The effects of temperature and baryon chemical potential on equation of state and thermodynamics of isospin imbalanced QCD matter are investigated in the framework of two-flavor Nambu−Jona-Lasinio model. The equation of state at zero temperature and baryon chemical potential as well as the isospin density and normalized pressure at finite temperature are shown to be consistent with the lattice data. We also find that the energy per isospin increases monotonically with the increase of isospin density at vanishing temperature and baryon chemical potential, while it first decreases and then increases with the augment of isospin density, behaving as a non-symmetric parabolic curve. Finally, we compute the sound velocity and find that it is discontinuous at the phase transition point for finite temperature and/or baryon chemical potential. In particular, the sound velocity in the superfluid phase is distinctly larger than that in the ordinary nuclear matter and quark matter, while the temperature and baryon chemical potential included in the superfluid phase makes the equation of state softer and the sound velocity slower.
- isospin chemical potential /
- Bose-Einstein condensation /
- second order phase transition /
- thermodynamics
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图 1 温度
$T=0.124$ GeV时, 归一化同位旋密度$n_{\rm I}/T^3$ (上板面) 和归一化压强$\Delta P/T^4$ (下板面) 随同位旋化学势的变化关系. 蓝色实心圆表示取自文献[54]的格点数据Figure 1. Normalized isospin density
$n_{\rm I}/T^3$ (upper panel) and normalized pressure$\Delta P/T^4$ (lower panel) as functions of$\mu_{\rm I}/m_\pi$ at fixed$T=0.124$ GeV. The blue circles are taken from Ref.[54] for comparison. -
[1] Graf T, Schaffner-Bielich J, Fraga E S 2016 Phys. Rev. D 93 085030
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[2] Xu J F, Peng G X, Lu Z Y, Cui S S 2015 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 58 042001
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[3] Xu J F, Peng G X, Liu F, Hou D F, Chen L W 2015 Phys. Rev. D 92 025025
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