Since the successful preparation of single-layer graphene in 2004, the two-dimensional (2D) materials have received widespread attention. Driven by this research upsurge, many kinds of 2D compound materials with different properties have been discovered one after another, and some of these 2D materials have a variety of allotropes, showing more abundant properties. Our computational studies focus on searching for new stable 2D SiP2 allotropes, and studying their binding energy, phonon dispersions, electronic band structures, strain-dependent bandgap modulation behaviors, piezoelectric properties, etc. In this paper, three novel 2D SiP2 allotrope structures, i.e. α-SiP2, β-SiP2, and γ-SiP2, are found by the random prediction method of crystal structure based on group theory and graph theory (RG2). Their stabilities and electronic properties are investigated by using the first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The results show that the three novel SiP2 structures are stable thermodynamically, dynamically and mechanically. Using the GW calculations, three novel SiP2 structures possess indirect band gaps of 2.62, 2.99 and 3.00 eV, respectively. Their band gaps are feasible to modulate effectively by applying strain. The band gaps of the three novel SiP2 isomers are reduced significantly when subjected to a large strainused, and the three novel SiP2 isomers exhibit indirect-to-direct bandgap transitions when experienced by a certain strain along the x-axis direction. These properties make them potential materials that are suitable for serving as nanoscale photocatalysts. Moreover, three SiP2 isomers have non-centrosymmetric crystal structures, which enable them to exhibit their piezoelectricities. Therefore, we study their piezoelectric properties by combining the Berry phase theory. Our studies show that three novel 2D SiP2 allotropes have good piezoelectric properties. The piezoelectric coefficient of the α-SiP2 isomer and the β-SiP2 isomer are both larger than that of h-BN, and they are comparable to the counterpart of MoS2. These novel structures promise to be used to fabricate nano-electromechanical devices for micro- and nano-scaled electromechanical conversion and electromechanical sensing and controlling.
- SiP2 allotropes /
- structural prediction /
- electronic properties /
- first principles
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图 1 3种SiP2同素异构体及r-SiP2结构的俯视图(上图)和侧视图(下图) (a) α-SiP2; (b) β-SiP2; (c) γ-SiP2; (d) r-SiP2[14], 红色和绿色分别代表P和Si原子
Figure 1. Top view and side view of three SiP2 allotropes and r-SiP2 structure: (a) α-SiP2; (b) β-SiP2; (c) γ-SiP2; (d) r-SiP2[14]. Red and green balls represent P and Si atoms, respectively.
表 1 优化后的3种SiP2同素异构体及r-SiP2[16]结构晶格常数、形成能(Eb)和带隙值(Eg)
Table 1. Optimized lattice parameters, binding energy (Eb), and band gap values (Eg) of three SiP2 allotropes and r-SiP2[16] structures.
System A/Å b/Å ${ {E} }_{\text{b} }\text{/}\text{eV}$ ${ {E} }_{\text{g} }^{\text{PBE} }\text{/}\text{eV}$ ${ {E} }_{\text{g} }^{\text{HSE} }\text{/}\text{eV}$ ${ {E} }_{\text{g} }^{\text{GW} }\text{/}\text{eV}$ α-SiP2 6.13 13.89 –5.38 1.44 2.17 2.62 β-SiP2 6.09 13.73 –5.43 1.84 2.61 2.99 γ-SiP2 12.11 13.95 –5.45 1.78 2.55 3.00 r-SiP2 10.00 3.44 –5.47 1.47 2.25 2.63 表 2 3种SiP2异构体的弹性常数Cij (N/m)及压电系数eij (10–10 C/m)和dij (pm/V)
Table 2. Calculated elastic coefficients Cij (N/m) and piezoelectric coefficients eij (10–10 C/m) and dij (pm/V) of three SiP2 allotropes.
System $ {C}_{11} $ $ {C}_{22} $ $ {C}_{12} $ $ {e}_{11} $ $ {e}_{12} $ $ {d}_{11} $ $ {d}_{12} $ α-SiP2 69.69 65.74 14.79 –1.05 0.37 –1.71 0.95 β-SiP2 78.36 65.43 19.10 –0.94 –0.38 –1.13 –0.26 γ-SiP2 77.65 59.97 18.04 –0.13 –0.46 –0.01 –0.77 r-SiP2[17] 17.94 121.77 8.66 –1.93 0.17 –11.22 0.93 h-BN[9] 291 291 62 1.38 1.38 0.60 0.60 MoS2[9] 130 130 32 3.64 3.64 3.73 3.73 -
[1] Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666
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