emission source, especially emission profiles of the observed intensity are significantly different, resulting in obvious differences in observed emission intensity between the shadow of the black hole and the bright photon ring of the black hole.
      Corresponding author: Li Hui-Ling,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11703018) and the Basic Science Research Project of Education Department of Liaoning Province, China (Grant No. LJKM20221474).

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    He K J, Guo S, Tan S C, et al. 2022 Chin. Phys. C 46 085106Google Scholar


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    高思杰, 郭敏勇, 马永革等 2022 中国科学 52 270002

    Gao S J, Guo M Y, Ma Y G, et al. 2022 Sci. China-Phy Mech. Astron. 52 270002


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  • 图 1  在AS引力下的黑洞的有效势图像, 区域1对应$U(r) < 1/b_{\mathrm{p}}^2$, 区域2对应$U(r) = 1/b_{\mathrm{p}}^2$, 区域3对应$U(r) > 1/b_{\mathrm{p}}^2$: (a) ξ = 0.05, (b) ξ = 0.9

    Figure 1.  In the effective potential image of the black hole under AS gravity, region 1 corresponds to $U(r) < 1/b_{\mathrm{p}}^2$, region 2 corresponds to $U(r) = 1/b_{\mathrm{p}}^2$, and region 3 corresponds to $U(r) > 1/b_{\mathrm{p}}^2$: (a) ξ = 0.05, (b) ξ = 0.9.

    图 2  极坐标($r, \varphi $)下和光轨迹图像. 蓝线代表$b = {b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$, 灰线代表$b < {b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$, 橙色线代表$b > {b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$. 所有光线的入射参数的间距为0.2, 黑洞用黑色实心圆盘表示 (a) ξ = 0.05; (b) ξ = 0.9

    Figure 2.  Tracks of light ray in polar coordinates $(r, \varphi )$. Blue line represents $b = {b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$, gray line represents $b < {b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$, and orange line represents $b > {b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$. The impact parameters for all rays have a spacing of 0.2, black holes are represented by black disks: (a) ξ = 0.05; (b) ξ = 0.9.

    图 3  (a), (b)极坐标$(r, \varphi )$下光的运动轨迹; (c), (d) $n = \varphi /2\pi$与b之间的关系. 对于直接像(绿色)、透镜环(橘色)和光子环(紫色)对应的光线, 入射参数的间距分别为$1/5$, $1/100$, $1/1000$. 黑色的圆盘代表黑洞 (a), (c) ξ = 0.05; (b), (d) ξ = 0.9

    Figure 3.  (a), (b) Trajectory of light in the polar coordinate $ (r, \varphi) $; (c), (d) relationship between $n = \varphi / 2\pi$ and b. For the direct radiation (green), lensing ring (orange) and photon ring (purple), the spacing of the collision parameters is $1 / 5$, $1 / 100$ and $1 / 1000$ respectively. Black disks represent black holes: (a), (c) ξ = 0.05; (b), (d) ξ = 0.9.

    图 4  不同ξ下的转移函数图像 (a) ξ = 0.05; (b) ξ = 0.9

    Figure 4.  Transfer function image for different values of ξ: (a) ξ = 0.05; (b) ξ = 0.9.

    图 5  模型1下的吸积盘比辐射强度轮廓(a), (d), 观察者的观测强度轮廓(b), (e)以及黑洞图像(c), (f) (a)—(c)$\xi=0.05$; (d)—(f) $\xi=0.9$

    Figure 5.  Under model 1, the specific intensity profile of accretion disk (a), (d), observed intensity profile (b), (e), as well as the black hole image (c), (f): (a)–(c) $\xi=0.05$; (d)–(f) $\xi=0.9$.

    图 6  模型2下的吸积物质比辐射强度轮廓(a), (d), 观察者的观测强度轮廓(b), (e)以及黑洞图像(c), (f) (a)—(c)$\xi=0.05$; (d)—(f) $\xi=0.9$

    Figure 6.  Under model 2, the specific intensity profile of accretion disk (a), (d), the observed intensity profile (b), (e), as well as the black hole image (c), (f): (a)–(c) $\xi=0.05$; (d)–(f) $\xi=0.9$.

    图 7  模型3下辐射源吸积盘比辐射强度轮廓(a), (d), 观察者的观测强度轮廓(b), (e)以及黑洞图像(c), (f) (a)—(c) $\xi=0.05$; (d)—(f) $\xi=0.9$

    Figure 7.  Under the model 3, the specific intensity profile of accretion disk (a), (d), the observed intensity profile (b), (e), as well as the black hole image (c), (f): (a)–(c) $\xi=0.05$; (d)–(f) $\xi=0.9$.

    表 1  不同ξ下事件视界${r_ + }$、光子球半径${r_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$和光子球处入射参数${b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$

    Table 1.  Event horizon ${r_ + }$, photon sphere radius ${r_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$, and incident parameters at the photon sphere ${b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$ for different ξ.

    $\xi = 0.01$ $\xi = 0.05$ $\xi = 0.1$ $\xi = 0.3$ $\xi = 0.6$ $\xi = 0.9$
    ${r_ + }$ 1.99499 1.97468 1.94868 1.83666 1.63246 1.31623
    ${r_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$ 2.99443 2.97192 2.9432 2.821 2.60777 2.32892
    ${b_{{\mathrm{p}}}}$ 5.19037 5.16701 5.13731 5.0121 4.79933 4.53738
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    Gan Q, Wang P, Wu H, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. D 104 044049Google Scholar


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    Chael A, Johson M D, Lupsasca A 2021 Astrophys. J. 918 6Google Scholar


    Hou Y, Zhang Z, Yan H, Guo M, Chen B 2022 Phys. Rev. D 106 064058Google Scholar


    Zeng X X, Zhang H Q 2020 Eur. Phys. J. C 80 1058Google Scholar


    Zeng X X, He K J, Li G P 2022 Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 65 290411Google Scholar


    Cunha P V P, Eiro N A, Herdeiro C A R, Lemos J P S 2020 JCAP 03 035


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    Zeng X X, Zhang H Q, Zhang H 2020 Eur. Phys. J. C 80 1Google Scholar


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    Li G P, He K J 2021 Eur. Phys. J. C 81 1018Google Scholar


    高思杰, 郭敏勇, 马永革等 2022 中国科学 52 270002

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    袁业飞, 唐泽源 2019 科学通报 64 2072

    Yuan Y F, Tang Z Y 2019 Sci. Bull. 64 2072


    吴学兵 2019 科学通报 64 2082

    Wu X B 2019 Sci. Bull. 64 2082


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  • Received Date:  29 July 2023
  • Accepted Date:  28 August 2023
  • Available Online:  08 October 2023
  • Published Online:  05 January 2024

