继石墨烯被发现合成之后, 二维石墨醚及硅醚材料被预测为新型半导体. 基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算, 对硅醚/石墨醚异质结构的电子和光学性质进行了系统的研究. 结果表明: 当层间距为2.21 Å时, 石墨醚的凹氧原子位于硅醚的凹氧原子之上的堆砌方式是最稳定的. 此外, 它的间接带隙为0.63 eV, 小于石墨醚和硅醚的带隙. 通过调节应变和电场强度, 可以调整硅醚/石墨醚异质结构的带隙. 特别是在压缩应变下, 异质结构存在间接带隙向直接带隙的转变. 硅醚/石墨醚异质结构的吸收系数在紫外光区出现强峰, 与单层石墨醚和硅醚相比, 异质结构的光吸收能力在80—170 nm范围内明显增强, 结果表明硅醚/石墨醚异质结构具有突出的紫外吸收能力. 本工作可为纳米器件提供一种具有潜在应用前景的新型材料.
- 第一性原理 /
- 硅醚/石墨醚异质结构 /
- 电子性质 /
- 光学性质
Since the discovery and synthesis of graphene, two-dimensional graphether and silicether materials have been predicted as novel semiconductors. A novel two-dimensional silicether/graphether heterostructure is designed by combining silicether and graphether, which has unique optical and electronic properties due to the properties of a single material synthesized by heterostructures. The electronic and optical properties of silicether/graphether heterostructure are studied by the first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The binding energy and layer spacing for each of all considered 16 stacking patterns of the heterostructures are calculated. The results show that different stacking patterns have a small effect on the binding energy of the heterostructure. When the layer spacing is 2.21 Å, the stacking pattern in which the concave oxygen atoms of graphether are on the top of the concave oxygen atoms of silicether is the most stable. In addition, it has an indirect band gap of 0.63 eV, which is smaller than that of the silicether and graphether, respectively. By changing the external electric field and the biaxial strain strength, the band gap of the silicether/graphether heterostructure shows tunability. The compressive strain can increase the band gap of silicether/graphether heterostructure, while the band gap decreases with the tensile strain increasing. Especially, when the compressive strain is greater than –6%, the heterostructure undergoes an indirect-to-direct band gap transition, which is beneficial to its applications in optical devices. When the external electric field is applied, the band gap of the heterostructure changes linearly with the strength of the electric field, and the indirect band gap characteristic is maintained. The absorption coefficient of silicether/graphether heterostructure shows a strong peak in the ultraviolet light region. The maximum absorption coefficient can reach up to 1.7 × 105 cm–1 around 110 nm. Compared with that of monolayer graphether and silicether, the optical absorption of the heterostructure is significantly enhanced within the range from more than 80 nm to less than 170 nm. The results show that silicether/graphether heterostructure has an outstanding optical absorption in the ultraviolet region. Moreover, the silicether/graphether heterostructure also shows considerable absorption coefficient (1 × 104—4 × 104 cm–1) in the visible region, which makes it a potential material in photovoltaic applications. This work may provide a novel material with a promising prospect of potential applications in nanodevices.-
- first-principle /
- silicether/graphether heterostructure /
- electronic properties /
- optical properties
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图 5 (a) 双轴应变下硅醚/石墨醚异质结构的带隙变化; (b) 双轴应变下态B和态C的能量; 应变为-6%时异质结构中(c)硅醚和(d)石墨醚的PDOS图; (e) 不同垂直电场强度下带隙变化
Fig. 5. (a) Band gap variation of graphether/silicether heterostructure under biaxial strain; (b) energy of states B and C under biaxial strain; the partial density of the state of (c) silicether and (d) graphether in the heterostructure at -6% strain; (e) the band gap variation of silicether/graphether heterostructure under perpendicular electric field.
[1] Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D E, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666
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[2] Butler S Z, Hollen S M, Cao L 2013 ACS Nano 7 2898
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