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Numerical study on spatial scale characteristics of sound scattering by a static isentropic vortex

Wang Yi-Min Ma Rui-Xuan Wu Cong-Hai Luo Yong Zhang Shu-Hai


Numerical study on spatial scale characteristics of sound scattering by a static isentropic vortex

Wang Yi-Min, Ma Rui-Xuan, Wu Cong-Hai, Luo Yong, Zhang Shu-Hai
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  • The scattering of acoustic waves by a vortex is a fundamental problem of the acoustic waves propagation in complex flow field, which plays an important role in academic research and engineering application for sound source localization, acoustic target recognition and detection, the far field noise prediction, such as aircraft wake vortex identification, detection and ranging, acoustic target forecasting in turbulent shear flow, acoustic measurement and sound source localization in wind tunnel test, etc. The nonlinear scattering phenomenon occurs when acoustic wave passes through the vortex, which is mainly related to the length-scale ratio between the wavelength of acoustic wave and the core radius of the vortex. In this paper, a plane acoustic wave passing through a stationary isentropic vortex is numerically simulated by solving a two-dimensional compressible, unsteady Euler equation. A sixth-order linear compact finite difference scheme is employed for spatial discretization. Time integration is performed by a four-stage fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The eighth-order spatial compact filter scheme is adopted to suppress high frequency errors. At the far field boundaries, buffer layer is applied to handle the outgoing acoustic wave. Under the matching condition, the accuracy of the numerical results is verified by comparing with the previous direct numerical simulation results. The acoustic scattering cross-section method is introduced to analyze the effects of different length-scale ratio on the acoustic pulsation pressure, acoustic scattering effective sound pressure and acoustic scattering energy. Scattering occurs when sound waves pass through the vortex, the acoustic field in front of the vortex is basically unaffected, and the acoustic wave front remains intact. A “vacuum” region is formed slightly below the acoustic field directly behind the vortex, and two primary interference bands and several secondary interference bands are formed on the upper and lower sides of the vortex. As the length-scale ratio increases, the sound scattering decreases and the influence of the vortex flow field on the acoustic field gradually weakens. The influence region of effective sound pressure of acoustic scattering is mainly concentrated behind the vortex. With the increase of the length scale ratio, the influence gradually increases and extends to the upstream, and then the influence region gradually decreases to the vicinity of the vortex. When the length scale ratio is greater than or equal to 6, the location of the maximum effective sound pressure of sound scattering jumps from the upper right to the lower right of the vortex. The influence of acoustic wave wavelength change on the acoustic scattering energy can be divided into three parts. With the increase of the length scale ratio, the maximum sound scattering energy presents four different stages.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Shu-Hai,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11732016), the Science and Technology Program of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 2018JZ0076), and the National Numerical Windtunnel project

    Colonius T, Lele S K 2004 Prog. Aerosp. Sci. 40 345Google Scholar


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    Miles J W 1957 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29 226Google Scholar


    Amiet R K 1975 AIAA Paper 75Google Scholar


    Amiet R K 1978 J. Sound Vib. 58 467Google Scholar


    Schlinker R H, Amiet R K 1980 NASA-CR-3371


    张雪, 陈宝, 卢清华 2014 应用声学 33 433Google Scholar

    Zhang X, Chen B, Lu Q H 2014 J. Appl. Acoust. 33 433Google Scholar


    Bogey C, Bailly C, Juvé D 2002 AIAA J. 40 235Google Scholar


    张军, 王勋年, 张俊龙, 卢翔宇, 陈正武 2018 实验流体力学 32 39Google Scholar

    Zhang J, Wang X N, Zhang J L, Lu X Y, Chen Z W 2018 J. Exp. Fluid Mech. 32 39Google Scholar


