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Mechanism of long-range hydrophobic force based on cavitation of metastable liquid film

Bao Xi-Cheng Xing Yao-Wen Zhang Fan-Fan Zhang De-Ke Liu Qin-Shan Yang Hai-Chang Gui Xia-Hui


Mechanism of long-range hydrophobic force based on cavitation of metastable liquid film

Bao Xi-Cheng, Xing Yao-Wen, Zhang Fan-Fan, Zhang De-Ke, Liu Qin-Shan, Yang Hai-Chang, Gui Xia-Hui
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Hydrophobic force, a key driving force in colloid physicochemical system and biological macromolecular system, exhibits a distinct multi-scale effect. The prevailing scholarly consensus attributes long-range hydrophobic force to bubble bridging, facilitated by unstable liquid film cavitation, while short-range force is thought to arise from the reorganization of water molecules at the solid-liquid interface. However, a comprehensive theoretical study remains elusive. To further elucidate the mechanism of the long-range hydrophobic force based on unstable liquid film cavitation, we carry out systematic research on the long-range hydrophobic force between perfluorooctyl trichlorosilane hydrophobic particles and the surface, by utilizing atomic force microscopy (AFM) and molecular dynamics simulations. According to AFM force tests, the long-range hydrophobic force escalates incrementally with subsequent close contacts before reaching a plateau. On the tenth contact, the penetration curve exhibits a sudden jump to an adhesion distance of 502.01 nm. A distinct step in the retraction curve suggests the rupture of the cavitation bubble capillary bridge. Importantly, the classical capillary force mathematical model provides an effective fit for the penetration curve. Our calculations estimate the volume of the capillary bridge at 0.30 μm³, offering direct theoretical evidence of the unstable liquid film cavitation bubble capillary bridge. Further insights are gained from large-scale tensile molecular dynamics simulations by using GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations (GROMACS). The inherent correlation mechanism of the formation, evolution, and mechanical behavior of the cavitation bubble capillary bridge in the separation process of hydrophobic particles are further explored from a molecular perspective. The results demonstrate that the local pressure drop occurring at the moment of “jump-out” separation of the hydrophobic particles attracts nitrogen molecules to diffuse into the liquid film, thereby forming a cavitation bubble capillary bridge. Simultaneously, a jumping behavior is observed in the calculated spring potential curve at the moment of capillary bridge rupture. Finally, the influence of solution gas content on long-range hydrophobic force is investigated. There is a positive correlation between gas molecule content and both the growth rate of cavitation bubble capillary bridge volume and the length of capillary bridge stretch-rupture, further demonstrating the gas concentration dependence of long-range hydrophobic forces. In a word, revealing the long-range hydrophobic force mechanism based on the cavitation of unstable liquid film can enhance our understanding of the interaction between colloid physical chemistry and biological macromolecules. Meanwhile, hydrophobic force is the fundamental driving force of particle-bubble adhesion in mineral flotation system, and the revelation of its action mechanism has important guiding significance for regulating the actual mineral flotation process.
      Corresponding author: Xing Yao-Wen,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52274278, 51920105007).

    马红孺 2016 65 184701Google Scholar

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    Nikolov A, Lee J, Wasan D 2023 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 313 102847Google Scholar


    彭家略, 郭浩, 尤天涯, 纪献兵, 徐进良 2021 70 044701Google Scholar

    Peng J L, Guo H, You T Y, Ji X B, Xu J L 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 044701Google Scholar


    赵昶, 纪献兵, 杨聿昊, 孟宇航, 徐进良, 彭家略 2022 71 214701Google Scholar

    Zhao C, Ji X B, Yang Y H, Meng Y H, Xu J L, Peng J L 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 214701Google Scholar


    Li Q, Liao C, Hou J, Wang W, Zhang J 2022 Fuel 316 123271Google Scholar


    顾帼华, 锁军, 柳建设, 钟素姣 2006 中国有色金属学报 16 1462Google Scholar

    Gu G H, Suo J, Liu J S, Zhong S J 2006 Chin. J. of Nonferrous Met. 16 1462Google Scholar


    张天辉, 曹镜声, 梁颖, 刘向阳 2016 65 176401Google Scholar

    Zhang T H, Cao J S, Liang Y, Liu X Y 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 176401Google Scholar


    邢耀文, 桂夏辉, 曹亦俊, 刘炯天 2019 煤炭学报 44 3185Google Scholar

    Xing Y W, Gui X H, Cao Y J, Liu J T 2019 J. China Coal Soc. 44 3185Google Scholar


    蒋昊, 罗汇丰, 谢佳辉, 韩文平 2022 中国有色金属学报 32 545Google Scholar

    Jiang H, Liu H F, Xie J H, Han W P 2022 Chin. J. of Nonferrous Met. 32 545Google Scholar


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    Christensen H, Claesson P 1988 Science 239 390Google Scholar


    Yakubov G E, Butt H J, Vinogradova O I 2000 J. Phys. Chem. B 104 3407Google Scholar


