Light field camera can solve the problems of complex optical path and difficult synchronous trigger of radiation temperature measurement multi camera system, which has some unique advantages in three-dimensional temperature reconstruction of radiation imaging. The LSQR is a classical algorithm for solving the least square problem based on large sparse matrix. When the algorithm is used to reconstruct three-dimensional temperature field, it depends on the initial value of temperature, and the reconstruction accuracy is not ideal when the signal-to-noise ratio is low. In this paper, a damped LSQR-LMBC reconstruction algorithm is proposed. By adding a damped regularization term into the LSQR method, the anti noise performance of flame three-dimensional temperature field reconstruction is improved. By combining the LMBC algorithm, the absorption coefficient and three-dimensional temperature field are solved at the same time. In the numerical simulation part, with the gradual reduction of signal-to-noise ratio, the reconstruction effect of Damped LSQR turns more stable than LSQR. When the signal-to-noise ratio reaches 13.86 dB, the reconstruction accuracy is improved by about 30%. The average reconstruction error of damped LSQR-LMBC is 6.63%. The three-dimensional temperature field distribution of butane flame is consistent with the characteristic of radiation flame combustion. Compared with the temperature measurement data of thermocouple, the relative error is about 6.8%.
- light field camera /
- flame /
- 3 D temperature field /
- damped LSQR-LMBC reconstruction algorithm
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图 5 不同噪声水平下, LSQR与阻尼LSQR算法重建误差对比 (a)初值叠加1%噪声; (b) 初值叠加5%噪声; (c) 初值叠加10%噪声; (d) 初值叠加15%噪声; (e) 初值叠加20%噪声
Figure 5. Comparison of reconstruction errors between LSQR and Damped LSQR algorithm under different noise levels: (a) Initial value superimposed 1% noise; (b) initial value superimposed 5% noise; (c) initial value superimposed 10% noise; (d) initial value superimposed 15% noise; (e) initial value superimposed 20% noise.
图 9 不同炉温下的黑体辐射光场图像 (a) 1098.15 K; (b) 1123.15 K; (c) 1148.15 K; (d) 1173.15 K; (e) 1198.15 K; (f) 1123.15 K; (g) 1248.15 K; (h) 1273.15 K
Figure 9. Blackbody radiation light field images at different furnace temperatures: (a) 1098.15 K; (b) 1123.15 K; (c) 1148.15 K; (d) 1173.15 K; (e) 1198.15 K; (f) 1123.15 K; (g) 1248.15 K; (h) 1273.15 K.
表 1 LSQR与阻尼LSQR温度重建结果相对误差对比表
Table 1. Comparison of relative errors of temperature reconstruction results of LSQR and Damped LSQR.
噪声 信噪比/dB LSQR 阻尼LSQR 1% 45.95 0.43% 0.41% 5% 29.44 2.85% 2.15% 10% 21.97 6.66% 5.10% 15% 17.35 10.26% 7.67% 20% 13.86 14.58% 10.99% 表 2 阻尼LSQR-LMBC重建温度与热电偶修正温度对比表
Table 2. Comparison of DampedLSQR-LMBC reconstruction temperature and thermocouple correction temperature.
测量方法 A B C D T/ K T/ K T/ K T/ K 阻尼LSQR-LMBC 1121.78 1396.73 1351.81 1077.74 热电偶 1044.35 1307.5 1295.36 997.61 -
[1] 孙晓刚, 戴景民, 丛大成, 褚载祥 2003 清华大学学报: 自然科学版 43 916
Sun X G, Dai J M, Cong D C, Chu Z X 2003 J. Tsinghua Univ., Sci. Technol. 43 916
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Nie Y F, Xiang L B, Zhou Z L 2011 J. Grad. Univ. Chin. Acad. Sci. 28 563
[19] 周志良 2012 博士学位论文 (合肥: 中国科学技术大学)
Zhou Z L 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation(Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)
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[29] 孙俊 2018 博士学位论文 (南京: 东南大学)
Sun J 2018 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Southeast University) (in Chinese)
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Sun J Y 2018 M. S. Thesis Dissertation (Nanjing: Southeast University) (in Chinese)
[31] 杨薇, 刘四新, 冯彦谦 2008 物探与化探 32 199
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Meng X N 2012 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology) (in Chinese)
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[36] 牛春洋 2016 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)]
Niu C Y 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)
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