Generation and manipulation of continuous variable quantum states are the building blocks of quantum communication, quantum key distribution and quantum networks. According to the second-order nonlinear process of the periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) crystal, we design a semi-monolithic optical parametric amplifier (OPA) cavity to generate the bright squeezed light at a wavelength of 1064 nm. With the injection of a seed beam, the squeezed state generated by the OPA has a coherent amplitude, so called bright squeezed state. The squeezing level is directly observed to be –11.6 dB when the pump power is 310 mW at an analysis frequency of 3 MHz. However, with the increase of the pump power, the purity of the squeezed state gets lower and lower due to the increased influence of the anti-squeezing quadrature component on the squeezed quadrature component in the detection process. To obtain a higher purity of the squeezed state for achieving linear optical manipulation and quantum tomography, we choose the pump power of 50 mW, the squeezing level decreases to –6 dB, and the purity of the squeezed state is 98.5% in this case. An electro-optic modulator is adopted to realize the liner manipulation of the squeezed light in the phase space. During the measurement of the bright squeezed state, all the data are taken on condition that the length of the OPA cavity and relative phase between the seed beam and the pump beam are locked by a locking loop. The direct current (DC) signal of the balanced homodyne detection (BHD) is used to accurately determine the phase corresponding to the time domain signal of the squeezed state, while the alternate current (AC) signal of the BHD is mixed with the signal generated by the function generator, after passing through a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter, the signal is then amplified by using a low-noise amplifier. A high-performance oscilloscope is finally used to simultaneously collect the signals, thus obtaining the quantum noise signal of the bright squeezed light after linear manipulation. Together with the maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, the quantum tomography, the density matrix and the Wigner function of the bright squeezed light are obtained, that is, all the information such as the photon number distribution of the quantum state is determined. Multiple iterations are taken in the maximum likelihood estimation algorithm process to eliminate the influence of the low quantum efficiency on the detection system, so that the density matrix is fitted well with the theoretical results.
- bright squeezed state /
- quantum tomography /
- Winger function /
- maximum likelihood estimation /
- optical linear manipulation
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Zhang H Y, Wang J R, Li Q H, Ji Y J, He Z Y, Yang R C, Tian L 2019 Acta Sin. Quantum Opt. 25 456
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[46] Schneider K, Bruckmeier R, Hansen H, Schiller S, Mlynek J 1996 Opt. Lett. 21 1396
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[47] Morgan P H 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Canberra: Australian National University)
图 1 实验装置图(SHG, 倍频腔; OPA, 光学参量放大腔; EOM, 光电调制器; MC, 模式清洁器; DBS, 双色镜; FI, 隔离器; PZT, 压电驱动器; PD, 光电探测器; BHD, 平衡零拍探测器; SA, 频谱分析仪; LPF, 低通滤波器; HPF, 高通滤波器)
Figure 1. Experimental setup. SHG, second harmonic generation; OPA, optical parameter amplifier; EOM, electric-optic modular; MC, mode cleaner; DBS, dichroic beam splitter; FI, Faraday isolator; PZT, piezoe-lectric transducer; PD, photodetector; BHD, balance homodyne detector; SA, spectrum analyzer; LPF, low-pass filter; HPF, high-pass filter.
图 2 压缩和反压缩随泵浦功率的变化趋势图, 分析频率为3 MHz, 分辨率带宽(RBW)为300 kHz, 视频带宽(VBW) 200 Hz. 所有的数据点均包括探测器的电子学噪声的影响, 为直接测量结果
Figure 2. Pump power dependence of anti-squeezed and squeezed quadrature variances. These measurements are recorded at a Fourier frequency of 3 MHz, with a resolution bandwidth (RBW) of 300 kHz and a video bandwidth (VBW) of 200 Hz. The data still include electronic noise, and represent direct observations.
图 3 (a), (b)未进行线性操控的明亮压缩态噪声时域测量结果及量子层析后对应的密度矩阵; (c), (d)进行线性操控后的明亮压缩态噪声时域测量结果及量子层析后对应的密度矩阵
Figure 3. (a), (b) Time domain signal and corresponding density matrix of bright squeezed state before linearly manipulating, respectively; (c), (d) time domain signal and corresponding density matrix of linearly manipulated bright squeezed state, respectively.
图 5 (a), (c)从极大似然估计重构得到的无调制时的明亮压缩态Wigner函数和等高线图; (b), (d)从极大似然估计重构得到的光电相位调制器操控后的明亮压缩态Wigner 函数和等高线图; (e), (f)利用均匀相位分配法重构得到的无操控时以及操控后的明亮压缩态Wigner函数的等高线图
Figure 5. (a), (c) Wigner function and the contour plot of the bright squeezed state obtained by maximum likelihood estimation without linearly manipulating optics, respectively; (b), (d) Wigner function and the contour plot of the squeezed state obtained by maximum likelihood estimation with linearly manipulating optics, respectively; (e), (f) Wigner functions of the bright squeezed state obtained by the method of artificially homogeneous phase distribution without or with linearly manipulating optics, respectively.
[1] Schrödinger E 1926 Sci. Nat. 14 664
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[33] 李淑静, 张娜娜, 闫红梅, 徐忠孝, 王海 2018 67 094204
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[45] 张宏宇, 王锦荣, 李庆回, 吉宇杰, 贺子洋, 杨荣草, 田龙 2019 量子光学学报 25 456
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Zhang H Y, Wang J R, Li Q H, Ji Y J, He Z Y, Yang R C, Tian L 2019 Acta Sin. Quantum Opt. 25 456
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[46] Schneider K, Bruckmeier R, Hansen H, Schiller S, Mlynek J 1996 Opt. Lett. 21 1396
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[47] Morgan P H 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Canberra: Australian National University)
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