    Azadi M, Nguyen A V, Yakubov G E 2015 Langmuir 31 1941Google Scholar


    Faghihnejad A, Zeng H 2012 Soft Matter 8 2746Google Scholar


    Abraham M J, Murtola T, Schulz R, Páll S, Smith J C, Hess B, Lindahl E 2015 SoftwareX 1 19Google Scholar


    Humphrey W, Dalke A, Schulten K 1996 J. Mol. Graph. 14 33Google Scholar


    Yang H, Zhang F, Xing Y, Gui X, Cao Y 2022 Front. Mater. 8 644Google Scholar


    Pandit S, Maroli N, Naskar S, Khatri B, Maiti P K, De M 2022 Nanoscale 14 7881Google Scholar


    Wang X, Ramírez-Hinestrosa S, Dobnikar J, Frenkel D 2020 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 10624Google Scholar


    Vassetti D, Pagliai M, Procacci P 2019 J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15 1983Google Scholar


    Potoff J J, Ilja Siepmann J 2001 AIChE J. 47 1676Google Scholar


    Sedighi M, Talaie M R, Sabzyan H, Aghamiri S, Chen P 2022 Fuel 308 121965Google Scholar


    Xia Y C, Zhang R, Cao Y J, Xing Y W, Gui X H 2020 Fuel 262 116535Google Scholar


    Zimmermann K 1991 J. Comput. Chem. 12 310Google Scholar


    Bussi G, Donadio D, Parrinello M 2007 J. Chem. Phys. 126 14101Google Scholar


    Essmann U, Perera L, Berkowitz M L, Darden T, Lee H, Pedersen L G 1995 J. Chem. Phys. 103 8577Google Scholar


    Hammer M U, Anderson T H, Chaimovich A, Shell M S, Israelachvili J 2010 Faraday Discuss. 146 299Google Scholar


    Mezger M, Reichert H, Schöder S, Okasinski J, Schröder H, Dosch H, Palms D, Ralston J, Honkimäki V 2006 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 103 18401Google Scholar


    Butt H J, Kappl M 2009 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 146 48Google Scholar


    Brown D, Neyertz S 1995 Molecular Physics 84 577Google Scholar

  • 图 1  玻璃载玻片表面形貌图

    Figure 1.  Surface topography of glass.

    图 2  玻璃微球的SEM照片

    Figure 2.  SEM photos of glass microspheres.

    图 3  (a)胶体探针及(b)玻璃载玻片疏水化后表面接触角图像

    Figure 3.  (a) Colloidal probes and (b) surface contact angle images of glass slides after hydrophobicization.

    图 4  疏水力测量实验示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of hydrophobic measurement test

    图 5  空化现象分子动力学模拟初始构型

    Figure 5.  Initial configuration of cavitation phenomenon in molecular dynamics simulation.

    图 6  水溶液下疏水化基板表面AFM扫描结果 (a)表面形貌; (b)表面粗糙度扫描曲线

    Figure 6.  AFM scanning results of hydrophobic substrate surface in aqueous solution: (a) Surface topography; (b) surface roughness scanning curve.

    图 7  空气下疏水化基板表面AFM扫描结果 (a)表面形貌; (b)表面粗糙度扫描曲线

    Figure 7.  AFM scanning results of hydrophobic substrate surface under air: (a) Surface topography; (b) surface roughness scanning curve

    图 8  不同接近次数下的疏水颗粒与基板间相互作用力(进针曲线) (a)位置1; (b)位置2; (c)位置3; (d)位置4

    Figure 8.  Interaction between hydrophobic particles and substrate under different approaching times (approach curves): (a) Position 1; (b) position 2; (c) position 3; (d) position 4.

    图 9  不同接近次数下的疏水颗粒与基板间相互作用力(退针曲线) (a)位置1; (b)位置2; (c)位置3; (d)位置4

    Figure 9.  Interaction between hydrophobic particles and substrate under different approaching times (retraction curves): (a) Position 1; (b) position 2; (c) position 3; (d) position 4.

    图 10  部分脱气处理条件下, 不同接近次数时疏水颗粒与基板间的相互作用力

    Figure 10.  Interaction force between hydrophobic particles and substrate at different approaching times under the condition of partial degassing treatment.

    图 11  不同接近次数下进针跳入黏附距离变化

    Figure 11.  Variation of adhesive distance upon penetration at different approaching cycles.

    图 12  毛细桥几何关系图[32]

    Figure 12.  Geometric diagram of capillary bridge[32].

    图 13  空化气泡的毛细力模型拟合结果

    Figure 13.  Fitting results of the capillary force model for cavitation bubbles.

    图 14  分离距离随模拟时间的变化曲线

    Figure 14.  Curve of separation distance as a function of simulation time.

    图 15  不同气体含量对分离过程拉力的影响

    Figure 15.  Impact of different gas contents on the tensile force during the separation process.

    图 16  分离过程空化气泡毛细桥体积随分离距离的变化

    Figure 16.  Volume variation of cavitation capillary bridges during the separation process as a function of separation distance.