    张军, 陈鹏, 张俊龙, 卢翔宇 2018 航空动力学报 33 2458Google Scholar

    Zhang J, Chen P, Zhang J L, Lu X Y 2018 J. Aerosp. Power 33 2458Google Scholar


    倪章松, 张军, 王茂, 张俊龙 2020 航空动力学报 35 244Google Scholar

    Ni Z S, Zhang J, Wang M, Zhang J L 2020 J. Aerosp. Power 35 244Google Scholar


    王李璨, 陈荣钱, 尤延铖, 陈正武, 邱若凡 2019 西北工业大学学报 37 1148Google Scholar

    Wang L C, Chen R Q, You Y C, Chen Z W, Qiu R F 2019 J. Northwest. Polytech. Univ. 37 1148Google Scholar


    Wang L C, Chen R Q, You Y C, Wu W J, Qiu R F 2019 Acta Acust. Acust. 105 732Google Scholar


    Wang L C, Chen R Q, You Y C, Qiu R F 2020 J. Sound Vib. 492 115801Google Scholar


    Candel S M 1979 J. Fluid Mech. 90 465Google Scholar


    Colonius T, Lele S K, Moin P 1994 J. Fluid Mech. 260 271Google Scholar


    Symons N P, Aldridge D F, Marlin D H, Wilson D K, Patton D G, Sullivan P P, Collier S L, Ostashev V E, Drob D P 2004 11th International Symposium on Long Range Sound Propagation


    Belyaev I V, Kopiev V F 2007 AIAA Paper 2007Google Scholar


    Belyaev I V, Kopiev V F 2007 proceedings of the 7 th European Conference on Noise Control


    Karabasov S A, Kopiev V F, Goloviznin V M 2009 Proceedings of the 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (30th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference)


    Kopiev V F, Belyaev I V 2010 J. Sound Vib. 329 1409Google Scholar


    Cheinet S, Ehrhardt L, Juve D, Blanc-Benon P 2012 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132 2198Google Scholar


    Ke G Y, Li W, Zheng Z C 2015 AIAA Paper 2015Google Scholar


    Clair V, Gabard G 2018 J. Fluid Mech. 841 50Google Scholar


    Lele S K 1992 J. Comput. Phys. 103 16Google Scholar


    Liu X L, Zhang S H, Zhang H X, Shu C W 2013 J. Comput. Phys. 248 235Google Scholar


    刘旭亮 2011 硕士学位论文 (绵阳: 中国空气动力研究与发展中心)

    Liu X L 2011 M. S. Thesis (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) (in Chinese)


    Jiang G S, Shu C W 1996 J. Comput. Phys. 126 202Google Scholar


    王益民 2017 硕士学位论文 (绵阳: 中国空气动力研究与发展中心)

    Wang Y M 2017 Master Dissertation (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Cen-ter) (in Chinese)


    Inoue O, Hattori Y 1999 J. Fluid Mech. 380 81Google Scholar


    Zhang S H, Zhang Y T, Chi C W 2005 Phys. Fluids 17 116101Google Scholar


    Robert H K 1953 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 25 1096Google Scholar


    Hattori Y, Llewellyn S S G 2002 J. Fluid Mech. 473 275Google Scholar


    Shi J, Yang D S, Zhang H Y, Shi S G, Li S, Hu B 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 074301Google Scholar


    Wu J Z 1991 Adv. Mech. 21 430Google Scholar


    Wu J Z 1992 Adv. Mech. 22 35Google Scholar

  • 图 1  平面声波穿过旋涡的示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of acoustic wave propagating through a vortex

    图 2  静止等熵涡初始分布 (a) 密度; (b) 速度; (c) 压强; (d) 涡量

    Figure 2.  Initial distribution of stationary isentropic vortices: (a) density; (b) velocity; (c)pressure; (d) vorticity.

    图 3  散射有效声压在半径为$r = 8{R_{\rm c}}$ 圆周上的分布及其与文献[16, 24]的对比

    Figure 3.  The distribution of root-mean-square pressure of scattered wave on a circle with radius $8 R_{\rm c}$ (comparison between numerical results and that of reference[16, 24])

    图 4  声波脉动压强随长度尺度比$r_{\rm L}$的变化云图 (a) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.1 $; (b) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.5 $; (c) $ r_{\rm L} = 1.0 $; (d) $ r_{\rm L} = 5.0 $; (e) $ r_{\rm L} = 10.0 $; (f) $ r_{\rm L} = 20.0 $

    Figure 4.  The contour of the change of acoustic wave pressure with the length-scale ratio $ r_{\rm L} $: (a) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.1 $; (b) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.5 $; (c)$ r_{\rm L} = 1.0 $; (d) $ r_{\rm L} = 5.0 $; (e) $ r_{\rm L} = 10.0 $; (f) $ r_{\rm L} = 20.0 $.

