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Electrochemical Pourbaix diagrams of monolayer MoSSe with different atomic ratios of chalcogens

Li Yan Ma Xiang-Chao Huang Xi


Electrochemical Pourbaix diagrams of monolayer MoSSe with different atomic ratios of chalcogens

Li Yan, Ma Xiang-Chao, Huang Xi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • MoSSe material is a very promising photoelectric material, and its application environment is aqueous solution. However, there is no research of the electrochemical stability of MoSSe materials in aqueous solution. In this work, the Pourbaix diagrams of monolayer MoSSe with different atomic ratios of molybdenum, sulfur and selenium are constructed based on density functional theory, and the thermodynamic stabilities and electrochemical corrosion behaviors under different pH values and electrode potentials are studied. The study of the pourbaix diagram of MoSSe shows that part of the corrosion-free region of MoSSe exists within the stable region of water in the Pourbaix diagram, indicating that the MoSSe can exist stably in the water environment. Compared with alkaline solutions, MoSSe has good corrosion resistance in acidic solution and neutral solution. The Pourbaix diagram of Mo4S2Se6, Mo4S6Se2, Mo4S7Se and Mo4SSe7 show that in the case of high molar fraction of sulfur in monolayer MoSSe with different atomic ratios of molybdenum, sulfur and selenium, the conditions for the stable existence of materials in aqueous solution can have a larger range, and the corrosion resistance becomes better. In the case of high molar fractions of selenium in monolayer MoSSe with different atomic ratios of molybdenum, sulfur and selenium, the range of conditions for the stable existence of materials in aqueous solution becomes smaller, and the corrosion resistance becomes worse. In this work, the stabilities and corrosion behaviors of monolayer MoSSe with different atomic ratios of molybdenum, sulfur and selenium in aqueous solution are predicted, and the degradation behaviors of MoSSe materials are further explored, which can provide theoretical guidance for the application of MoSSe materials in the field of optoelectronics.
      Corresponding author: Ma Xiang-Chao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2022JZ-04), the State Key Development Program for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704298, 61904138 ) .

    Lu A Y, Zhu H, Xiao J, Chuu C P, Han Y, Chiu M H, Cheng C C, Yang C W, Wei K H, Yang Y, Wang Y, Sokaras D, Nordlund D, Yang P, Muller D A, Chou M Y, Zhang X, Li L J 2017 Nat. Nanotechnol. 12 744Google Scholar


    Yin W J, Liu Y, Wen B, Li X B, Chai Y F, Wei X L, Ma S, Teobaldi G 2021 Dalton Trans. 50 10252Google Scholar


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    吴雄伟, 彭穗, 冯必钧, 山村朝雄, 矢野贵, 佐藤伊佐務, 刘素琴, 黄可龙 2011 无机化学学报 26 535

    Wu X W, Peng S, Feng B J, Tomoo Y, Yano T, Isamu S, Liu S Q, Huang K L 2011 Chinese J. Inorg. Chem. 26 535


    Gana S J, Egiebor N, Ankumah R O 2011 Mater. Sci. Appl. 2 81


    Nishimoto M, Muto I, Sugawara Y, Hara N 2019 J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 3081


    Choudhary L, Macdonald D D, Alfantazi A 2015 Corrosion 71 1147Google Scholar


    Alhasan R, Nasim M J, Jacob C, Gaucher C 2019 Curr. Pharmacol. Rep. 5 163Google Scholar

  • 图 1  计算流程图

    Figure 1.  Calculation flow chart.

    图 2  MoSSe材料的Pourbaix图(图中不同颜色区域对应可能存在的物质参照表5)

    Figure 2.  Pourbaix diagram of MoSSe material(Refer to Table 5 for the different colored areas in the figure correspond to possible substances).

    图 3  MoSSe材料在不同pH下吉布斯自由能随电极电位变化图 (a) pH = 0; (b) pH = 7; (c) pH = 14

    Figure 3.  Diagram of gibbs free energy variation with electrode potential variation of MoSSe material under different conditions: (a) pH = 0; (b) pH = 7; (c) pH = 14.

    图 4  Mo4S2Se6和Mo4SSe7材料的Pourbaix图(图中不同颜色区域对应可能存在的物质参照5) (a) Mo4S2Se6材料; (b) Mo4SSe7材料

    Figure 4.  Pourbaix diagram of Mo4S2Se6 and Mo4SSe7 materials (Refer to Table 5 for the different colored areas in the figure correspond to possible substances): (a) Mo4S2Se6 material; (b) Mo4S2Se6 material.

    图 5  Mo4S2Se6 (a)和Mo4SSe7 (b)材料在pH = 7条件下吉布斯自由能随电极电位变化图

    Figure 5.  Diagram of gibbs free energy variation with electrode potential variation of Mo4S2Se6 (a) and Mo4SSe7 (b) materials at pH = 7

    图 6  Mo4S6Se2 (a)和Mo4S7Se (b)材料的Pourbaix图(图中不同颜色区域对应可能存在的物质参照5)

    Figure 6.  Pourbaix diagram of Mo4S6Se2 (a) and Mo4S7Se (b) materials (Refer to Table 5 for the different colored areas in the figure correspond to possible substances).

    图 7  不同条件下的吉布斯自由能随电极电位变化图 (a) Mo4S6Se2材料在pH = 0时; (b) Mo4S6Se2材料在pH = 7时; (c) Mo4S6Se2材料在pH = 14时; (d) Mo4S7Se材料在pH = 0时; (e) Mo4S7Se材料在pH = 7时; (f) Mo4S7Se材料在pH = 14时

    Figure 7.  Diagram of Gibbs free energy variation with electrode potential variation under different conditions: (a) Mo4S6Se2 material at pH=0; (b) Mo4S6Se2 material at pH = 7; (c) Mo4S6Se2 material at pH = 14; (d) Mo4S7Se material at pH = 0; (e) Mo4S7Se material at pH = 7; (f) Mo4S7Se material at pH = 14.

