Energetic charged-particle beams produced from ultrashort ultra-intense laser plasma interactions play a vital role in charged-particle radiography. When such an energetic beam penetrates through a foil target, its energy loss is negligible, and the main physics process is small-angle scattering. Owing to this scattering effect, charged-particle radiography of a target with a transversely distributed steep density gradient region will produce a modulation structure in the fluence distribution on the detection plane, which could be used to diagnose the steep density gradient region. In the past, the theoretical work on the scattering effect and the resulting modulation structure was done with Monte-Carlo simulations, which cost a lot of computing time and the studied parameter range was limited. In the present work, an analytical model is developed to deal with the scattering effect inside the target and the modulation structure on the detection plane in radiography, which can quickly present the results that coincide with Monte-Carlo simulations very well. By using this analytical model, the characteristics of modulation structures are analyzed. A dimensionless characteristic parameter related to radiography conditions is put forward, and its range determines different modulation structures and also the probability of diagnosing a steep density gradient region with a width
$\lesssim $ 2 μm.-
- scattering /
- radiography /
- charged-particle beam
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图 9 调制信号特征量和ω随照相参数的变化 (a) 点源发散束情况下改变梯度区宽度; (b) 改变点源与靶的间距; (c) 点源发散束和平行束条件下改变靶与探测面距离; (d) 无量纲的调制信号特征量随ω的变化关系
Figure 9. Dependence of the characteristic quantities and ω on the change of: (a) Density gradient width by using a point-source beam for radiography; (b) point source-to-target distance; (c) target-to-detection plane distance by using a parallel beam or a point-source beam for radiography, respectively; (d) the relation of the dimensionless characteristic quantities to ω.
[1] Zohuri B 2017 Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven Thermonuclear Energy (Cham: Springer International Publishing AG)
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Wen S H, Ding Y K 2012 Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion Diagnostics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) (in Chinese)
[13] 滕建, 洪伟, 赵宗清, 巫顺超, 秦孝尊, 何颖玲, 谷渝秋, 丁永坤 2009 58 1635
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[21] Ferrari A, Sala P R, Fassò A, Ranft J, Siegen U 2005 FLUKA: A Multi-particle Transport Code No. SLAC-R-773 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
[22] Jackson J D 2005 Classical Electrodynamics (3rd Ed.) (Beijing: Higher Education Press)
[23] 汪晓莲, 李澄, 邵明, 陈宏芳 2009 粒子探测技术 (合肥: 中国科学技术大学出版社)
Wang X L, Li C, Shao M, Chen H F 2009 The Technique of Particle Detection (Hefei: USTC Press) (in Chinese)
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