    图 5  散射有效声压$ p_{\rm rms} $随长度尺度比$ r_{\rm L} $的变化云图 (a) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.1 $; (b) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.5 $; (c) $ r_{\rm L} = 1.0 $; (d) $ r_{\rm L} = 5.0 $; (e) $r_{\rm L} = $$ 10.0$; (f) $ r_{\rm L} = 20.0 $

    Figure 5.  The contour of the change of the root-mean-square of scattering pressure with the length-scale ratio $ r_{\rm L} $: (a) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.1 $; (b) $ r_{\rm L} = 0.5 $; (c) $ r_{\rm L} = 1.0 $; (d) $ r_{\rm L} = 5.0 $; (e) $ r_{\rm L} = 10.0 $; (f) $ r_{\rm L} = 20.0 $.

    图 6  散射有效声压在半径为$ r = 8 R_{\rm c} $圆周上的分布  (a) 全局图; (b) 局部放大图1; (c) 局部放大图2

    Figure 6.  The distribution of root-mean-square pressure of scattered wave on a circle with radius $ 8 R_{\rm c} $: (a) Global; (b) zoomed 1; (c) zoomed 2.

    图 7  散射有效声压最大值随长度尺度比的变化曲线  (a) 散射有效声压最大值; (b) 散射有效声压最大值点的半径; (c) 散射有效声压最大值点的角度

    Figure 7.  The curve of the root-mean-square pressure of scattered wave with $r_{\rm L}$ value: (a) $ {p_{{\rm rms}\;{\rm max}}} $; (b) $ R\left({p_{{\rm rms}\;{\rm max}}} \right) $; (c) $ \theta \left( {p_{{\rm rms}\;{\rm max}}} \right) $.

    图 8  声散射能量$ \varSigma $随观测半径$ R $的变化曲线 (a) $r_{\rm L} \in $$ \left ( 0.1, \, 1.0 \right)$; (b) $ r_{\rm L} \in \left ( 2.0, \, 5.0 \right) $; (c) $ r_{\rm L} \in \left ( 6.0, \, 30.0 \right) $

    Figure 8.  The curve of acoustical scattering cross-section with observed radius: (a) $ r_{\rm L} \in \left ( 0.1, \, 1.0 \right) $; (b) $ r_{\rm L} \in \left ( 2.0, \, 5.0 \right) $; (c) $ r_{\rm L} \in \left ( 6.0, \, 30.0 \right) $.

    图 9  声散射能量随尺度比的变化曲线 (a) $\varSigma_{\max }$; (b) $R\left(\varSigma_{\max }\right )$

    Figure 9.  The curve of acoustical scattering cross-section with $ r_{\rm L} $ value: (a) $\varSigma_{\max }$; (b) $R\left( \varSigma_{\max }\right )$.

    图 10  声波幅值随时间的变化曲线

    Figure 10.  The variation of acoustic wave amplitude with time

    图 11  声散射压强云图 (a) $ \lambda = 1 $; (b) $ \lambda = 2 $; (c) $ \lambda = 4 $

    Figure 11.  The contour of sound scattering pressure: (a) $ \lambda = 1 $; (b) $ \lambda = 2 $; (c) $ \lambda = 4 $.