    图 8  不同材料的能带结构 (a) Mo4S7Se; (b) Mo4S6Se2; (c) Mo4SSe7; (d) Mo4S2Se6

    Figure 8.  Band structure of different materials: (a) Mo4S7Se; (b) Mo4S6Se2; (c) Mo4SSe7; (d) Mo4S2Se6.

    图 9  Mo4S7Se, Mo4S6Se2, Mo4S2Se6和Mo4SSe7材料的光吸收系数

    Figure 9.  Optical absorption coefficients of Mo4S7Se, Mo4S6Se2, Mo4SSe7 and Mo4S2Se6.

    表 1  不同比例MoSSe材料的标准化学势

    Table 1.  Standard chemical potential of MoSSe materials with different proportions.

    物质标准化学势 μ0/eV
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  Mo, S和Se元素在水溶液中可能形成的离子状态物质及其标准化学势

    Table 2.  The possible ionic state substance of Mo, S and Se elements in aqueous solution and their standard chemical potentials.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  Mo, S和Se元素形成的固态物质的空间群和理论化学势

    Table 3.  The space group and theoretical chemical potentials of solid substances formed by Mo, S and Se elements.

    Mo0${Im} \bar 3m$
    MoO2–5.53${ {{P} }{4_2}/{{mnm} } }$
    MoSe–0.23$P \bar 6 m2$
    MoSe2–6.92$P\bar 3 m1$
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  Mo, S和Se元素在水溶液中可能形成的溶液状态物质及其标准化学势

    Table 4.  The The possible aqueous state substance of Mo, S and Se elements in aqueous solution and their standard chemical potentials.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  编号对照表

    Table 5.  Numbering reference table.

    1MoO3 + HSO4 + HSeO4
    2MoO3 + HSO4 + SeO42–
    3MoO3 + SO42– + SeO42–
    4MoO42– + SO42– + SeO42–
    5MoO42– + SO42– + SeO32–
    6MoO3 + SO42– + SeO32–
    7MoO3 + SO42– + HSeO3
    8MoO3 + SO42– + H2SeO3
    9MoO3 + HSO4 + H2SeO3
    10MoO3 + HSO4 + Se
    11MoO3 + SO42– + Se
    12MoO42– + SO42– + Se
    13MoO42– + SO42– + HSe
    14MoO42– + SO42– + Se2–
    15MoO42– + S2– + Se2–
    16MoO42– + S2– + HSe
    17MoO42– + MoSe2 + S2–
    18MoO42– + MoSe2 + SO42–
    19MoO3 + MoSe2 + SO42–
    20MoO3 + MoSe2 + HSO4
    21Mo3+ + HSO4 + Se
    22Mo3+ + MoS2 + Se
    23Mo3+ + MoSe2 + H2S
    25Mo + MoSe2 + S2–
    26Mo + MoSe2 + HS
    27Mo + MoSe2 + H2S
    28Mo + H2S + H2Se
    29Mo + H2S + HSe
    30Mo + HS + HSe
    31Mo + S2– + HSe
    32Mo + S2– + Se2–
    33Mo3+ + MoSe2 + HSO4
    34MoO42– + HSe + Mo4S5Se3
    35Mo3+ + Se + Mo4S5Se3
    36Mo + HSe + Mo4S5Se3
    37Mo3+ + Se + Mo4S6Se2
    38MoO3 + Se + Mo4S5Se3
    40MoO42– + MoSe2 + HS
    41MoO2 + MoSe2 + HS
    42MoO3 + MoSe2 + HS
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    Lu A Y, Zhu H, Xiao J, Chuu C P, Han Y, Chiu M H, Cheng C C, Yang C W, Wei K H, Yang Y, Wang Y, Sokaras D, Nordlund D, Yang P, Muller D A, Chou M Y, Zhang X, Li L J 2017 Nat. Nanotechnol. 12 744Google Scholar


    Yin W J, Liu Y, Wen B, Li X B, Chai Y F, Wei X L, Ma S, Teobaldi G 2021 Dalton Trans. 50 10252Google Scholar


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    Paez-Ornelas J I, Ponce-Pérez R, Fernández-Escamilla H N, Hoat D M, Murillo-Bracamontes E A, Moreno-Armenta M G, Galván D H, Guerrero-Sánchez J 2021 Sci. Rep. 11 1Google Scholar


    Guan Z Y, Ni S, Hu S L 2018 J. Phys. Chem. C 122 6209Google Scholar


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    Dong X X, Wei B, Legut D, Zhang H J, Zhang R F 2021 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 19602Google Scholar


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    Exner K S 2017 ChemElectroChem 4 3231Google Scholar


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    Lin H B, Lin C, Chen Y, Zhong K H, Zhang J M, Xu G G, Huang Z G 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 138201Google Scholar


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    吴雄伟, 彭穗, 冯必钧, 山村朝雄, 矢野贵, 佐藤伊佐務, 刘素琴, 黄可龙 2011 无机化学学报 26 535

    Wu X W, Peng S, Feng B J, Tomoo Y, Yano T, Isamu S, Liu S Q, Huang K L 2011 Chinese J. Inorg. Chem. 26 535


    Gana S J, Egiebor N, Ankumah R O 2011 Mater. Sci. Appl. 2 81


    Nishimoto M, Muto I, Sugawara Y, Hara N 2019 J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 3081


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  • Received Date:  02 August 2022
  • Accepted Date:  04 December 2022
  • Available Online:  28 December 2022
  • Published Online:  20 February 2023

