Microchannel heat sinks have important applications in integrated circuits, but the current traditional long straight microchannel heat dissipation process causes uneven temperature and low heat dissipation efficiency. In this paper, a periodic split-flow microstructure is designed and integrated with traditional microchannels to form a periodic split-flow microchannel heat sink. Numerical simulation is used to study the influence of the number, the arrangement and structural parameters of microstructures in a single microchannel on its thermal performance. The simulation results show that the split-flow microstructure can increase the heat exchange area, break the original laminar boundary layer, promote the mixing of cold/hot coolant, and significantly improve the heat dissipation performance of the microchannel. Through comparative experiments, 9 groups are finally determined as the optimal number of microstructures in a single microchannel. At a heat flux of 100 W/cm2, when the coolant flow rate at the inlet is 1.18 m/s, after 9 groups of microstructures are added into a single microchannel, the maximum temperature drops by about 24 K and the thermal resistance decreases by about 44%. The Nusselt number is increased by about 124%, and the performance evaluation criterion (PEC) reaches 1.465. On this basis, the microstructure adopts a staggered gradual periodic arrangement to avoid the long-distance non-microstructure section between the two groups of microstructures. The turbulence element that gradually widens along the flow direction makes the coolant fully utilized. This results in a reduction in the high/low temperature zone and alleviates the temperature gradient that exists along the flow direction of the heat dissipation surface, and the pressure drop loss is also reduced to a certain extent compared with the pressure drop in the uniform arrangement, and the comprehensive thermal performance is further improved. It shows broad application prospects in the field of high-power integrated circuits and electronic cooling.
- microchannel /
- heat dissipation structure /
- periodic split-flow
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图 3 含有不同数量及排布方式微结构的单/双根微通道示意图: SM1 (0组); SM2 (3组); SM3 (9组); SM4 (15组); DM1 (交错排布); DM2 (渐密排布); DM3 (渐变排布); DM4(交错渐变排布)
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of single/double microchannels with different numbers and arrangements of microstructures: SM1 (0 group); SM2 (3 groups); SM3 (9 groups); SM4 (15 groups); DM1 (staggered arrangement); DM2 (gradually arranged); DM3 (gradient arrangement); DM4 (staggered gradient arrangement)
表 1 不同温度下水的物理参数
Table 1. Physical parameters of water at different temperatures
T/K密度 ρ/
(kg·m–3)恒压热容 cp/
(J·kg–1·K–1)导热系数 κ/
(W·m–1·K–1)动态黏度 μ/
(10–4 Pa·s)293.15 998.2 4186.9 0.59423 10.093 303.15 995.62 4179.7 0.61055 7.96 313.15 992.2 4176.5 0.62516 6.51 323.15 988.05 4176.8 0.6381 5.47 333.15 983.22 4180.2 0.64942 4.70 343.15 977.78 4186.3 0.65916 4.10 353.15 971.78 4194.8 0.66738 3.59 363.15 965.3 4205.4 0.67413 3.17 373.15 958.39 4218.2 0.67944 2.82 383.15 958.39 4233 0.68337 2.53 表 2 硅的物理参数
Table 2. Physical parameters of silicon.
(kg·m–3)恒压热容 cp/
(W·m–1·K–1)硅 2329 700 130 表 3 网格独立性研究
Table 3. Grid independence research
网格1893083 网格21128905 网格31414841 网格41702482 网格51916125 网格63475672 压降损失($ \Delta P $) 4195.0 4287.0 4341.2 4379.9 4409.6 4406.1 最高温度(Tm) 353.05 352.65 352.32 351.94 351.88 351.87 误差 4.8%; 0.33% 2.7%; 0.22% 1.47%; 0.13% 0.59%; 0.020% 0.079%; 0.0028% 基准 -
[1] 刘益才 2006 电子器件 29 296
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[2] Ono M, Hata M, Tsunekawa M, Nozaki K, Sumikura H, Chiba H, Notomi M 2020 Nat. Photonics 14 37
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[10] 裘腾威, 刘敏, 刘源, 张祎, 金涨军 2020 低温与超导 48 85
Qiu T W, Liu M, Liu Y, Zhang W, Jin Z J J 2020 Cryog. Supercond. 48 85
[11] 裘腾威, 刘敏, 刘源, 张祎, 张威 2020 热科学与技术 19 339
Qiu T W, Liu M, Liu Y, Zhang W, Zhang W 2020 J. Therm. Sci. Tech. 19 339
[12] Qi Z, Zheng Y, Zhu X, Wei J, Liu J, Chen L, Li C 2020 Vacuum 177 109377
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[13] Khan M Z U, Uddin E, Akbar B, Akram N, Naqvi A A, Sajid M, Ali Z, Younis M Y, Garcia Marquez F P 2020 Nanomaterials 10 1796
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[14] Bahiraei M, Monavari A, Naseri M, Moayedi H 2020 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 151 119359
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[15] Rubio-Jimenez C A, Hernandez-Guerrero A, Cervantes J G, Lorenzini-Gutierrez D, Gonzalez-Valle C U 2016 Appl. Therm. Eng. 95 374
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[16] 俞炜, 邓梓龙, 吴苏晨, 于程, 王超 2019 68 054701
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Yu W, Deng Z L, Wu S C, Yu C, Wang C 2019 Acta. Phys. Sin. 68 054701
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[17] Ghaedamini H, Salimpour M R, Mujumdar A S 2011 Appl. Therm. Eng. 31 708
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[18] 董涛, 陈运生, 杨朝初, 毕勤成, 吴会龙, 郑国平 2005 化工学报 56 1618
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Dong T, Chen Y S, Yang C C, Bi Q C, Wu H L, Zheng G P 2005 J. Chem. Eng. Data. 56 1618
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[19] Abo-Zahhad E M, Ookawara S, Radwan A, Elkady M F, El-Shazly A H 2020 Case Stud. Therm. Eng. 18 100587
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[20] Wang W, Li Y, Zhang Y, Li B, Sundén B 2019 J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 140 1259
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[22] Zhang M K, Chen S, Shang Z 2012 Acta. Phys. Sin. 61 247
[23] Xia G D, Chai L, Wang H Y, Zhou M Z, Cui Z Z 2010 Appl. Therm. Eng. 31 1208
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[24] Wang R J, Wang J W, Lijin B Q, Zhu Z F 2018 Appl. Therm. Eng. 133 428
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[29] Li Y, Wang Z, Yang J, Liu H 2020 Appl. Therm. Eng. 175 115348
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[30] Li P, Guo D, Huang X 2020 Appl. Therm. Eng. 171 115060
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[32] Zhang C P, Lian Y F, Yu X F, Liu W, Teng J T, Xu T T, Hsu C H, Chang Y J, Greif R 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 66 930
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[33] Lee P S, Garimella S V 2006 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 49 3060
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[34] Wang W, Zhang Y, Lee K S, Li B 2019 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 135 706
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