  • [1]

    Colonius T, Lele S K 2004 Prog. Aerosp. Sci. 40 345Google Scholar


    Ribner H S 1957 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29 435Google Scholar


    Miles J W 1957 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29 226Google Scholar


    Amiet R K 1975 AIAA Paper 75Google Scholar


    Amiet R K 1978 J. Sound Vib. 58 467Google Scholar


    Schlinker R H, Amiet R K 1980 NASA-CR-3371


    张雪, 陈宝, 卢清华 2014 应用声学 33 433Google Scholar

    Zhang X, Chen B, Lu Q H 2014 J. Appl. Acoust. 33 433Google Scholar


    Bogey C, Bailly C, Juvé D 2002 AIAA J. 40 235Google Scholar


    张军, 王勋年, 张俊龙, 卢翔宇, 陈正武 2018 实验流体力学 32 39Google Scholar

    Zhang J, Wang X N, Zhang J L, Lu X Y, Chen Z W 2018 J. Exp. Fluid Mech. 32 39Google Scholar


    张军, 陈鹏, 张俊龙, 卢翔宇 2018 航空动力学报 33 2458Google Scholar

    Zhang J, Chen P, Zhang J L, Lu X Y 2018 J. Aerosp. Power 33 2458Google Scholar


    倪章松, 张军, 王茂, 张俊龙 2020 航空动力学报 35 244Google Scholar

    Ni Z S, Zhang J, Wang M, Zhang J L 2020 J. Aerosp. Power 35 244Google Scholar


    王李璨, 陈荣钱, 尤延铖, 陈正武, 邱若凡 2019 西北工业大学学报 37 1148Google Scholar

    Wang L C, Chen R Q, You Y C, Chen Z W, Qiu R F 2019 J. Northwest. Polytech. Univ. 37 1148Google Scholar


    Wang L C, Chen R Q, You Y C, Wu W J, Qiu R F 2019 Acta Acust. Acust. 105 732Google Scholar


    Wang L C, Chen R Q, You Y C, Qiu R F 2020 J. Sound Vib. 492 115801Google Scholar


    Candel S M 1979 J. Fluid Mech. 90 465Google Scholar


    Colonius T, Lele S K, Moin P 1994 J. Fluid Mech. 260 271Google Scholar


    Symons N P, Aldridge D F, Marlin D H, Wilson D K, Patton D G, Sullivan P P, Collier S L, Ostashev V E, Drob D P 2004 11th International Symposium on Long Range Sound Propagation


    Belyaev I V, Kopiev V F 2007 AIAA Paper 2007Google Scholar


    Belyaev I V, Kopiev V F 2007 proceedings of the 7 th European Conference on Noise Control


    Karabasov S A, Kopiev V F, Goloviznin V M 2009 Proceedings of the 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (30th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference)


    Kopiev V F, Belyaev I V 2010 J. Sound Vib. 329 1409Google Scholar


    Cheinet S, Ehrhardt L, Juve D, Blanc-Benon P 2012 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132 2198Google Scholar


    Ke G Y, Li W, Zheng Z C 2015 AIAA Paper 2015Google Scholar


    Clair V, Gabard G 2018 J. Fluid Mech. 841 50Google Scholar


    Lele S K 1992 J. Comput. Phys. 103 16Google Scholar


    Liu X L, Zhang S H, Zhang H X, Shu C W 2013 J. Comput. Phys. 248 235Google Scholar


    刘旭亮 2011 硕士学位论文 (绵阳: 中国空气动力研究与发展中心)

    Liu X L 2011 M. S. Thesis (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) (in Chinese)


    Jiang G S, Shu C W 1996 J. Comput. Phys. 126 202Google Scholar


    王益民 2017 硕士学位论文 (绵阳: 中国空气动力研究与发展中心)

    Wang Y M 2017 Master Dissertation (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Cen-ter) (in Chinese)


    Inoue O, Hattori Y 1999 J. Fluid Mech. 380 81Google Scholar


    Zhang S H, Zhang Y T, Chi C W 2005 Phys. Fluids 17 116101Google Scholar


    Robert H K 1953 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 25 1096Google Scholar


    Hattori Y, Llewellyn S S G 2002 J. Fluid Mech. 473 275Google Scholar


    Shi J, Yang D S, Zhang H Y, Shi S G, Li S, Hu B 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 074301Google Scholar


    Wu J Z 1991 Adv. Mech. 21 430Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  30 December 2020
  • Accepted Date:  06 May 2021
  • Available Online:  07 June 2021
  • Published Online:  05 October 2021