    图 17  空化气泡毛细桥断裂前后分子动力学模拟结果 (a) 无气体分子; (b) 100气体分子; (c) 200气体分子

    Figure 17.  Molecular dynamics simulation results before and after cavitation capillary bridge rupture: (a) No gas molecules; (b) 100 gas molecules; (c) 200 gas molecules.

    图 18  基于亚稳态液膜空化的长程疏水力作用机制

    Figure 18.  Long-range hydrophobic mechanism based on metastable liquid film cavitation.

  • [1]

    马红孺 2016 65 184701Google Scholar

    Ma H R 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 184701Google Scholar


    Nikolov A, Lee J, Wasan D 2023 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 313 102847Google Scholar


    彭家略, 郭浩, 尤天涯, 纪献兵, 徐进良 2021 70 044701Google Scholar

    Peng J L, Guo H, You T Y, Ji X B, Xu J L 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 044701Google Scholar


    赵昶, 纪献兵, 杨聿昊, 孟宇航, 徐进良, 彭家略 2022 71 214701Google Scholar

    Zhao C, Ji X B, Yang Y H, Meng Y H, Xu J L, Peng J L 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 214701Google Scholar


    Li Q, Liao C, Hou J, Wang W, Zhang J 2022 Fuel 316 123271Google Scholar


    顾帼华, 锁军, 柳建设, 钟素姣 2006 中国有色金属学报 16 1462Google Scholar

    Gu G H, Suo J, Liu J S, Zhong S J 2006 Chin. J. of Nonferrous Met. 16 1462Google Scholar


    张天辉, 曹镜声, 梁颖, 刘向阳 2016 65 176401Google Scholar

    Zhang T H, Cao J S, Liang Y, Liu X Y 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 176401Google Scholar


    邢耀文, 桂夏辉, 曹亦俊, 刘炯天 2019 煤炭学报 44 3185Google Scholar

    Xing Y W, Gui X H, Cao Y J, Liu J T 2019 J. China Coal Soc. 44 3185Google Scholar


    蒋昊, 罗汇丰, 谢佳辉, 韩文平 2022 中国有色金属学报 32 545Google Scholar

    Jiang H, Liu H F, Xie J H, Han W P 2022 Chin. J. of Nonferrous Met. 32 545Google Scholar


    Christenson H K, Claesson P M 2001 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 91 391Google Scholar


    Meyer E E, Rosenberg K J, Israelachvili J 2006 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 103 15739Google Scholar


    Kékicheff P 2019 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 270 191Google Scholar


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    Wang S W, Chen S J, Tao X X, Shi K Y, Chen P, Chen W H 2019 J. China Coal Soc. 44 2236Google Scholar


    Christensen H, Claesson P 1988 Science 239 390Google Scholar


    Yakubov G E, Butt H J, Vinogradova O I 2000 J. Phys. Chem. B 104 3407Google Scholar


    Azadi M, Nguyen A V, Yakubov G E 2015 Langmuir 31 1941Google Scholar


    Faghihnejad A, Zeng H 2012 Soft Matter 8 2746Google Scholar


    Abraham M J, Murtola T, Schulz R, Páll S, Smith J C, Hess B, Lindahl E 2015 SoftwareX 1 19Google Scholar


    Humphrey W, Dalke A, Schulten K 1996 J. Mol. Graph. 14 33Google Scholar


    Yang H, Zhang F, Xing Y, Gui X, Cao Y 2022 Front. Mater. 8 644Google Scholar


    Pandit S, Maroli N, Naskar S, Khatri B, Maiti P K, De M 2022 Nanoscale 14 7881Google Scholar


    Wang X, Ramírez-Hinestrosa S, Dobnikar J, Frenkel D 2020 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 10624Google Scholar


    Vassetti D, Pagliai M, Procacci P 2019 J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15 1983Google Scholar


    Potoff J J, Ilja Siepmann J 2001 AIChE J. 47 1676Google Scholar


    Sedighi M, Talaie M R, Sabzyan H, Aghamiri S, Chen P 2022 Fuel 308 121965Google Scholar


    Xia Y C, Zhang R, Cao Y J, Xing Y W, Gui X H 2020 Fuel 262 116535Google Scholar


    Zimmermann K 1991 J. Comput. Chem. 12 310Google Scholar


    Bussi G, Donadio D, Parrinello M 2007 J. Chem. Phys. 126 14101Google Scholar


    Essmann U, Perera L, Berkowitz M L, Darden T, Lee H, Pedersen L G 1995 J. Chem. Phys. 103 8577Google Scholar


    Hammer M U, Anderson T H, Chaimovich A, Shell M S, Israelachvili J 2010 Faraday Discuss. 146 299Google Scholar


    Mezger M, Reichert H, Schöder S, Okasinski J, Schröder H, Dosch H, Palms D, Ralston J, Honkimäki V 2006 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 103 18401Google Scholar


    Butt H J, Kappl M 2009 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 146 48Google Scholar


    Brown D, Neyertz S 1995 Molecular Physics 84 577Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  08 July 2023
  • Accepted Date:  17 October 2023
  • Available Online:  09 November 2023
  • Published Online:  05 February 2024

